‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign

WTF is wrong with these people. Seriously what is wrong these knuckle-draggers that support Trump. A church was firebombed and they wrote vote Trump on the side and now this.

They aren't angry, they are ill.
WTF is wrong with your knuckle_draggers stealing our signs@isaacnewton . For the record, I think doing that to a sign is like putting spikes atop a dense to cause harm to prowlers climbing over. So are you going to be fair and say the sign stealers should stop or be arrested for stealing?

Uh, the blades were hidden.
I didn't see anything that stated the villain is a Trump supporter.
Good, he shoulda killed him. One less lying fucking democrat.

He was just a volunteer poll worker. What makes you think he deserved to be killed? Or is that just your mental illness talking again? Need a refill?
More from your Drumpfster voter, people. Obviously, he is lashing out because he knows what's coming on Tuesday.
I think all the LWNJs are upset thier hitlery lost....
‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign

Alternate thread title: "Trump Campaign Afraid Of Losing Attempts To Frighten Voters Away From The Polls Hoping This Will Tip The Scales On His Losing Campaign"..
Especially after Hillary mops the floor with his orange ass.
Remember. We have all the guns. You Hillary crime family supporters had betterWatch your six Tuesday if we lose., Bwha ha ha hah!

"An election worker in Plano, Texas was reportedly injured by box cutter blades that were hidden in a Trump-Pence campaign sign.

The Dallas Morning News reported that the sign was found zip-tied to an official polling site sign at 2800 East Spring Creek Parkway at Collin College.

According to KTVT, the sign was placed where the suspect knew that poll workers would have to remove it. And after a precinct official ordered the sign taken down, a volunteer was sliced open by the hidden box cutter blades."

‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign
Is this picture fake or is the poll worker a retard? The so called blades are pretty fucking obvious in the picture.as a matter of fact a little too obvious. If you were out to hurt anyone for touching your sign you wouldn't put ten blades in a row along the bottom sticking out like that and glue residue all over the sign.. I'm pretty sure this is a democrat fake ass event. Only a democrat could present this as reality and fall for it. This whole "event" is more democrat bullshit news.

"An election worker in Plano, Texas was reportedly injured by box cutter blades that were hidden in a Trump-Pence campaign sign.

The Dallas Morning News reported that the sign was found zip-tied to an official polling site sign at 2800 East Spring Creek Parkway at Collin College.

According to KTVT, the sign was placed where the suspect knew that poll workers would have to remove it. And after a precinct official ordered the sign taken down, a volunteer was sliced open by the hidden box cutter blades."

‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign
Is this picture fake or is the poll worker a retard? The so called blades are pretty fucking obvious in the picture.as a matter of fact a little too obvious. If you were out to hurt anyone for touching your sign you wouldn't put ten blades in a row along the bottom sticking out like that and glue residue all over the sign.. I'm pretty sure this is a democrat fake ass event. Only a democrat could present this as reality and fall for it. This whole "event" is more democrat bullshit news.

Sure, when you're looking at it from the bottom and expect to see the blades as you've already been informed of them. No one would expect to find box cutter blades implanted on the bottom of a campaign sign.

The sign has been seized by the authorities, and other signs are now being checked.

Trump voters are the absolute scourge of the Earth.

"An election worker in Plano, Texas was reportedly injured by box cutter blades that were hidden in a Trump-Pence campaign sign.

The Dallas Morning News reported that the sign was found zip-tied to an official polling site sign at 2800 East Spring Creek Parkway at Collin College.

According to KTVT, the sign was placed where the suspect knew that poll workers would have to remove it. And after a precinct official ordered the sign taken down, a volunteer was sliced open by the hidden box cutter blades."

‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign
Is this picture fake or is the poll worker a retard? The so called blades are pretty fucking obvious in the picture.as a matter of fact a little too obvious. If you were out to hurt anyone for touching your sign you wouldn't put ten blades in a row along the bottom sticking out like that and glue residue all over the sign.. I'm pretty sure this is a democrat fake ass event. Only a democrat could present this as reality and fall for it. This whole "event" is more democrat bullshit news.

Sure, when you're looking at it from the bottom and expect to see the blades as you've already been informed of them. No one would expect to find box cutter blades implanted on the bottom of a campaign sign.

The sign has been seized by the authorities, and other signs are now being checked.

Trump voters are the absolute scourge of the Earth.
If they are being checked I would look for a democrat idiots 3rd grader making this as the responsible party. That's how low you people are willing to go.
Good, he shoulda killed him. One less lying fucking democrat.

He was just a volunteer poll worker. What makes you think he deserved to be killed? Or is that just your mental illness talking again? Need a refill?
More from your Drumpfster voter, people. Obviously, he is lashing out because he knows what's coming on Tuesday.
A landslide followed by your whores incarceration.
Good, he shoulda killed him. One less lying fucking democrat.
This, ladies and gentleman, is your classic Drumpster. This is the kind of person that supports Drumpf.

Another typical Drumpster on display in all their pathetic glory...

The desperation you criminals have is growing by leaps and bounds. Now, you scum are relagated to using halloween props to prove you "position". What sorry scum!

"An election worker in Plano, Texas was reportedly injured by box cutter blades that were hidden in a Trump-Pence campaign sign.

The Dallas Morning News reported that the sign was found zip-tied to an official polling site sign at 2800 East Spring Creek Parkway at Collin College.

According to KTVT, the sign was placed where the suspect knew that poll workers would have to remove it. And after a precinct official ordered the sign taken down, a volunteer was sliced open by the hidden box cutter blades."

‘Deplorable’ suspect draws blood from poll worker by hiding box cutter blades in Trump-Pence sign

That has all the earmarks of a democrat operative setting a trap to try and cause outrage. And leave it to a dipshit, like you, to fall for it. No trumpster supporter is going to booby trap a sign on property that signs are not allowed on. But, we have LOADS of evidence that the democrat operatives have been drumming up violent attacks at rally's all over the country.

Who to believe, those under attack, or those directing and initiating the attacks? Jeez, that's a no brainer. The democrat party are the Sturm Abteilung this time around.

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