DHS Launches Criminal Probe Into Destruction Of Jan. 6 Secret Service Text Messages

You're kidding, right? Chunky's J6 debacle took a dump on "integrity" the first minute of the first hour of the first day they began this sick political witch hunt. Welcome to America's first Congressional hearing where they make the charges and accusations FIRST, then spend the next month or two trying to dig around breaking into people's homes hoping to actually find any evidence to SUPPORT the charges already made! :laughing0301:

This'll all go over like a submarine with screen doors this Fall. Can't wait to watch the public flogging.
Meanwhile ain't Russia still beating the tar out of Joe's ole "quid pro quo" buddies in Ukraine, otherwise as the Biden admin. ok's the selling of our strategic oil reserves to China, and Hunter sells painting's to the Chinese in order to justify the passage of money to him without the heat attached to it maybe ?

Then we get the Democrat's lusting over our gun's here, yet meanwhile sending weapon's of war into Ukraine for them to defend themselves there, but it matters not, because it will only serve to pro-long that war resulting in the death rates rising to catastrophic levels in that country as a result of such a thing..... We aren't allowed to physically assist Ukraine with boots on the ground or having a no fly zone due to our treaty's and agreement's with nuclear armed power's, so why is Biden pro-longing Ukraine's agony and defeat by trying to send them weapon's that will only serve to get the Ukranian's killed big time in the end ??

Where's the much needed investigation due to our National security and government officials possibly being compromised with all of this corruption going on today ?????

It's flat outright amazing really, upon what this nation has turned towards or what it thought that it should just allow without so much of a blinking of an eye these days or what it has since allowed looking back over the last decades when dealing with these Democrat's.


Well when you go out to deal with countries that have had a horrid record of HUMAN RIGHTS ABUSES, and corruption on top of that over the centuries, then we should have known that we wouldn't be coming out of these places unscathed.

The thinking was that we are the good guy's going in I guess (cough, hack, cough), and surely the good guy's will be looked at by other's in a positive light, otherwise with the other countries thinking "I want to be just like them one day "those Americans", and not like we've been (pick a country), over these long year's, because just look at us (they would say to themselves), look at how we haven't progressed as a whole over the year's, and it's all because of our corruption, so we need to follow the American way and not our own way.

ROTFLMBO.. Yeah right... If they were thinking that then I got a bridge to sell somebody.... It's more like they were thinking "wow look at this, just look at this coming through our gates today comrades", it's the Americans.!!!......Fresh meat the wolves would then say to themselves, and they were right to say it or they were right to think it after looking at the results of it all now or when looking at the results back in this country today. .......

60 year's of hippie movement corruption and hollyweird corruption being pumped from one end of this country to the other, brainwashing, grooming, and molding societies into what they had been broken down into over the year's. All a distraction while the suit's stole the shirt's off of the working class American's back's, and doing it without even winking their eye back at their victim's or giving them a kiss for it all.

Now we get Joe Biden and his merry band of official's picked, who are currently telling this nation what to do. People like Harris talking to us like we are in a damned kindergarten class, and AOC talking in her child voice to us, and then her thinking that we should take her crazy ace seriously... What a flipping nightmare it all is.

Like I said before, it's just -"FLAT OUT RIGHT AMAZING" ......
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You don't get it at all. They deleted them after they were told they were needed for evidence. That is surely a crime.
Hillary having a private server where she conducted her Sec of State business from so she could avoid FOIA requests in the future is highly illegal.
Right, ignore the obvious current fraud and go after some old insignificant conjured up fraud. Sorry, that's not how it works.
But going after your personal bonder material is good.


DHS Launches Criminal Probe Into Destruction Of Jan. 6 Secret Service Text Messages​

As it probably should.

The commentary in the OP is silly, however.
Maybe DHS should first investigate Hillary Clinton's server and destroyed laptops.
I wonder if DHS has jurisdiction to investigate the state department. I guess they might, assuming it’s a criminal investigation. Otherwise, maybe it’s some inspector general’s office for the Department of State that has jurisdiction.

Either way, deep state won’t be ruffling Shrillary’s feather.
You mean just like Hillary did with her emails?
Why are you justifying the laws that Hillary broke? Why should I care what you think if you all lied about Trump during the last Presidential campaign? You are just going to lie again. So, why don't you come clean and tell us? Oh, because it was Hillary...
So...why, with all those years, the disgraced twice-impeached former fat guy didn't prosecute her?
No, those are fine. Those are the desires of free people who want a corrupt piece of shit to face justice, as she should.

It's third world bullshit to have sham hearings like the Jan 6 circus.

But you are just smart enough to know that, aren't you, GROOMEY?
Your third world trumplets crying "Lock Her Up" but your third world Dear Leader couldn't even do that in the 4 years he stunk up the WH. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:
So your dear leader LIED (again) about Hillary Clinton committing crimes. What a surprise. Keep sucking up that snake oil. :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301: :auiqs.jpg: :laughing0301:


Damned infant🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

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