Dems want Laws changed after Rittenhouse shootings. Are vigilantes the answer? (Poll)

Do you support vigilantes policing neighborhoods when the police are unavailable?

  • Yes, people have the right to protect their lives and property

    Votes: 66 95.7%
  • No, criminals have every right to burn, steal, and kill.

    Votes: 3 4.3%

  • Total voters
I am going to point this out, to show that Conservatives don't know shit about math.

In 2020, 241 black people were shot by police.

Total murder victims in 2020 were 9913

3% of black homicides were at the hands of police.

As far as justified shootings, the fact is, American cops kill 1000 people a year of all races.

British cops kill 5 people a year.

Well with 2020 being the year of BLM and negroes gone wild, it doesn’t surprise me their deaths went up. Normally it is less than one percent (10,000+ homicides, with about 100 shooting deaths by cops).
Of course 99% of those shooting deaths by cops are justified.

So the media and you radical lefties have blacks in complete hysteria over a few percent of their violent deaths. Otherwise 10,000 negroes getting murdered by each other is just fine.
Anyone else want to sacrifice their lives and freedom to protect some corporate storefront from damage?
How about all the businesses owned by little people that get damaged?

Many people have their entire life savings invested in their shops and businesses.
It depends on what the question is.

1. Rittenhouse is no 'vigilante'. He is a young manwho made bad decisions while wanting g to help people and ended up being attacked and forced to kill 2 people and wound another in self-defense to save his own life. They rednecks who grabbed their guns, chased down Arbery because they believed he committed a crime and ended up killing him by shooting him twice with a shotgun were vigilantes.
Actually, he is a young punk who bought into the gun cult's lies...

if the jury got to see the video where he beats up a teenage girl, I don't know if they would have been so sympathetic.

2. When you look how Democrsts facilitated domestic terrorists antifa and BLM violence over protecting American citizens, when you look at how Democrats have imported foreign rapists, thieves, pedophiles and murderers, when you see intentional liberal failed policies letting murderers out of jail To prey on US citizens or that facilitates massive looting flash mobs and violent crimes that result in meaningless 'citations', no fines or jail time, WHILE DEFUNDING THE POLICE....
Let's get real here. The jails were already full before things went off the rails last year during TRUMP RIOTS(TM). Nobody had to import rioters, you had enough people in those cities who were fed up with police misconduct, losing their jobs due to TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), or had just had enough.

The POS who ran through the Christmas parade recently, killing 6 people - including children, is an example of sick, twisted liberal fucks having more empathy and sympathy for sick, violent, sadistic criminals / murderers than they have for their victims!
I wasn't aware anyone had any sympathy for Brooks. He's going to spend the rest of his life in prison.

You have to be truly fucked up in the head to let an attempted murderer - who ran over his baby mamma with a car - out of jail on a $1,000 bail. The DA shod be charged as an accomice, for facilitating the vehicular homicides and attempted murders of the others the thug hit.

I agree, our bail system is broken. People who can't make bail stew in jail for non-violent offenses while violent offenders get out on relatively small bails...

So let's get rid of bail and ONLY use jail to hold violent offenders....
Democrats on the Sunday morning shows, as well as many others want laws changed so that law abiding citizens can't defend themselves from criminals.
In SF gangs of looters emptied Louis Vitton and other high-end stores. What if Louis hired a few armed vigilantes?
In Philadelphia, a mom and baby were killed coming home from a baby shower,

NYC Mayor DeBlasio said the Rittenhouse verdict "sends a horrible message"...
De Blasio joins NY’s left in raging over Kyle Rittenhouse — as NYPD on alert for potential unrest
“This verdict is disgusting and it sends a horrible message to this country. Where is the justice in this,” de Blasio tweeted after the 18-year-old defendant was cleared of all charges in the deaths of two men and the wounding of a third during racially charged violence in Kenosha, Wisconsin, in 2020."

"Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.) tweeted, “It’s time to dismantle systemic racism & fundamentally transform our broken justice system.”

California Gov. Gavin Newsom worried about the precedent set by the Rittenhouse case.
“America today: you can break the law, carry around weapons built for a military, shoot and kill people, and get away with it,” the Democrat tweeted. “That’s the message we’ve just sent to armed vigilantes across the nation.”

What if neighborhoods organized vigilantes to shoot criminals in their neighborhoods, today's version of a "well regulated militia"? Would urban gang shootings stop?

Lets take a poll on what should happen when pols and DAs stop police from arresting and prosecuting violent criminals.

Should vigilantes fill the gap and protect neighborhoods from criminals?

[The OP and thread title are now better aligned, sorry for the closure of the first thread discussion]
Can the 2 no vote morons out of 43 votes please identify yourself.......Has to be Creepitus and Nonoccupied
Well with 2020 being the year of BLM and negroes gone wild, it doesn’t surprise me their deaths went up. Normally it is less than one percent (10,000+ homicides, with about 100 shooting deaths by cops).
Of course 99% of those shooting deaths by cops are justified.

So the media and you radical lefties have blacks in complete hysteria over a few percent of their violent deaths. Otherwise 10,000 negroes getting murdered by each other is just fine.

The number of murders went up, but the number of people killed by the cops actually stayed the same..

The police shot 235 black people in 2019 and 241 in 2020.

So the percentage of blacks killed by cops compared to all murders of black people, would actually have been higher.

Here's the ugly reality on homicide. Most people are murdered by people they know - friends, family, neighbors. The US has a higher murder rate compared to other countries because we are the only one to misinterpret a militia amendment as a right to own deadly firearms.
How about all the businesses owned by little people that get damaged?

Many people have their entire life savings invested in their shops and businesses.

Then they should have insurance.

Heck, given how much money small businesses lost as a result of TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), some of them were probably grateful for the looting. "Thank God, we're being looted!!! File that insurance claim!"
The number of murders went up, but the number of people killed by the cops actually stayed the same..

The police shot 235 black people in 2019 and 241 in 2020.

So the percentage of blacks killed by cops compared to all murders of black people, would actually have been higher.

Here's the ugly reality on homicide. Most people are murdered by people they know - friends, family, neighbors. The US has a higher murder rate compared to other countries because we are the only one to misinterpret a militia amendment as a right to own deadly firearms.
No one misinterprets gthe second amendment. It has always garunteed the right to the individual to be armed at has never been a militia amendment
if the jury got to see the video where he beats up a teenage girl, I don't know if they would have been so sympathetic.

I call bullshit.

If that video is the only “evidence” that Mr. Rittenhouse did any such thing, then it is no evidence at all. The quality is so poor that nobody can be identified in it. The article claims that one participant is Mr. Rittenhouse, based on him wearing clothing similar to clothing that Mr. Rittenhouse himself has been seen in pictures wearing. But how many other instances of those same items of clothing are out there, being worn by how many other young men?

It almost looks to me like the New York Post, for whatever reason, is deliberately setting itself up to be the target of a libel lawsuit; which they will surely lose unless they can come up with some credible evidence that it is, in fact Mr. Rittenhouse who appears in that video.
Then they should have insurance.

Whether they should or should not; whether they do or do not; is no excuse whatsoever for subhuman pieces of criminal shit who steal or destroy other people's property, nor for those who defend this behavior. Standing with these animals only proves that you are no better than they are.

Be known by the company that you choose to keep, subhuman piece of shit Incel Joe.
The people who attacked him thought he killed someone and were trying to stop him,
Under WI law, you have an obligation to retreat; you may only use force to defend yourself if you cannot safely do so.
These people -chased- Rittenhouse.
instead of denigrating them they should be commended for there bravery.
Assumng they were doing as you claim, they were vigilantes.
But Kyle had no way to know that in the split second so he shot them..
And did so in self-defense.
This is a miscommunication with guns involved.
Nope. Vigilanteism.
Rittenhouse defensed himself from vigilantes.
No one had threatened to kill Kyle all day long. When did he arrive in Kenosha and why was he breaking curfew when the cops had told everyone to go home?
1: Not guilty
2: Your differing opinion doesn't matter
Actually, he is a young punk who bought into the gun cult's lies...

if the jury got to see the video where he beats up a teenage girl, I don't know if they would have been so sympathetic.

It had nothing to do with sympathy. The trial had nothing to do with if Rittenhouse was a choir boy, a white supremacist or a BLM member. In fairness, it also doesn't matter the morality or lack of thereof of his victims. Did Rittenhouse defend himself and was he in imminent danger. The clear answer is yes. You are trying to inject all this emotional junk that is irrelevent.

Let's get real here. The jails were already full before things went off the rails last year during TRUMP RIOTS(TM). Nobody had to import rioters, you had enough people in those cities who were fed up with police misconduct, losing their jobs due to TRUMP PLAGUE(TM), or had just had enough.

What is the impetus behind Biden's Smash and Dash? What about the Biden Supply Chain Disruption? Has it ever occurred to you that losers will be losers and they will loot and NOT work because that is what they do? Well, that and vote for Democrats.

So let's get rid of bail and ONLY use jail to hold violent offenders....

Right, that is working out really well. Just let people walk into any store and take what they want. No consequences. Great idea.

So the percentage of blacks killed by cops compared to all murders of black people, would actually have been higher.

I see that percentages are all of a sudden relevant again. Now, let's apply that to your lame white people welfare argument.
Your poll is for biased morons and will yield exactly the results you want it to because anyone with half a brain will not vote.

On the subject of your post, you've just reset the whole definition of self defense. That's gonna have wide ranging and unforeseen consequences.
If someone attacks me I am allowed to defend myself. Pretty simple to understand even for a complete waste of life asshole like you.
The US has a higher murder rate compared to other countries because we are the only one to misinterpret a militia amendment as a right to own deadly firearms.
We have to have guns.

Because, blacks.
The number of murders went up, but the number of people killed by the cops actually stayed the same..

The police shot 235 black people in 2019 and 241 in 2020.

So the percentage of blacks killed by cops compared to all murders of black people, would actually have been higher.

Here's the ugly reality on homicide. Most people are murdered by people they know - friends, family, neighbors. The US has a higher murder rate compared to other countries because we are the only one to misinterpret a militia amendment as a right to own deadly firearms.
How many people did police shoot overall? That number is basically the monthly death toll in Chicago. One death is a tragedy. 250 deaths is a statistic.
The Judge let Rittenhouse choose the jurors who would deliberate. He said it was because it gave the accused more control and made them feel good
He let him blindly pick names out of a container. That's random chance, or at least as random as you can get in the real world.

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