Detroit Police Officer Shoots and Kills Black Man

Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.
Yeah, why didnt his family get this guy help? They above all others would know how crazy he is.

I addressed this two or three times.
Maybe if his family could not get him help, they should have at least taken his weapons. He might still be alive if they had handled their responsibility within their means.

I kinda doubt he got it from them or they even knew he had it. Even then maybe he has no immediate family.

See, that would be *MY* point.

You people on the left, have this bonkers idea that "well if we had a social worker go talk to him earlier....."

You act as if everyone has this omniscient knowledge of the world. That they would know that so-and-so has a mental problem.

How would everyone know that? Years ago, we had a lady in the same condo housing block that I'm in, kill herself. No one knew she was having problems. No one. She's out walking her dog, and then next day, there's a bunch of police and ambulances by her place.

We had a man kill himself about 10 years ago. He just stopped showing up for work. The employer got nervous, and had a coworker that knew him a little bit, call his phone. No answer, so they pulled out his contact, and called his parents. The parents went to his house... he was dead. No one knew.

You don't what is going on in someone's mind. You don't know when people are having a break down on the inside, that you can't see.

This ridiculous idea that if we only had more social workers, that Utopia would ensue, is crazy.

And further, maybe you missed it, but Government is lousy at this to begin with. Down in Florida at that school shooting, there were dozens of warning signs, and the government simply refused to do anything about it.

It's not the brilliant solution everything claims.
Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.
Yeah, why didnt his family get this guy help? They above all others would know how crazy he is.

I addressed this two or three times.
Maybe if his family could not get him help, they should have at least taken his weapons. He might still be alive if they had handled their responsibility within their means.

I kinda doubt he got it from them or they even knew he had it. Even then maybe he has no immediate family.

See, that would be *MY* point.

You people on the left, have this bonkers idea that "well if we had a social worker go talk to him earlier....."

That's not what I said. You wrote a lot after this which I am ignoring.
They face these nut every damn day. Should they have sent an unarmed female social worker to defuse the situation?

More money in mental health might have had Walker in a facility.
Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.

By all means go confront that man earlier without police. See how that goes for you.
Be prepared before you do anything, ever. But ignoring the situation for someone else is just as risky. You the type that pass your family trouble on down the line and then boo, hoo, hoo when that turns out badly? Sound irresponsible to me and sets a bad precedent for family rearing.

My problem with this idea, is that you are assuming there is anything that can be done.

I don't assume that.

Decades ago now, we had a extended family member that was an alcoholic. The family did everything in their power to get this guy, to get some help. He ended up destroying his family, wrecking his marriage, which ended in divorce. Few years later, he started having health problems, and the doctor told him, if he didn't stop drinking he was going to die. He refused. Kept drinking, and without getting into the horrific details, he killed himself.

You can't force people to get help. And you can't deny people's rights, when they have done nothing wrong.

You can't just say "That guy is nutz" and lock him up, without cause.
There is one thing no matter what the end result is of the current police issues. There is only so much money you can get for it. Opening up mental health facilities again may slow things like this down but they are not going to be cheap. And the political arguments about how the mental patient is treated will be with us constantly and the lawyers not far behind.
That would still be better than the current situation of people running around with swords ir pooping on the sidewalk each morning
Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.
Yeah, why didnt his family get this guy help? They above all others would know how crazy he is.

I addressed this two or three times.
Maybe if his family could not get him help, they should have at least taken his weapons. He might still be alive if they had handled their responsibility within their means.

I kinda doubt he got it from them or they even knew he had it. Even then maybe he has no immediate family.

See, that would be *MY* point.

You people on the left, have this bonkers idea that "well if we had a social worker go talk to him earlier....."

That's not what I said. You wrote a lot after this which I am ignoring.

I don't care. Other people read it, and know I'm right. That's all that matters.

Moving on.
Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.
A social worker would have been chopped to pieces

Why? There is no reason for them to get within striking distance.
So you think social workers know something cops don't?
So you think social workers know something cops don't?
Yes, of course. Are you kidding? These would be trained psychologists and de-escalation experts. Regular cops are often asked to fill both roles. It would be nice to replace a lot of that with people who are actually experts at that.
What fucking fantasy island you live on? These negros kill for fun
How would everyone know that?
"Everyone"? We are talking about people who are trained to recognize it. It's, like, their job. Where did "everyone" come from? Try to focus.

Again... trained to recognize it. How is that person going to know to come to my house, and check on me, to find out if I'm nutz?

That person doesn't know I exist. Are you planning to have hundreds of thousands of people fan out across cities and meet every single person in the entire city, and give them an eval? How do you propose this work?
So you think social workers know something cops don't?
Yes, of course. Are you kidding? These would be trained psychologists and de-escalation experts. Regular cops are often asked to fill both roles. It would be nice to replace a lot of that with people who are actually experts at that.

There is some sort of disconnect here, that you and the rest of us, don't seem to be getting through.

I'm honestly curious how you think this is going to work. I'm not making fun, and I'm not cussing you out, or mocking you.

How does this work exactly?

That guy in the video with the sword, going after police officers....

There is no evidence that before this encounter, that police knew he was a mentally deranged person.

And as far as I'm aware, he had not broken any laws prior to this.

At what point does the psychologists just show up, and know this guy is nuts?

Because what I'm thinking is, by the time this guy is charging at police with a sword, having a psychologists around isn't helpful.

Do you think that a psychologists is going to be able to stop a guy charging at them with a sword?
So you think social workers know something cops don't?
Yes, of course. Are you kidding? These would be trained psychologists and de-escalation experts. Regular cops are often asked to fill both roles. It would be nice to replace a lot of that with people who are actually experts at that.

There is some sort of disconnect here, that you and the rest of us, don't seem to be getting through.

I'm honestly curious how you think this is going to work. I'm not making fun, and I'm not cussing you out, or mocking you.

How does this work exactly?

That guy in the video with the sword, going after police officers....

There is no evidence that before this encounter, that police knew he was a mentally deranged person.

And as far as I'm aware, he had not broken any laws prior to this.

At what point does the psychologists just show up, and know this guy is nuts?

Because what I'm thinking is, by the time this guy is charging at police with a sword, having a psychologists around isn't helpful.

Do you think that a psychologists is going to be able to stop a guy charging at them with a sword?
Of course when a person charges you with a deadly weapon the ONLY RESPONSE is to defend yourself. Of course leftist tards will throw up endless reasons why you need to allow yourself to die to spare your attacker.

Stupid leftist
Maybe if there had been a social worker there when they tried to help him earlier he could have been directed towards actual help. It wouldn't have hurt to have one there anyway. The police are not equipped to address people having mental health issues.
A social worker would have been chopped to pieces

Why? There is no reason for them to get within striking distance.
So you think social workers know something cops don't?

Yes. But more specifically, mental health professionals.

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