DeSantis to investigate GoFundMe over Canada trucker fund

They never did pocket the money they have offered refunds since the problem developed and closed the account.

The refunds should be automatic and at GoFundMe's expense.


Looks like DeSantis was threatening criminal charges. Somebody was going to jail.

GoFUNDme heads still need to go to jail. They are discriminating and were trying to steal donations. In fact, they have even now succeeding in stealing these donations from the truckers.
Texas and Florida

Fox Business: GoFundMe backtracks on redistributing money for Canadian truckers, under threat of fraud investigation.
Someone seriously needs to set up a new crowd funding platform.

I have a terrible memory, but this is not the first time a cause has been stopped short. . . oh yeah, it was that Rittenhouse kerfuffle that was stopped short.

. . . they didn't allow donations to be gathered for that cause on that platform b/c of politics either on that one too.

If you don't have the right politics, Gofuckyourself can't be used.

Someone seriously needs to set up a new crowd funding platform.

I have a terrible memory, but this is not the first time a cause has been stopped short. . . oh yeah, it was that Rittenhouse kerfuffle that was stopped short.

. . . they didn't allow donations to be gathered for that cause on that platform b/c of politics either on that one too.

If you don't have the right politics, Gofuckyourself can't be used.


GoFundMe me is a joke. I'd never transact business through them
Way past tiresome. Usually off topic, never funny and childish trolling
Most topics I don't care.

But? When it comes to Vaccine Passports?

Even folks on the left should care about that. . . If they don't get that? They are ignorant to history. Seriously, that is what this protest is all about, and here he Moon is, treating it, and the folks in charge, like it is nothing to worry about? SMH.

I mean, that is how fascist Germany literally got started, by issuing HEALTH PASSES, and confiscating the arms of people it thought were a threat to it's rule. :rolleyes:


Nazi Germany gesundheitspass (health pass)

The parallel between COVID vaccine passports and Nazi Germany​

". . . . In 1940s Germany, the Main Office for Public Health of the National Socialist German Workers’ Party issued a health passport known as the gesundheitspass (health card. bill of health. health pass) to allegedly track the health of the German people. In reality, these passports became one of the many tools used by the Nazi Party to identify and weed out non-Aryans.

While we haven’t seen anything like the atrocities that occurred in Nazi Germany — at least, not yet — there are striking parallels between how Hitler used health passes to control the Jews and how our government wants to use COVID passports to control Americans.

Government constantly assures us that COVID vaccine passports will protect our private information, but the reality is that they will make the names, phone numbers, and locations of people easily available to the government — in real-time if digital — and that will give government everything it needs to eventually create a “social credit system.”

Tech industry experts tell us that the digital platform used to support vaccine passports is the same platform used in China’s “social credit system.“ Some of the areas tracked in real time by China are (via New Horizons):

  • Medical history
  • Social media posts and internet search history
  • Bank accounts and credit cards
  • Residence, employment, and criminal history
  • Relationships and religious activities
  • Political activity
Once obtained, this information is fed to a central database to create a “social credit score” used to reward or punish citizens. Those with a high score are able to participate freely in society while those with a low score are prohibited from traveling, borrowing money, keep a job, or even get their children into school.

Government and the technocrats working to push COVID vaccine passports claim they can completely protect privacy, but as we know all-too-well post-9/11, protecting privacy is secondary to government’s insatiable need for power over our daily lives — a reality made worse in the age of COVID tyranny we find ourselves living in.

This means that despite government assurances that COVID vaccine passports will only be used to track compliance, they can easily be used to create a China-styled social credit system since they both use the same platform.

Biden continues to claim that vaccine passport mandates are off the table, but a division within the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (Federal Health IT Coordinating Council) recently predicted that “vaccine credentials” will become a “de facto requirement” to participate in ordinary activities.

GoFundMe me is a joke. I'd never transact business through them
I got no problem with small folks doing funding drives for people that are in a pinch. . . but since they have gotten so political? If there was an alternative, I am sure people would use it.
Full refunds have been offered to all who apply for their money back.
But Ottawa's municipal government thinks it has a case for grabbing all 9 million.
It might be held up in the courts for a while?
Leftist govt hacks trying to steal money. Nothing new there
I got no problem with small folks doing funding drives for people that are in a pinch. . . but since they have gotten so political? If there was an alternative, I am sure people would use it.
I think there are other crowd sourcing platforms.

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