Dictator Bloomberg to restrict pain killers in NYC

It makes me crazy that I've been driven to defending Bloomberg.

Bloomberg is a moron in countless ways. I've worked on 2 political campaigns to defeat him, he's only the slightest bit better than Giuliani was. But seriously, read your sources before getting "outraged".
This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


It's not like he's talking about ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen. As much as I think Bloomberg is a moron, he does, on rare occasions, get something right. Prescription drug abuse is epidemic in this country and he's trying to do something locally to counter it.

He's applying a ham-handed solution and causing lots of problems. There are literally millions of people who take Percocet for legitimate pain management. It's already very hard to get it at pharmacies in NYC and now he wants to make it just plain impossible to have it available for those who need it on a long term basis.

For a few years my wife has had to see (and pay for) a doctor's visit every 6 weeks to get medicine needed to treat a condition that surgery cannot fix. This involves an entire afternoon of waiting, tests, an interview, and then a trip to the pharmacy where she gets to wait and be interviewed again. Subjecting those in actual pain to this ordeal twice a week is inhumane, all to combat a problem that is rampant in the byzantine and corrupt license system.
What does all of this have to do with emergency rooms dispensing prescriptions for controlled substance drugs you say are no longer available. If you read it, it applies to ERs, (unless I missed something somewhere) then one goes to their doctor or a free clinic. Now if it was being applied across the board to include all medical providers and medical facilities then I would be the first one to revile him and his approach.
Is the ER you and your wife's family doctor/clinic?
I'm assuming this law only applies to men since I've heard time and time again that all medical decisions regarding a woman's body are between her and her doctor.
Bloomberg is starting to think he's like Obama: He can do whatever the fuck he wants and no one can tell him otherwise.
This man is insane. But he represents Liberal hell on earth.

"Some of the most common and most powerful prescription painkillers on the market will be restricted sharply in the emergency rooms at New York City’s 11 public hospitals, Mayor Michael R. Bloomberg said Thursday in an effort to crack down on what he called a citywide and national epidemic of prescription drug abuse.

Under the new city policy, most public hospital patients will no longer be able to get more than three days’ worth of narcotic painkillers like Vicodin and Percocet"

FUBAR'D that's the world of liberals these days. Control freaks. YIKES.

City officials said the policy was aimed at reducing the growing dependency on painkillers and preventing excess amounts of drugs from being taken out of medicine chests and sold on the street or abused by teenagers and others who want to get high.

“Abuse of prescription painkillers in our city has increased alarmingly,” Mr. Bloomberg said in announcing the new policy at Elmhurst Hospital Center, a public hospital in Queens.

Over 250,000 New Yorkers over age 12 are abusing prescription painkillers, he said, leading to rising hospital admissions for overdoses and deaths, Medicare fraud by doctors who write false prescriptions and violent crime like “holdups at neighborhood pharmacies.”


It's not like he's talking about ibuprofen, aspirin or acetaminophen. As much as I think Bloomberg is a moron, he does, on rare occasions, get something right. Prescription drug abuse is epidemic in this country and he's trying to do something locally to counter it.

In the emergency room? Imagine a multi vehicle accident at the local highway and dozens of injured are brought into the emergency room. Due to laws concerning restricting powerful prescription drugs, as a doctor you now have to choose which of these patients will get that medication. The one that's dying? The one who will live but has two broken legs and a broken back?

Some things should be between a doctor and his/her patient. Bet you would have a fit if they limited abortions due to abuse?

Not taking Bloomberg's side but the critically injured will be admitted and not get prescriptions anyway.
I'm surprised that Bloomberg didn't go all in and simply ban pain. He doesn't have any, therefore no one has any. And, if he was in pain, he'd get his painkillers.

Bloomberg really is the face of liberal hell. He knows what's best for you and if Bloomie says it doesn't hurt, it doesn't hurt. Next, he'll consider anesthesia during surgery.
I'm sorry. This is another case of punishing good people who need pain killers for more than 3 days because of the actions of a few.

I realize that there is a problem with prescription drugs. There has been for as long as I can remember. But this is outrageous for a city council to over ride Doctors in ER's.

To make this a blanket mandate is so out of line of what any government official is elected to do.Not be a nanny and run every aspect of the publics life.

Fix the fucking potholes for heaven's sakes.

I agree. But on the other hand, this is a municipal law. I won't object to a city creating such prohibitions for itself.
Anyone who needs painkillers for more than 3 days should get them from an actual doctor treating them, not the emergency room.

You think that the ER is filled with CNAs writing scripts? C'mon! The only thing this is going to do is force patients to consume MORE health care services, needlessly. And we wonder why the cost of health care is skyrocketing in this country.
I wonder if Bloomberg will tell New Yorkers what kind of panties they can and cannot wear? :) ( Panties for you fem male liberals too!-- don't feel left out!)
Check it out.. In Emergency rooms no less! You walk in and have been shot.."Sorry, Mayor Bloomberg says only one to a customer.. you can tough it out."

Typical lib crap.
Same as guns, really. People abuse pain killers so we'll just make it harder for people that DON'T abuse pain killers, to get pain killers.

Yup! exactly the same. Makes as much sense too.
"Similar rules have been adopted in Washington State and Utah. Dr. Thomas A. Farley, the city’s health commissioner, said opioid painkillers were not much different from highly addictive and more taboo street drugs like heroin. He called them “heroin in pill form.”


You're truly a good Socialist.. Well done.

And you are very good at parroting nonsense.
I must confess, I never once asked Nanny Bloomberg to regulate drink size or limit the amount of pain killers an ER doctor can prescribe at NY City Hospitals. I don't live in NY so I don't much care.

As far as I'm concerned it's a New York City matter. If the citizens of New York don't like his policies they can vote him out and vote in someone who will change the laws.

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