Dictator Trump strikes again!


Diamond Member
Oct 31, 2012
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Being Americas first dictator, Donald Trump was asked about having his head placed on Mount Rushmore.

However, after much thinking, Trump turned his attention to Mount Denali instead.

"You know, I was going to have my head placed on Mt. Rushmore and then change the name of Mt. Denali back to Mt. McKinley, the way it was before the Left-wing lunatics took over with the wokism. But then I got to thinking, if I am the only dictator, I should have a mountain all to myself, which is why I have having Mt. Denali commissioned to use the entire mountain to carve out my head and rename the mountain Trump tower."

If finished, Trump tower would be by far the largest sculpture in human history, taking an estimated 12,552 years to finish. When asked how much it would cost, Trump simply shook his head and declared, "Mexico would pay for it, duh!. If not, since when do dictator have to pay for anything?"
Hate to get technical, but in order to have his head placed on Mr Rushmore, he would have to be dead and frankly, it would be microscopic beside those giant sculptures. How would they protect it from the elements?
Hate to get technical, but in order to have his head placed on Mr Rushmore, he would have to be dead and frankly, it would be microscopic beside those giant sculptures. How would they protect it from the elements?

None of those other four were ever Man Of The Year or evaded assassination twice! I say they retool Lincoln's face and make it into Trump. :smoke:

Alternate plan: replace the head of the statue of liberty with Trump's head, in orange of course.
Hate to get technical, but in order to have his head placed on Mr Rushmore, he would have to be dead and frankly, it would be microscopic beside those giant sculptures. How would they protect it from the elements?
All I know is, if they are able to carve out the image of Trump on Mt. Denali, there will be no changing its name back to Denali

':abgg2q.jpg:5th row back, 6 head in starting with shoulder of guy on extreme left. see that...that thing in all black with the hat. Looks like a vampire or leftist demon.

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