Dianne Feinstein no grandfathering


][][][% NC Sheepdog
Gold Supporting Member
Jun 12, 2010
Kannapolis, N.C.
It has been reported that Dianne Feinstein does not want to grandfather any firearms that will be on the Assault weapons ban that she will propose. and this will also include hand guns.

I just heard that Sen. Feinstein’s attorney is meeting right now with folks from FTB and ATF legal (Eric Epstein [legal], Todd Martin [Legal] and Earl Griffith [FTB] and others) to discuss a new SAW ban, that she would want to start pushing through as soon as (if) Obama gets reelected.

- - No pistol grip allowed
- - No HC Mags
- - No grandfathering
- - No sale permissible if in possession

That is all I know right now

This is certainly consistent with President Obama's call in the debates to re-up the federal semi-auto ban (as well as go after handguns), and is further circumstantially corroborated by a new NSSF release relating how Feinstein continues to defend ATF actions in Fast and Furious gunwalking, all the while still "claiming, erroneously, that 70 percent of guns seized in Mexico were traced to the United States."

Feinstein rumored to be pushing semi-auto ban if Obama reelected - National gun rights | Examiner.com
Ignoring for the moment the sources of the rumor are suspect, and assuming the information about the proposed bill is correct, such a measure won’t even pass the Senate, much less the House.

You’re getting your panties in a wad over nothing, as usual.
Ignoring for the moment the sources of the rumor are suspect, and assuming the information about the proposed bill is correct, such a measure won’t even pass the Senate, much less the House.

You’re getting your panties in a wad over nothing, as usual.

It's how he rolls.
Ignoring for the moment the sources of the rumor are suspect, and assuming the information about the proposed bill is correct, such a measure won’t even pass the Senate, much less the House.

You’re getting your panties in a wad over nothing, as usual.

How so? We already know that Clinton's ban didn't stopped a number of school shooting the 10 years it was in effect, one being columbine. No Grandfather would be the only thing in their minds that would work.
I lost my AR15 in a freak boating accident...
....and so did all my friends...

It has been reported that Dianne Feinstein does not want to grandfather any firearms that will be on the Assault weapons ban that she will propose. and this will also include hand guns.

I just heard that Sen. Feinstein’s attorney is meeting right now with folks from FTB and ATF legal (Eric Epstein [legal], Todd Martin [Legal] and Earl Griffith [FTB] and others) to discuss a new SAW ban, that she would want to start pushing through as soon as (if) Obama gets reelected.

- - No pistol grip allowed
- - No HC Mags
- - No grandfathering
- - No sale permissible if in possession

That is all I know right now

This is certainly consistent with President Obama's call in the debates to re-up the federal semi-auto ban (as well as go after handguns), and is further circumstantially corroborated by a new NSSF release relating how Feinstein continues to defend ATF actions in Fast and Furious gunwalking, all the while still "claiming, erroneously, that 70 percent of guns seized in Mexico were traced to the United States."

Feinstein rumored to be pushing semi-auto ban if Obama reelected - National gun rights | Examiner.com

She's a fucking lunatic. It will be interesting to see how many Wacos it will take before they give up on enforcing that idiocy.

And they all claim they don't want to confiscate any guns.
It has been reported that Dianne Feinstein does not want to grandfather any firearms that will be on the Assault weapons ban that she will propose. and this will also include hand guns.


Tell the fucking XXXX to read the Constitution.


Held: Petitioner's convictions on the counts at issue, insofar as they are not corroborated by other evidence, cannot be sustained under the Ex Post Facto Clause. Pp. 6-40.

[18] (a) In Calder v. Bull, 3 Dall. 386, 390, Justice Chase stated that the proscription against ex post facto laws was derived from English common law well known to the Framers, and set out four categories of ex post facto criminal laws: "1st. Every law that makes an action done before the passing of the law, and which was innocent when done, criminal; and punishes such action. 2d. Every law that aggravates a crime, or makes it greater than it was, when committed. 3d. Every law that changes the punishment, and inflicts a greater punishment, than the law annexed to the crime, when committed. 4th. Every law that alters the legal rules of evidence, and receives less, or different, testimony, than the law required at the time of the commission of the offence, in order to convict the offender." The Court has repeatedly endorsed this understanding, including the fourth category. Both Justice Chase and the common-law treatise on which he drew heavily cited the case of Sir John Fenwick as an example of the fourth category. England charged Fenwick with high treason in the late 17th century, but, under an Act of Parliament, he could not be convicted without the testimony of two witnesses. Parliament passed a bill of attainder making the two-witness rule inapplicable, and Fenwick was convicted on the testimony of only one witness. Pp. 6-15.

Carmell v. Texas, 529 U.S. 513, 120 S. Ct. 1620 (U.S. 05/01/2000)



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