Demystifying Shariah Law: What It Is, & Why It's Not Taking Over USA...we need anti-Islamophobia education in the wake of Rezwan Kohistani's lynching

Jerusalem had been held by the Romans for centuries, until they finally abandoned it.
Then it slowly became populated by Muslims, without any fighting at all.
Mohammed was around 650 AD.
The first crusade was no until around 1100 AD, and had nothing at all to do with Muslims, who had peacefully occupied Jerusalem for over 500 years.
The Crusades were just totally greedy imperialism, without any justification of any kind.
The only use of force was by the illegal Crusaders.
Why are you yet again lying? Jerusalem was taken by the Muslims in a bloody conquest ending with the Siege of Jerusalem leading to it's fall.

It was all a part of their conquest of "The Levant".

Islam has been spread at the point of a sword since it's founding.
You just put up a link, without any quote or comment, and others are supposed to figure out what you mean?
I don't see anyone but yourself whining which tells me the others are bright enough to read for themselves without me cherry picking passages.

It's only about a one minute read even for the intellectually weak.
The Crusades were in illegal invasion by foreign Europeans, and had no ethical basis.
WRONG! The crusades were in response to the incursion of Muslims who were subjugating and killing those wo did not submit. Funny that when the shoe is on the other foot they cried victim...
Lets make this easy for you to understand. SHARIA law is both a religion and a government. The US Constitution forbids this from becoming law in the US. Your religion can not be the state.

Murdering a person, in the US, due to their beliefs or nonbelief is not tolerated. Sharai Law does not allow "non-compliance". Take your first century garbage back to the middle east.

Sharia is the part of the Islamic law that is voluntary, for domestic matters, and is not at all incompatible with US law.
Of course everyone in the US is using some religion or other as the basis for their ethical choices.
So that is no different at all from Sharia.

Murdering a person, due to their beliefs of nonbeliefs is not tolerated under Sharia law as well.
And when you claim Sharia law does no allow for "nonpcompliance", you are lying.
I do not like Islam, as I think it is way too strict, but you really know nothing at all about it.
I'm pretty sure that the taking by force of most of the Mediterranean countries including Jerusalem is what led to the Crusades.

The First Crusade was specifically to win back Jerusalem from Muslim invaders.
The first people they killed were Jews.
Sharia is the part of the Islamic law that is voluntary, for domestic matters, and is not at all incompatible with US law.
Of course everyone in the US is using some religion or other as the basis for their ethical choices.
So that is no different at all from Sharia.

Murdering a person, due to their beliefs of nonbeliefs is not tolerated under Sharia law as well.
And when you claim Sharia law does no allow for "nonpcompliance", you are lying.
I do not like Islam, as I think it is way too strict, but you really know nothing at all about it.
It hasn't been "voluntary" in any Muslim nation yet that has enacted it.
The status of Dhimmi is NOT inferior to a Muslim
The point is, he was not a declared Dhimmi. He didn't need to declare as such, as Egypt does not follow strict sharia law, in this respect. My quote/link clearly shows that a declared Dhimmi can enjoy the the Sharia protections of an actual Muslim. Which is equivalent to saying, in this specific space, that a Dhimmi is not inferior to a Muslim. So you just agreed with my post without realizing it. Slow down, you're rabid.

What does "declare as a Dhimmi" mean? It means total subjugation to Sharia Law of the land. Let's get that on record right now. Subjugate yourself to Sharia law, and it protects you like you are a Muslim. That's the proposition on the table. It's theocratic evil.

In this example we are talking about, you see how the law is better by any modern rational or moral standard because of the degree of its abandonment of Sharia law. Sharia law does not get credit for this; it gets the blame for opposing it and the pariah status of an inferior, defeated opponent. This happened quite in spite of Sharia law, and in instead in the spirit of secular government. It should be applauded, but it's the kind applause given to a three year old for pooping in the potty chair, in 2021.
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Well that's nonsense. Christianity is and always has been the majority religion in the US.

Except that no one in the US practices Christianity.
If we did, then we would have no executions, wars, police, etc.
We would not be lying about other countries, like Iraqi WMD, and we would not be invading innocent countries all the time.
The claim of US Christianity is about biggest fraud I have ever seen.
Sharia is the part of the Islamic law that is voluntary, for domestic matters, and is not at all incompatible with US law.
Sharia is the Islamic law as a whole. Each Muslim follows it and each Islamic government applies it.
In the past few decades, Muslims have gained a very negative reputation around the world. In the West, a horde of so-called Muslim groups have gained notoriety. Many people consider these groups to be the face of Islam, whereas this couldn’t be further from reality. Due to media perceptions and propaganda, many people around the world think that Islam sanctions murder and killing. They have the misconception that Islam sanctions the murder of non-Muslims. Some even go so far as to think that this is a religious duty – a preposterous idea indeed.

The reality is that Islam is a practical religion that caters to all walks of life. Islam values human life tremendously, and committing murder is a severe violation of the law according to the Islamic Shari’ah. Allah discusses murder and killing in the Quran. Furthermore, we can find lots of information regarding the measures taken by the Shari’ah to punish those who engage in murder and killing. Homicide is a crime, and it requires laws and regulations that authorities must follow and enforce. Any person who commits such a crime must face the law.

Islam does not allow murder, and executions are required to be as quick and painless as possible.
So then obviously stoning is never legal, as decapitation is the only legal form of execution.
Islam has been spread at the point of a sword since it's founding.
Incorrect .... :cool:
Islam was spread throughout Asia by muslims that were businessman traders who shared their religion with the people they bought and sold trade goods. An example of this is Indonesia, the largest muslim populated country in the world, and its neighbor Malaysia.

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