DHS: American Thought Police


Diamond Member
Feb 16, 2016

DHS: American Thought Police

The transition from tracking terrorism to chasing thought crime has a major advantage. It exonerates U.S. counterterrorism officials from the meddlesome job of catching actual terrorists.
9 Feb 2022 ~~ By Kyle Shideler

The Department of Homeland Security, which under the Biden Administration routinely lets watch-listed terrorists cross the southern border unmolested, and which approved entry to the United States for Colleyville Synagogue hostage-taker Malik Faisal Akram despite his being known to British authorities as a terror risk, has taken upon its broad bureaucratic shoulders an even more challenging job.
Stopping the flow of MDM.
MDM isn’t the latest flavor of fentanyl, produced by the Communist Chinese regime for sale to Mexican drug cartels, and now the leading cause of death for Americans between the ages of 18 to 45. No, MDM stands for mis- dis- and mal-information, the latest government acronym from which you must be protected.
Ironically, the DHS MDM effort itself is a result of disinformation, created in the tumult of the Russian collusion hoax, in response to lunatic assertions that the Russian government had somehow thrown the 2016 election to Donald Trump through the use of a handful of Facebook ads.
The Department of Homeland Security certainly has no remit to determine what information its bureaucrats regard as “harmful” for American ears to hear.
Covering thought policing under the rubric of counterterrorism has another advantage too. It changes the discussion from whether a given idea is true or false, to whether it is safe or dangerous. Have concerns about election integrity, COVID-19 mandates, or school boards? You better shut up; such ideas are inspiring to terrorists.
And of course, the DHS bulletin provides absolutely no evidence or citation to affirm its claims regarding what motivates these “extremists.” One is left only with vague assertion, backed by claims of secret “intelligence,” which ought not be satisfying to any serious interlocutor.
But it is certainly curious that, according to Homeland Security, terrorists always seem to be most interested in topics on which Joe Biden is polling poorly, and on which his administration faces growing criticism from the broader American electorate.

America has become an occupied nation. The occupiers are not foreign. They are Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Commies. They are under the control and influence of foreign enemies. They have been bought and paid for just the way the mob buys politicians and judges. The CCP figured out back in the 1990's, that if the Clinton's could be cheaply bought why not other politicians? America is being run by Benedict Arnolds that occupy positions of power.
What is most alarming in the past year is that we have heard Republicans say the very same thing. How many times have they run on smaller gov't, cut taxes and starve the beast?
What was not a good thing was the failure of Republicans to destabilize and render ineffective the vast number of bureaucracies created by Obama that restructured and polluted with legions of anti-American radical zealot lifers who use the bureaucracies to do what the courts don't have the numbers or the time to stop.
Expansion of government is never a good idea, but it is far more manageable at the State and local level than it is at the Federal level. It is exceedingly dangerous to expand Federal power. Bureaucracies are given incredible power and they are seldom controlled. They always manage to grow and acquire additional power sustained by laws, statutes and regulations.
what is happening now under the Biden regime is evidenced by the red state population boom and the blue state exodus. It is all about escaping tyranny.
Unless the bureaucracies, harboring these lawless politically ideological bureaucrats, are disassembled and removed a shakeup will do nothing more than put them into temporary hibernation. They will reemerge at another time and place when they believe that the coast is clear. They must be destroyed.

Can hardly wait for the truckers to converge on DC's beltway and see the reaction of our government.


For all of you cocksuckers that cheered the Patriot Act and all of those needless 'wars on terror'

I hope you realize that this shit is your fault too.
I never cheered it, W was one of the worst POTUSs we ever had.....Globalist POS.

Hindsight being 20-20 I wish I would have voted for Gore.

Blah, nothing good politically comes from Texas.
I never cheered it, W was one of the worst POTUSs we ever had.....Globalist POS.

Hindsight being 20-20 I wish I would have voted for Gore.

Blah, nothing good politically comes from Texas.

Then the Progressive Marxist/DSA Democrat Leftists with Bill Ayers blessing gave us Obama.
I never cheered it, W was one of the worst POTUSs we ever had.....Globalist POS.

Hindsight being 20-20 I wish I would have voted for Gore.

Blah, nothing good politically comes from Texas.
That's just it dude.

Your candidates get picked for you by the same people.

It's the illusion of choice.

Most Americans are honest, good people who expect their leadership to echo those morals....

but they don't...

because they are vipers who eat the other vipers to qualify for selection by demons.

They are sociopaths, and pedophiles who seem to be incapable of any honest, noble act.

These types are sought out...specifically.

Noble, honest, good people don't have any dirt to hold over their head making them easy to control.

So by that very fact we get the detritus of humanity to 'lead' us.

It is all rotten.

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