Did Lexington, Ky Learn Anything From Charlottesville, Va? We Will See....


Diamond Member
Aug 4, 2015
White nationalist groups plan rally in Lexington to oppose moving statues

"White nationalists are planning a rally in Lexington to oppose the planned removal of two Confederate statues from the lawn of the former Fayette County Courthouse, and they’re considering a lawsuit aimed at blocking the move, a leader in the movement said Tuesday. No date has been chosen, but the goal is to have the event “sooner rather than later,” Heimbach said."

The Chief of Police and Mayor of Lexington. Ky have been forewarned. The Governor of Ky has been forewarned. Thay have the opportunity NOW to exercise the lessons that should have been learned from the Charlottesville, Va incident.

Police were ordered to Stand Down as violence erupted at the protest in Charlottesville, Va. Witnesses reported Police 'hid' behind barricades as violence broke out, people were beaten. In the aftermath Gov Terry McAuliffe praised the police for doing such a 'Great Job'.

Charlottesville officials 'claim it was an un-lawful protest' yet the police did not start to disperse the crowds until the violence began (which, again, goes against the personal accounts of the police doing nothing while the violence occurred).

  • Clashes broke out, and police began to disperse crowds.
  • Local officials declared the rally an "unlawful assembly," and the governor declared a state of emergency.
- Charlottesville white nationalist rally: What we know - CNN

If it was an unlawful protest, why didn't police disperse the gathering white supremacists from the start . immediately, informing they could not legally protest?

According to the protest organizer he had coordinated with city officials and local police MONTHS IN ADVANCE:

“We networked with law enforcement officials and safety arrangements were made months ago but despite this the Charlottesville Police Department not only failed to act per the plan but exacerbated the violence: they did not separate the demonstrators and counter demonstrators, they were poorly under-equipped for the situation, they stood idly by when violent counter-protesters attacked participants of our rally and then they forced our demonstrators out of Lee Park and into a melee with Antifa.”
- The Charlottesville rally organizer blamed police for the violence, said white supremacists were the victims

Lexington, Ky and Ky is now 'on the clock'.
They have the opportunity to shut this down, control it, etc..... Let's hope they do more / a better job than Charlottesville, Va officials and Va Gov McAuliffe.
Did Lexington, Ky Learn Anything From Charlottesville

yup, they learned not to trust Trump when he promises to make new coal mining jobs appear like magic ..
White nationalist groups plan rally in Lexington to oppose moving statues

"White nationalists are planning a rally in Lexington to oppose the planned removal of two Confederate statues from the lawn of the former Fayette County Courthouse, and they’re considering a lawsuit aimed at blocking the move, a leader in the movement said Tuesday. No date has been chosen, but the goal is to have the event “sooner rather than later,” Heimbach said."

The Chief of Police and Mayor of Lexington. Ky have been forewarned. The Governor of Ky has been forewarned. Thay have the opportunity NOW to exercise the lessons that should have been learned from the Charlottesville, Va incident.

Police were ordered to Stand Down as violence erupted at the protest in Charlottesville, Va. Witnesses reported Police 'hid' behind barricades as violence broke out, people were beaten. In the aftermath Gov Terry McAuliffe praised the police for doing such a 'Great Job'.

Charlottesville officials 'claim it was an un-lawful protest' yet the police did not start to disperse the crowds until the violence began (which, again, goes against the personal accounts of the police doing nothing while the violence occurred).

  • Clashes broke out, and police began to disperse crowds.
  • Local officials declared the rally an "unlawful assembly," and the governor declared a state of emergency.
- Charlottesville white nationalist rally: What we know - CNN

If it was an unlawful protest, why didn't police disperse the gathering white supremacists from the start . immediately, informing they could not legally protest?

According to the protest organizer he had coordinated with city officials and local police MONTHS IN ADVANCE:

“We networked with law enforcement officials and safety arrangements were made months ago but despite this the Charlottesville Police Department not only failed to act per the plan but exacerbated the violence: they did not separate the demonstrators and counter demonstrators, they were poorly under-equipped for the situation, they stood idly by when violent counter-protesters attacked participants of our rally and then they forced our demonstrators out of Lee Park and into a melee with Antifa.”
- The Charlottesville rally organizer blamed police for the violence, said white supremacists were the victims

Lexington, Ky and Ky is now 'on the clock'.
They have the opportunity to shut this down, control it, etc..... Let's hope they do more / a better job than Charlottesville, Va officials and Va Gov McAuliffe.
I hope they learned something. This time the counter protesters should come armed.
I hope they learned something. This time the counter protesters should come armed.

ANYONE getting out of their vehicles / showing up with any type of weapons, any type of riot gear, should be immediately removed from the area.

Give the protestors and counter-protestors and order that shorts, tank-tops, and flip-flops are the only thing you cane have / bring. :p

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