DeSantis down by 13 points to Democrat Charlie Crist in new poll

I'd be interested in seeing real polls in the coming months. I personally think this disney stuff will bite him in the ass in the end, but who knows.

Democrats lie. It's what they do.

Crist is going to get creamed.

Florida Republican state Sen. Manny Diaz said property taxes could rise 15 to 20% for homeowners.

Crackhota hates the man who protected little children from pedophile groomers.
That tells you all you need to know about Crackhota.
Yep... You know what the American Indians used to do to homos? I don't even want to tell you.
Wow! Now that's sumpthun!
Is this because Disney is sacred and De Santis gambled very wrong? Or is it a reflection on Trump along with that?

Big news for a potential condender for the pres job!
DeSantis has made some pretty unpopular decisions in the state trying to use us as a stepping stone to the national office. He ran as an alternative to Rick Scott's stupid partisan bullshit and damned if he is not acting just like him. Seemingly more interested in the national news cameras than running our ridiculously complicated state.
how about this for proof .... if a dem had that large a lead in FL the leftstream media would be crowing about it 24/7 ....

It's April. Too soon to start "crowing" too loudly. We're just on the sidelines watching DeSantis self-destruct. He wants the White House as badly as McCarthy wants House Speaker.

Go Charlie!!!!!
I'd be interested in seeing real polls in the coming months. I personally think this disney stuff will bite him in the ass in the end, but who knows.
the majority of Americans dont want sex ed taught to 1st 2nd and 3rd graders ... Disney took a stance against the majority of Americans .... i personally think the Disney stance will hurt their bottom line big time .
It's April. Too soon to start "crowing" too loudly. We're just on the sidelines watching DeSantis self-destruct. He wants the White House as badly as McCarthy wants House Speaker.

Go Charlie!!!!!
certainly not ! crow away my friend !
Maybe some of you DeSantis NaziCons could cite some "credible" polls showing that DeSantis is ahead...

They can't. Their poll is something they pull out of their ass, and then repeat over and over again, hoping it comes true, while striking out in the darkness.

AKA: The Republican campaign circus.

These are the same people that had Trump beating Biden in a landslide, and Republicans keeping the Senate.

Real prognosticators these people.
the majority of Americans dont want sex ed taught to 1st 2nd and 3rd graders ... Disney took a stance against the majority of Americans .... i personally think the Disney stance will hurt their bottom line big time .

Yeah, sex should be taught at home - as in homeskooled.

A shocking poll now shows A Democrat has taken the lead against Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis in the 2022 election.

According to a new poll of likely Florida voters, Charlie Crist is now a step closer to making Ron DeSantis a former Governor.

Great news! I hope it's true and I hope it holds! What do you think?

I've never heard of the pollster, so I would take it with a grain of salt.

RCP has DeSantis up by 8.8 points.


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