Dems are using litigation to destroy America and its foundation! How do we stop?

Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices

From suing the Boy Scouts to allowing gays in, and girls, to bankrupting every Trump supporter they can!
Putting our great President under hundreds of investigations all because he won the election.. how can the avg joe survive being a pro American
In America with out getting sued?

They're also passing laws and winning elections at the local level in order to spread radical leftist ideology, and they achieve small victories through lower court decisions that change local communities, which Republicans seem to ignore in many places. So yes, the radical left is using our own laws, judicial system and constitutional protections to radically remake our nation in their ideological image. There's only one way to stop it now. We all know what that is.
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How is anything truly stopped?
Second amendment
Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices

From suing the Boy Scouts to allowing gays in, and girls, to bankrupting every Trump supporter they can!
Putting our great President under hundreds of investigations all because he won the election.. how can the avg joe survive being a pro American
In America with out getting sued?


grow up?

stop being such an arsehole?
2nd amendment
the radical left is using our own laws, judicial system and constitutional protections to radically remake our nation in their ideological image.
You want to re-read your post. Who else's laws would we use to mold a nation? Been doing it for a couple centuries now.

they achieve small victories through lower court decisions that change local communities, which Republicans seem to ignore in many places.
And yet who is appointing all the judges these days after holding up appointments throughout the previous admin?

There's only one way to stop it now. We all know what that is.
Childish fool!
Yes, yes, we know.

Now take your vague threats of violence and stick them up your ass.
Why so angry?
Why do you think I'm angry? You're the one hinting at shooting people.
Protecting is not anger .. justice is not anger .. it’s what god wants done
Yes, yes, we know.

Now take your vague threats of violence and stick them up your ass.
Why so angry?
Why do you think I'm angry? You're the one hinting at shooting people.
Protecting is not anger .. justice is not anger .. it’s what god wants done
Threatening to shoot people is anger.

Stop dodging.
Second amendment
Yes, yes, we know.

Now take your vague threats of violence and stick them up your ass.
Why so angry?
Why do you think I'm angry? You're the one hinting at shooting people.
Protecting is not anger .. justice is not anger .. it’s what god wants done
Threatening to shoot people is anger.

Stop dodging.
Sorry you feel that way.. you should know the bill of rights before you trample on my rights
Threatening to shoot people is anger.

Stop dodging.

It's funny when the left shows surprise at being challenged when they seek to restrict constitutional rights. Perhaps they really don't understand the ramifications of their actions.

Odd, that.
Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices

From suing the Boy Scouts to allowing gays in, and girls, to bankrupting every Trump supporter they can!
Putting our great President under hundreds of investigations all because he won the election.. how can the avg joe survive being a pro American
In America with out getting sued?

They're also passing laws and winning elections at the local level in order to spread radical leftist ideology, and they achieve small victories through lower court decisions that change local communities, which Republicans seem to ignore in many places. So yes, the radical left is using our own laws, judicial system and constitutional protections to radically remake our nation in their ideological image. There's only one way to stop it now. We all know what that is.

Places like Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, and other freak shows are heavily republican and they win local elections and go to court to pass idiotic, and many times unconstitutional laws to spread and impose radical right-wing ideology.

Right-wingers just love to use Joseph Goebels' first rule: if you want to get away with something, accuse the opposition loudly of doing it. Some people are wise to this trick.
Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices

From suing the Boy Scouts to allowing gays in, and girls, to bankrupting every Trump supporter they can!
Putting our great President under hundreds of investigations all because he won the election.. how can the avg joe survive being a pro American
In America with out getting sued?

They're also passing laws and winning elections at the local level in order to spread radical leftist ideology, and they achieve small victories through lower court decisions that change local communities, which Republicans seem to ignore in many places. So yes, the radical left is using our own laws, judicial system and constitutional protections to radically remake our nation in their ideological image. There's only one way to stop it now. We all know what that is.

Places like Texas, Missouri, Alabama, Georgia, and other freak shows are heavily republican and they win local elections and go to court to pass idiotic, and many times unconstitutional laws to spread and impose radical right-wing ideology.

Right-wingers just love to use Joseph Goebels' first rule: if you want to get away with something, accuse the opposition loudly of doing it. Some people are wise to this trick.
Sure they do
Bloomberg’s ‘mercenaries’: Billionaire Dem funding network of climate lawyers inside state AG offices

From suing the Boy Scouts to allowing gays in, and girls, to bankrupting every Trump supporter they can!
Putting our great President under hundreds of investigations all because he won the election.. how can the avg joe survive being a pro American
In America with out getting sued?
We stop this by shooting ALL Dems and Libs on sight. (only partially sarcastic)

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