Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts

I doubt there's anything to this.

I know some of the players involved, and I would be utterly shocked if this was anything more than a commercial transaction.

Simply put, Trump was a pariah on Wall Street because they considered him a liar and a cheat (surprise, surprise) for his prior dealings, so nobody would lend to him. DB was trying to get a foothold in the American market, so they lent to those who had bad credit. They charged through the nose for their capital, so there was a price, but Trump wasn't the only person with bad credit to whom they lent. He also paid them back.

I talked to his former banker before the election. He told me that Trump wasn't "as crazy as he seems," and that he was a very hard-working guy. He also said he had no friends in the true meaning of the word, which you've heard others echo in the press. He maintained a relationship with Trump at least until recently.
Trump has Melania, Baron, and all his children. He adores them, shows the world their good side, and claims he is proud of all of them in public. And heaven help anyone who is mean to the children of Donald Trump. He's a friend to his family, and that's what's important to him. This blather that he "doesn't have any friends" completely a 180 degree turn around from leftists in Congress and elsewhere who claim they should punish Trump's staff and his supporters. Since my support is anonymous, President Trump has friends he does not know about who do not have to be invited to the WH to continue to be his friend. He stood up for the unborn, and that got my highest appreciation, because he is the friend of God when he stands up for society's weakest link. Right now, that's the human sacrifice of American babies to the vanity of never thinking one has to grow up young in life and can kill and get away with it at will due to support from those who are against those who stand up for human life. And that's what I think.
Yep. To life! :thup: Life! :thanks:
A Team Trump lawyer lied? Unbelievable!
Sounds like fake news to me. You libs have been saying for months Rudy will be indicted, yet we still don't see an indictment.
Gee, is the source "former and current Administration Officials"? Because Fake News has been running with their lies for nearly 4 years. Funny how the Fake News, rather than calling them to account for their constant stream of lies, just runs with their latest lies. It's almost like they are coordinating with them to try to affect the election or somethin'.
Gotta love Mueller.

Deutsche Bank receives subpoena from Mueller on Trump accounts: source

FRANKFURT (Reuters) - Special Counsel Robert Mueller has asked Deutsche Bank (DBKGn.DE) to share data on accounts held by U.S. President Donald Trump and his family, a person close to the matter said on Tuesday.
Mueller is a Clinton gopher. They used to use Sandy Berger to do their dirty work, but he died on December 2, 2015, so Mueller is basically his replacement. The Clinton machine under Hillary is very, very keen on information against their sworn enemies, and they do it to escape public scrutiny of their muscling in and expropriating other peoples' money, like they did in Whitewater when Hillary went on her Alzheimer's "I forget" kick when questioned about stealing life savings of numerous people who got caught in the wake of Whitewater investments. You can count on it that they will overlook the good that President Trump does, but will zero in on a fly in the ointment if they have to make one up. Because that's how the dowager Hillary Clinton rolls.
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Overextending his reach a bit.

Nope, follow the money. Isn't that what you did to the Clintons and yet found nothing, well they will find stuff on Trump you can be sure of it.
Oh, this claim didn't age well!

One year ago, as 2019 was about to debut, the press already declared the Mueller Report the story of the year of 2019. In fact, Chris Matthews predicted the report would lead to President Donald John Trump's resignation.

The Daily Mail reported on December 18, 2018, "MSNBC's Chris Matthews predicted on Monday that Donald Trump could resign soon as part of a deal with special counsel Robert Mueller in a bid to spare his family from prosecution.


"'The president's children stand right in the line of Mueller's investigative progress,' Matthews said on Hardball, referring to Ivanka Trump and Donald Trump Jr.

"'They stand as the next dominoes to fall. Therein lies the problem, where earlier Mueller subjects have given [President] Trump up, these two lack the option to do that.

"Matthews said Ivanka and Trump Jr can 'hardly testify against their father', adding that if Mueller 'will not be stopped and the kids will not fall to him, we see the president's adult children heading to prison'.

"However, the host said that may not happen if the president strikes a deal with Mueller.

"'But what if the prosecutor were to offer the president an alternative?' Matthews said.

"'What if he were to say he would let the children walk if the old man does the same? That would mean giving up the presidency in exchange for acquittals all around ― not just for himself, but for all his kids,' he added."

Matthews was not the only one feeling a thrill up his leg at the thought of Mueller taking the Orange Man down.

T.A. Frank at Vanity Fair wrote, "Robert Mueller will issue a nasty report.

"If Paul Manafort or Michael Cohen or George Papadopoulos, among others, were part of some criminal conspiracy with Moscow, they would have been indicted for it and then received leniency in exchange for their help in unraveling the plot. Instead, they have been indicted for different crimes and, in some cases, already served their time. This is how we can say, with near-certainty, that no great Russia plot is on the cusp of being revealed. Nevertheless, Mueller has had almost unfettered access to the hampers of everyone in Trumpland, and, to judge by his indictments, he seems determined to make the most of it. That means he’ll put out a report detailing many of the unsavory things he has found, and, since we’re talking about people like Paul Manafort and Michael Cohen, not to mention Donald Trump, he should have a decent buffet.

"Once Mueller’s report hits, news outlets, especially broadcast ones, will crank the volume to 11. People will be shocked, shocked by this or that revelation. The cries of Trump-must-resign will he deafening, and some Republicans will start to waver and distance themselves from the president. While most of the ruckus will settle down after a couple of weeks, and odds are that Trump will pull through, those weeks will feel like an eternity to the White House and to Republicans on Capitol Hill. Trump will be at his lowest ebb."


It sounded like curtains for President Donald John Trump.

T.A. Frank wrote, "Lots of people expect Robert Mueller’s crew to hit them with indictments. These include Trump offspring Donald Trump Jr. The president’s son-in-law, Jared Kushner, is said to be worried, too. Finally, Donald Trump himself is in the crosshairs of the U.S. attorney for the Southern District of New York, who might indict him for campaign finance violations. (Indicting a sitting president is tricky at best, but it’s still an unpleasant threat.) Timing matters a lot on these developments. If they hit in concert with some other bad news, they could be enough to create a genuine crisis for Trump, creating insurmountable pressure to resign or for Democrats to launch impeachment proceedings. It’s a remote threat, but even remote threats can cost people a lot of sleep."

Frank also wrote, "A recession will take hold."

Instead, the best economy in 50 years continues.

Paul Brandus at USA Today wrote, "Robert Mueller, House Democrats and slowing economy will end Trump's 'great time' in 2019."

His column said, "Let’s discuss Mueller first. Everyone keeps asking when is the former FBI director (and lifelong Republican) going to issue his report? Actually, with all the indictments, guilty pleas, convictions and prison sentences that have already been handed down, we already know a lot — and like a fireworks show on the Fourth of July, there could be a grand finale that makes the country go, WOW.

"Remember: Mueller’s jurisdiction is not limited to Russia; he can take his probe in any direction necessary, and he has done just that. Trump supporters say there’s no collusion, and they may or may not be right. But they don’t know what other cards the wily lawman is holding so close to his chest.

"Mueller’s revelations, released in a manner and time of his choosing, have the added effect of stealing news cycles away from Trump and keeping him on the defense. The president is in reactive mode, tweet-ranting and waiting like the rest of us for the next shoe to drop. The president is not in charge — due process is. And this is what terrifies him.

"There is also this: The impeachment of President Bill Clinton was 20 years ago this month. It should trouble Trump that the independent counsel investigating Clinton, Kenneth Starr, was able to charge a sitting president with obstruction of justice — and force him to testify before a grand jury."


Obstruction of justice because (do not read this aloud in front of young children and people with heart conditions) TRUMP TWEETED!

Michael Tomasky of the Daily Beast wrote, "Mueller is an important figure. Perhaps soon, he will send his report up to the Justice Department. Though the department has no legal obligation to make it public, it seems close to impossible to me that a report of such clear first-order public concern can be kept under wraps. So one way or the other I expect we’ll know what he's found.

"Beyond that, he may issue more indictments, including the president’s family members. Maybe even the president himself, although that seems unlikely (but not impossible, as some insist). I try to stay away from predictions these days, but given that we know that Mueller has hours of testimony from Michael Cohen, presumably hours more from longtime Trump Organization bagman Allen Weisselberg, and Trump’s tax returns, I’d expect some seriously interesting revelations."

John LeBoutillier, a former Republican congressman from New York, made 30 predictions for 2019 in the Hill, none of which looked good for our president.

LeBoutillier wrote, "Donald J. Trump’s presidency will not survive 2019" and "Consumer confidence is declining and the American economy will slow noticeably in 2019. A recession is right around the corner, heading into 2020."

My favorite part were the predictions

"12. The Mueller investigation will come to an end in 2019;

"13. Mueller will shock everyone with what he has discovered, and the result will be much worse for Trump than anyone has anticipated;

"14. Yes, Trump indeed knew about the now-infamous June 9, 2016, Trump Tower meeting — and he lied to the American people repeatedly about it;

"15. Trump lied on Air Force One when he concocted a phony statement about 'adoptions,' because he knew the truth about the meeting;

"16. The Mueller investigation will unveil evidence of Trump putting himself out to the highest bidder in return for campaign help and financing: Russians, Saudis, Emiratis, Qataris — there will be evidence that millions of foreign dollars illegally flowed into the Trump campaign coffers in 2016;

"17. In other words, Trump basically said, 'I’m for sale;'

"18. We may learn the source of the $66 million of his own money that Trump donated to his campaign in 2016. Was it a foreign entity who gave him the money as, in effect, an illegal pass-through?"

The Mueller Report was the biggest story in 2019 because the deep state spent 2 years and $20 million-plus investigating the president and it could not find any instance of a crime by him.


He is the cleanest president in history.

And the press cannot stand it.

Don Surber: Press silent on the biggest story of 2019

The way that the left will say the most stupid shit, and then just ignore the fact that it blew up in their face, without any expression of concern or period of introspection afterwards, or even internal debate,

shows that they knew it was shit when they first said it, and thus that we cannot and should not, give ANY CREDIBILITY to anything they ever say.
Well sure..totally agree..of course...the far right does exactly the same thing--thus they also have no credibility.

Both groups of partisans...behave in exactly the same way. It would be amusing..were it not so damn pathetic.

A pox on both their houses.
"A pox on both their houses."​
Congratulations, Mr. Fleegle, I haven't seen an "Everybody's out of step except Beetle Bailey..." post in a long time. Kudos!:thanks:
Out of personal curiosity, I am really looking forward to unpacking Trump's role in laundering criminal Russian money. But honestly, we will probably have to wait until he is dead or out of office.
Everyone with a brain knows Putin wanted the Comrade in the WH.
Where do you liberals get this crap?
From Putin himself.
Thanks for crapping Putin disinformation all over the board. Putting the Kremlin disinformation that made up the Steele Dossier into FISA warrants wasn't enough for you guys?
Hillary has always taken the hard line against Putin.
Putin hates Hillary, and much prefers Trump.
Unless you can prove otherwise?
Everyone with a brain knows Putin wanted the Comrade in the WH.
Where do you liberals get this crap?
From Putin himself.
Thanks for crapping Putin disinformation all over the board. Putting the Kremlin disinformation that made up the Steele Dossier into FISA warrants wasn't enough for you guys?
Hillary has always taken the hard line against Putin.
Putin hates Hillary, and much prefers Trump.
Unless you can prove otherwise?
Hillary is a washed up has been.

Trump and Putin are both too smart to get into an unnecessary scrap with each other.

Dirty Bob Mueller came up with nothing and revealed himself to be a complete farce during his final Congressional testimony, which is fitting as the entire thing was a farce.

Out of personal curiosity, I am really looking forward to unpacking Trump's role in laundering criminal Russian money. But honestly, we will probably have to wait until he is dead or out of office.
Reports are coming out that the Deutschebank records will be released and that they will show that Russian money backed the BD loans Ttump was able to get when NO other bank would bail him out
Out of personal curiosity, I am really looking forward to unpacking Trump's role in laundering criminal Russian money. But honestly, we will probably have to wait until he is dead or out of office.
Reports are coming out that the Deutschebank records will be released and that they will show that Russian money backed the BD loans Ttump was able to get when NO other bank would bail him out
These loans violated what US law? Please cite that appropriate number of the Code of Federal Regulations in your answer.
Reports are coming out that the Deutschebank records will be released and that they will show that Russian money backed the BD loans Ttump was able to get when NO other bank would bail him out
So what? This is another nothing burger.

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