Denying the war on Christmas


Platinum Member
Mar 10, 2017
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas?
It's more serious than than. They're trying to import more people from shit hole countries. They want more Muslims, Jews, Hindus, and Buddhist in America so we would no longer be a Christian country.
Are Christians the only ones allowed to celebrate in December?
Such as? They're totally welcome to have their own unique celebration in December. They are NOT, however, welcome to nullify the tradition of other Americans. Celebrate it or ignore it but don't try to stop others from celebrating an ancient holiday that happens to anger you.
Are Christians the only ones allowed to celebrate in December?
I know that through the eyes of a lefty, it probably looks like the opening post states that Christians are the only ones allowed to celebrate Christmas, but it does not. It doesn't even mention them, and it is not about them. By evading the opening post though, you leave a picture worth a thousand words. You are denying the war on Christmas. Why do you feel compelled to deny your war on Christmas?
Such as? They're totally welcome to have their own unique celebration in December. They are NOT, however, welcome to nullify the tradition of other Americans. Celebrate it or ignore it but don't try to stop others from celebrating an ancient holiday that happens to anger you.
How exactly have you been prevented from celebrating anything you want? As long as you don't try to make others join you, I don't see a problem.
I know that through the eyes of a lefty, it probably looks like the opening post states that Christians are the only ones allowed to celebrate Christmas, but it does not. It doesn't even mention them, and it is not about them. By evading the opening post though, you leave a picture worth a thousand words. You are denying the war on Christmas. Why do you feel compelled to deny your war on Christmas?
Please give examples of a war on Christmas. How have you been prevented from celebrating?
This evasion of the 3 examples in the opening post is an attempt to deny the lefty war on Christmas. Why are you attempting to deny the lefty war on Christmas? What do you get out of denying the lefty war on Christmas?
What is this war on Christmas?
Non-believers trying to take the religious superstitious beliefs out of it?
How exactly have you been prevented from celebrating anything you want? As long as you don't try to make others join you, I don't see a problem.
There is no question that lefties are at war with Christmas, the question is simply why do you deny your war on Christmas? You do not need to repeatedly illustrate the denial, just tell me why you deny it.
Are Christians the only ones allowed to celebrate in December?
Of course they are. However, when the complexion of the nation is changed on purpose for elitists reasons, and you see a war on half the population it is obvious what is going on.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
Lol, more of your horseshit panic porn. I have celebrated Christmas for 50 years now with out a hitch. Have not dodged one bullet. Say merry Christmas with no one getting angry with me. All the same Holliday specials are on tv and even more Christmas movies to watch. So where is this war on Christmas? There ain't one. As far as the immigration thing most your immigrants are Mexican of which most are Catholics. More horse shit from idiots is all you got
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
All leftists are atheists? Then all righties are fascists.

Christmas is a pagan holiday plagarized by early christian leaders because they needed something to attract worshippers. Same with Easter, Halloween (All Hallows), St Valentine's Day, most religious wedding traditions, etc.
This evasion of the 3 examples in the opening post is an attempt to deny the lefty war on Christmas. Why are you attempting to deny the lefty war on Christmas? What do you get out of denying the lefty war on Christmas?
You're kidding, right? You're pouting because somebody didn't say Merry Christmas to you? I'm guessing they don't give a shit either way if you have a Merry Christmas. We all celebrate in our own way. You can't make others celebrate the way you do dumb ass. Quit whining like a spoiled baby.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
Prove that all leftists or Democrats are atheists.
So it is no surprise that lefties are atheists, and we know that Christmas is a religion based holiday. Why then, do lefties deny their war on Christmas? When lefties try to replace "Merry Christmas" with "happy holiday", why do they claim there is no war on Christmas? When lefties remake Christmas songs with woke agenda, why do they deny their war on Christmas? What advantage does denying the war on Christmas have for Christmas hating lefties?
Your post needs more christmas.

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