Dems are so much better at politics!

you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.
He was impeached for lying under oath. Get your history straight.
about a blowjob..... that the same republicans that are now supporting trump literally made a federal case over
So now it's what you lie about, decides if you commit purgury? This is why we will have a Donald Trump presidency. Keep saying stupid shit like that and let the mellinials hear what you're saying.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

Only to dumb shits who lowered the bar so low that no one cares..

You should pat yourself on the back for lowering the moral decay in this country we now have the two lowest scrum nominees yet ~ Trump and Hillary.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.
Also after the disaster Obama and the failure Clinton your trying to get elected. I'd vote for Ron Jeremy before I would vote Clinton. And that is all the liberals fault.
other than being black..... what disaster?
He isn't black, he is mixed. Try again, he is corrupt and was bad for America. Now Ben Carson would've been a great first black President. But liberals can't elect anyone with character.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.

How was that not grounds for impeachment?
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.
Also after the disaster Obama and the failure Clinton your trying to get elected. I'd vote for Ron Jeremy before I would vote Clinton. And that is all the liberals fault.
other than being black..... what disaster?
He isn't black, he is mixed. Try again, he is corrupt and was bad for America. Now Ben Carson would've been a great first black President. But liberals can't elect anyone with character.
why was he bad for america can you say? or is just that he's a democrat and you dont think democrats should be allowed to vote? what is it? its been 8 years has he taken your guns away and put you in a fema camp? has the whole economy collapsed and obamas secret muslim army from mexico taken over? Do we have stalinistic communism, or sharia law. Did any of the bullshit lies repubs spewed for the past 8 years come true?
He was being questioned because of a lawsuit for sexual harassment-

The Impeachment of Bill Clinton, the 42nd President of the United States, was initiated by the House of Representatives on two charges, one of perjuryand one of obstruction of justice, on December 19, 1998. The charges stemmed from his extramarital affair with former White House Intern Monica Lewinsky and his testimony about the affair during a sexual harassment lawsuit filed against him by Paula Jones. He was subsequently acquitted of these charges by the Senate on February 11, 1999.[1] Two other impeachment articles – a second perjury charge and a charge of abuse of power – failed in the House.

Got any other questions momma bear?
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?

By all means start posting quotes and I will counter ( don't have to work today) I bet you were one of those morons who thought O.J.didn't kill Nicole and defended Bill for years till the Kenneth Star report came out and then said the report was disgusting .

Because you didn't want to hear the truth.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

Only to dumb shits who lowered the bar so low that no one cares..

You should pat yourself on the back for lowering the moral decay in this country we now have the two lowest scrum nominees yet ~ Trump and Hillary.
thats right its everyones fault but yours, not even your own nominee is your fault, so much for "personal responsibility" I guess thats just a line you use when you want to cut funding for orphanages and close down homeless shelters
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
Democrats are masters at politics and continually run circles around republicans in elections. Think about what happened when All of Bill Clintons affairs, abuses of women, and even being disbarred came out. The Dems didn't jump ship, they didn't call him out and tell him to step down. No, they circled the wagons, they said crap like it was wrong, but it is his personal life, and he can still do good things. GOP leaders on the other hand are racing for the doors now that a 10 year old recording of Trump engaging in locker room talk has emerged. They are weak and frightened to associate with him, some have even asked him to quit.

How many Dems have condemned the bulldyke for her emails scandal or destroying her husband's sex assault victims. Nope, they have fallen in line like sheep. They ignore Benghazi, Whitewater, Filegate, looting the White House. They don't question any relationships with foreign entities and the Clinton Foundation while Hellary is Secretary of State.

Just watch if any liberals respond to this post. They will have a "yea but...." response. They will fight and defend her like a mother bear. That is what they do, and they are good at it.

The Eleventh Commandment (Ronald Reagan) The Eleventh Commandment was a phrase used by President Ronald Reagan during his 1966 campaign for Governor of California. The Commandment reads: Thou shalt not speak ill of any fellow Republican.

Reagan said it, and the Dems apply the principle masterfully. They will win at all cost.

I think this is the second time you have made this statement. Congress is controlled by Republicans not democrats. The majority of governorship and state legislatures are controlled by Republicans. Just because a black man won the presidency for 8 years doesn't make the democrats great.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.
Also after the disaster Obama and the failure Clinton your trying to get elected. I'd vote for Ron Jeremy before I would vote Clinton. And that is all the liberals fault.
other than being black..... what disaster?
He isn't black, he is mixed. Try again, he is corrupt and was bad for America. Now Ben Carson would've been a great first black President. But liberals can't elect anyone with character.
why was he bad for america can you say? or is just that he's a democrat and you dont think democrats should be allowed to vote? what is it? its been 8 years has he taken your guns away and put you in a fema camp? has the whole economy collapsed and obamas secret muslim army from mexico taken over? Do we have stalinistic communism, or sharia law. Did any of the bullshit lies repubs spewed for the past 8 years come true?
Well race relations are set back 50 years. We even have a black lives leader saying Matthew was environmental racism.
Terrorist attacks becoming the norm now.
The economy does suck.
Obama Care raised healthcare.
Men in women's locker rooms.
Irs attacking Americans for their political beliefs.
Corruption, fast and furious, lied about Bengazi.
That's a few off the top of my head.
Oh and you are free to vote for whoever you want this is a free country.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

Only to dumb shits who lowered the bar so low that no one cares..

You should pat yourself on the back for lowering the moral decay in this country we now have the two lowest scrum nominees yet ~ Trump and Hillary.
thats right its everyones fault but yours, not even your own nominee is your fault, so much for "personal responsibility" I guess thats just a line you use when you want to cut funding for orphanages and close down homeless shelters

How am I responsible for this? Its not me it's you that want the U.S to be a moral decay cross the line shit hole.

Hell I never ever cheated once on a wife or's a line I never crossed.

You wanted to lower the bar by saying it is Ok for the President of the U.S.A. to cheat on his wife fuck any woman that moves married or not.

It wasn't me it was people like you. Now you got the moral decay that you wanted one cares.

You really should pat yourself on the back for this one.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america

The irony is not a,single liberal sees the irony of all this. You are all sheep. You will defend your guy and attack the other with no regard for the truth. Republicans are running away from Trump. Not a single Dem has left Hellary, not even after the DNC chairwoman fell on her sword for the bulldyke when it was exposed they cooked the process to make it impossible for Bernie to win. Even Bernie, the guy they screwed fell in line. It is remarkable.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america

So you are saying to us what I already said...

You know hillary will be caught in more scandals and the GOP Will obstruct her so why vote for her?

The more of The same, what are you insane?
Well race relations are set back 50 years. We even have a black lives leader saying Matthew was environmental racism.
the fact you are now more aware of racism doesn't mean race relations have gone backwards, do you know how stupid it is to say the first black president set race relations backwards but racists who attacked him from day one aren't responsible.... because its his fault for being black

Terrorist attacks becoming the norm now.
compared to bush are you crazy? have you ever heard of 9/11? Even from a bipartisan perspective white supremacist terrorists have been killing people for years. This is just the first time youve been a target

The economy does suck.
how does it suck? and please dont pull out some obscure statistic like labor force participation rates or something, or say it just "feels like it sucks"

Obama Care raised healthcare.
I agree we should have universal healthcare but other than just letting 10's of millions of people not have insurance... republicans have no other plan

Men in women's locker rooms.
at this point your just blaming the future on who is president. Are you going to blame the fact that your kid is always on faceboook on obama as well?

Irs attacking Americans for their political beliefs.
if your political beliefs are how to cheat on your taxes. If democrats got together and formed tax cheating clubs the IRS would go after them too

Corruption, fast and furious, lied about Bengazi.
conspiracy theories

Oh and you are free to vote for whoever you want this is a free country.
thanks you too
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
Republicans are running away from Trump. Not a single Dem has left Hellary,.

Yes ive noticed that too, why do you think that is?
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america
If you would listen, instead of sticking up for them no matter what. Okay I will say this slowly IF THE CLINTON'S DIDN'T LIE IN I THE BEGINNING NOTHING WOULD'VE HAPPENED TO THEM.
you can't threaten to impeach the president because he got a blowjob, and then nominate a sleazebag like Trump, it just doesn't make any sense.

And the Dems will revise history to suit them. He wasn't impeached for a hummer-

President Bill Clinton was impeached on two charges: perjury and obstruction of justice. Mr. Clinton lied under oath about his affair with Monica Lewinsky, but that was not the grounds for impeachment.
thats bullshit and you know it, why the hell was he being questioned about a blowjob in the first place? do you want me to start posting quotes about what they were saying at the time?

here pretend the democrats held federal hearings over whether or not a republican got a blowjob what would your reaction be?
If Clinton wasn't with holding evidence, we wouldn't have found out about the blow job. Just think if he didn't lie about it he wouldn't have been impeached. Also just think if Hillary didn't lie about Bengazi. There would've not been an investigation about it, and we wouldn't have found out about the emails. See a pattern there? Don't be a lying asshole and you don't have to worry.
benghazi and the emails is just another blowjob, your just looking for any reason to impeach the president if he's a democrat, and if you can't impeach, then struggle as hard as you can to obstruct the president so nothing gets done. i bet your still trying to impeach obama for not being born in america

So you are saying to us what I already said...

You know hillary will be caught in more scandals and the GOP Will obstruct her so why vote for her?

The more of The same, what are you insane?
because we dont negotiate with terrorists like you

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