Dems want photos, fingerprints for hand gun purchases...has it worked in Baltimore?


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

No...they just want a picture when you buy alcohol, cigarettes or use your charge card.....
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

Don't think they do but it is a good idea.
fraud would be impossible. Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

Don't think they do but it is a good idea.
fraud would be impossible. Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.

And what would that do.....nothing.....a gun is stolen and sold for doesn't matter if you can trace it back to the owner....he didn't kill anyone....

Straw purchase....gets the gun.....sells it "Gee officer....someone stole my guns...." again....none of those measures does anything....

Why is it that you guys can't get it in your heads that the only thing that actually works is catching a criminal using a gun illegally and arresting them.....everything else is just busy work or "make the anti gunners feel good..." work........

If you catch a felon in possession of any gun...arrest background check, no registration, no finger print needed for law abiding citizens....why can't you get that....

If you have a felon with a gun......ask them and offer them time off if they serve up their straw purchaser....then set up a police sting on the background check, no registration, no finger prints needed.....

If you want to catch people buying guns with criminal records...use the current background check system.....go to a gun show with guns and offer them for sale...when criminals try to buy the guns tell them you need a background check...if they say they can't pass but will pay you a lot more for the gun if you ignore the background check that we already make the sale and arrest them....

no need for registration, no need for finger printing.....

Why don't you guys get that..........?
Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.
Registration and licensing are different sides of the same coin -- in both cases, you have to tell the state when and how you will exercise a right before the state will grant its permission to do so.
Clearly, this infringes upon the right to arms every bit as much as it infringes on any other right.
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

Don't think they do but it is a good idea.
fraud would be impossible. Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.

And what would that do.....nothing.....a gun is stolen and sold for doesn't matter if you can trace it back to the owner....he didn't kill anyone....

Straw purchase....gets the gun.....sells it "Gee officer....someone stole my guns...." again....none of those measures does anything....

Why is it that you guys can't get it in your heads that the only thing that actually works is catching a criminal using a gun illegally and arresting them.....everything else is just busy work or "make the anti gunners feel good..." work........

If you catch a felon in possession of any gun...arrest background check, no registration, no finger print needed for law abiding citizens....why can't you get that....

If you have a felon with a gun......ask them and offer them time off if they serve up their straw purchaser....then set up a police sting on the background check, no registration, no finger prints needed.....

If you want to catch people buying guns with criminal records...use the current background check system.....go to a gun show with guns and offer them for sale...when criminals try to buy the guns tell them you need a background check...if they say they can't pass but will pay you a lot more for the gun if you ignore the background check that we already make the sale and arrest them....

no need for registration, no need for finger printing.....

Why don't you guys get that..........?

Asking for ID when voting does absolutely nothing to prevent nonexistent fraud either. It's busy work. No need for ID .Both are constitutionally protected rights.Both should be looked at with at least equal scrutiny. I happen to feel that there are many people making an income from buying and selling guns outside of any oversight. I can go into a gun show and purchase a shopping cart full of guns and wheel it out to the parking lot and sell every one of them legally and without documentation.You can't tell me that there aren't people doing that and that a percentage of those don't end up in the hands of criminals. Requiring registration requires a change of title with a sale much like a car. If I go to a gun show and purchase a gun and If I wish to sell it , it can only be sold to an eligable buyer who must qualify to register it themselves. I would like to think that responsible gun owners like myself would be in favor of such security for our rights. People are only in favor of gun restrictions because there is such a large area for potential misuse.
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Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.
Registration and licensing are different sides of the same coin -- in both cases, you have to tell the state when and how you will exercise a right before the state will grant its permission to do so.
Clearly, this infringes upon the right to arms every bit as much as it infringes on any other right.

Like voting?
It won't pass anyway, so it doesn't matter.
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

Don't think they do but it is a good idea.
fraud would be impossible. Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.

And what would that do.....nothing.....a gun is stolen and sold for doesn't matter if you can trace it back to the owner....he didn't kill anyone....

Straw purchase....gets the gun.....sells it "Gee officer....someone stole my guns...." again....none of those measures does anything....

Why is it that you guys can't get it in your heads that the only thing that actually works is catching a criminal using a gun illegally and arresting them.....everything else is just busy work or "make the anti gunners feel good..." work........

If you catch a felon in possession of any gun...arrest background check, no registration, no finger print needed for law abiding citizens....why can't you get that....

If you have a felon with a gun......ask them and offer them time off if they serve up their straw purchaser....then set up a police sting on the background check, no registration, no finger prints needed.....

If you want to catch people buying guns with criminal records...use the current background check system.....go to a gun show with guns and offer them for sale...when criminals try to buy the guns tell them you need a background check...if they say they can't pass but will pay you a lot more for the gun if you ignore the background check that we already make the sale and arrest them....

no need for registration, no need for finger printing.....

Why don't you guys get that..........?

Asking for ID when voting does absolutely nothing to prevent nonexistent fraud either. It's busy work. No need for ID .Both are constitutionally protected rights.Both should be looked at with at least equal scrutiny. I happen to feel that there are many people making an income from buying and selling guns outside of any oversight. I can go into a gun show and purchase a shopping cart full of guns and wheel it out to the parking lot and sell every one of them legally and without documentation.You can't tell me that there aren't people doing that and that a percentage of those don't end up in the hands of criminals. Requiring registration requires a change of title with a sale much like a car. If I go to a gun show and purchase a gun and If I wish to sell it , it can only be sold to an eligable buyer who must qualify to register it themselves. I would like to think that responsible gun owners like myself would be in favor of such security for our rights. People are only in favor of gun restrictions because there is such a large area for potential misuse.

And again....if the seller doesn't care about the law, or will take the risk then registration does nothing to stop the sale in your example....why can't you people understand that.....

When the criminal uses one of those guns to commit a criminal act you can arrest them.......if you find a felon in possession of any gun, regardless of how they got it, from the guy above in your example or finding it lying in the is against the law and you can arrest them......

What registration does is catches people who aren't in the gun members who have to get rid of a gun of a dead relative...who sell it or give it away and will now be that what you want.....some innocent, law abiding citizen facing huge fines and jail time....while the real criminals get whatever gun they want without any paperwork.......

If a seller doesn't mind the consequences, and just wants the can register guns all day long......he just reports a break in and that the guns were stolen........

And the "gun show" loophole is a gun phobic, gun grabbing myth....
Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.
Registration and licensing are different sides of the same coin -- in both cases, you have to tell the state when and how you will exercise a right before the state will grant its permission to do so.
Clearly, this infringes upon the right to arms every bit as much as it infringes on any other right.

Like voting?

No...showing who you are does not stop you from voting.......paying a fee to register to vote was tried by the democrats when they were keeping blacks from voting....that is a "Poll Tax" and it is what you want to do to gun want to charge them a fee to register their guns....a "poll tax" to exercise a right....and as history has shown, registering guns

1) does not work...Canada already tried it with just 5 million guns and it became so expensive, so wasteful of manpower that they stopped it....

2) it is the first step to eventual banning and we have seen around the world and locally for various types of weapons......

3) criminals are not legally required to register illegal virtue of a Supreme Court decision which stated that would be an act of self the only people legally madated to register their guns would be law abiding citizens.....what fucking sense does that make........

4) registering guns would not stop or solve any crimes.......stolen guns and guns sold through straw purchasers would not lead to the arrest of anyone but the criminal when they are caught in the act of carrying or using a gun....and that doesn't require registration, fingerprinting or licensing....

All of the mass shooters either avoided or complied with all the laws you guys want....even the mass shooter in Norway complied with all the laws of Norway to get his guns...dittos Santa Barbara...followed all the laws of California to get his guns, the 2 Fort Hood shooters, Virginia tech, the columbine shooters bought their guns illegally...they were underage, Sandy Hook...murdered the owner and stole them.....

So these laws are useless and do nothing to keep guns out of the hands of criminals...what part of that is so hard to understand for you guys?
Repubs want it for voting. Being as they are both constitutionally protected rights, then do it for both. Win/ win.
Republicans want fingerprints for voting?
Where? When?
I mean, there's certainly the infrastructure for obtaining and maintaining a database of thumbprints that could easily accessed at the polls - you swipe your thumb and get a green light to vote -- so its a great idea - but has anyone actually proposed such legislation?

Don't think they do but it is a good idea.
fraud would be impossible. Fraudulant gun ownership would be exposed just as quickly. If guns were registered as well the chain of custody would be immediately known and would lead directly to the point of origin for a theft or illegal sale.

And what would that do.....nothing.....a gun is stolen and sold for doesn't matter if you can trace it back to the owner....he didn't kill anyone....

Straw purchase....gets the gun.....sells it "Gee officer....someone stole my guns...." again....none of those measures does anything....

Why is it that you guys can't get it in your heads that the only thing that actually works is catching a criminal using a gun illegally and arresting them.....everything else is just busy work or "make the anti gunners feel good..." work........

If you catch a felon in possession of any gun...arrest background check, no registration, no finger print needed for law abiding citizens....why can't you get that....

If you have a felon with a gun......ask them and offer them time off if they serve up their straw purchaser....then set up a police sting on the background check, no registration, no finger prints needed.....

If you want to catch people buying guns with criminal records...use the current background check system.....go to a gun show with guns and offer them for sale...when criminals try to buy the guns tell them you need a background check...if they say they can't pass but will pay you a lot more for the gun if you ignore the background check that we already make the sale and arrest them....

no need for registration, no need for finger printing.....

Why don't you guys get that..........?

Asking for ID when voting does absolutely nothing to prevent nonexistent fraud either. It's busy work. No need for ID .Both are constitutionally protected rights.Both should be looked at with at least equal scrutiny. I happen to feel that there are many people making an income from buying and selling guns outside of any oversight. I can go into a gun show and purchase a shopping cart full of guns and wheel it out to the parking lot and sell every one of them legally and without documentation.You can't tell me that there aren't people doing that and that a percentage of those don't end up in the hands of criminals. Requiring registration requires a change of title with a sale much like a car. If I go to a gun show and purchase a gun and If I wish to sell it , it can only be sold to an eligable buyer who must qualify to register it themselves. I would like to think that responsible gun owners like myself would be in favor of such security for our rights. People are only in favor of gun restrictions because there is such a large area for potential misuse.

As a responsible gun owner I want gun laws that actually focus on criminals...not peaceful, law abiding citizens.....when a criminal uses a gun to commit a crime, arrest them. If a felon is caught in possession of a gun, arrest them. Very simple...very easy to understand and execute, and no need to bother people who aren't breaking the law.

If you want to set up law enforcement stings to catch criminals at gun shows......go for it....have them set up fake sellers and see who tries to buy guns they aren't legally allowed to buy...then arrest those buyers.....

Send in cops to gun shows to buy guns.....tell the sellers they can't pass a background check but still want to buy..and if the seller sells...then you can arrest them....

no muss, no fuss and no violation of the 2nd Amendment rights of only catch criminals......
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
dems also want to register all of the chalk body outlines for the 2016 election.
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
dems also want to register all of the chalk body outlines for the 2016 election.

That is no problem....I live in Illinois....election day is like Halloween with all the dead people voting.....
Honest people behave themselves. No one needs to be in their faces. They live quiet peaceful productive happy healthy lives. Some have guns for sport and self protection. They purchase legal everything including guns.
It's the feral inner city simians who lead unproductive empty violent lives who steal guns and couldn't care less about obeying any laws who are the ones who need to be watched. They are human scum. They murder each other for a pair of fucking Nikes.
Nothing will ever change for the better. Only get worse and worse until most decent people no longer bother to even be interested. Trillions of 'Makers' tax dollars have been flushed down inner city shitholes for decades and yes things have 'changed'. For the worse thanks to BOBO and his 'bum-buddy' Sharpton.
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
dems also want to register all of the chalk body outlines for the 2016 election.

That is no problem....I live in Illinois....election day is like Halloween with all the dead people voting.....
as Illinois turns redder, the cheating dems will just start registering stray dogs and rats.
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
dems also want to register all of the chalk body outlines for the 2016 election.

That is no problem....I live in Illinois....election day is like Halloween with all the dead people voting.....
as Illinois turns redder, the cheating dems will just start registering stray dogs and rats.

What makes you think they haven't already? We just might not know it yet.....
You know....they want to ban guns so bad they can taste it.......but till they can fool the American people, or they can get enough political muscle to do it without repercussions at the ballot box...they will keep pushing for laws that don't do one thing to stop criminals...but will affect law abiding gun owners....

And keep in mind...Baltimore has every single one of these things...and it doesn't stop their gun murders...

And France has extreme gun control...dittos Denmark.......more gun control than we have...and their criminals get fully automatic weapons whenever they want them...

Dittos Puerto Rico....they have the strictest gun control, they are an isolated island nation, in the United States and it's territories...and it has the highest gun murder rate in the world...according to VICE T.V.

New gun control demand Photos fingerprints background check before handgun purchase

Time after time the dimwits get their teeth kicked in on these anti gun measures, they'll never learn
dems also want to register all of the chalk body outlines for the 2016 election.

That is no problem....I live in Illinois....election day is like Halloween with all the dead people voting.....
as Illinois turns redder, the cheating dems will just start registering stray dogs and rats.

There is some hope in a new jobs creation bill........the democrats want to erect a revenue protection structure around the entire state......this would be a wall...20 ft. high...with concertina wire, tangle foot, and keep revenue/people from leaving the is the natural progression of lefty/progressive/democrat/liberal economic policies.......

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