Did NATO steal countries from Russia?

He shouldn’t.

Of course, Putin uses the lie that NATO poses a ‘threat’ to Russia to justify his dictatorship and his wars of aggression.
Yeah, he should just stop it cause our feelings are hurt that he thinks we are liars. We are even proven liars.

The real question is, and get this, reality means HE believes it, and no amount of saying, "it isn't true" is going to change his mind.

So, what are you going to do about that?
Yeah that too, but do you not think that Putin is monitoring the slow progression of NATO in the region, and is therefore offended by the movements, otherwise being that NATO was created with Russia agression in mind ?

Maybe, I don't know. NATO membership is a "voluntary" progression. NATO is peaceful - not aggressive. Regardless, that doesn't give Putin reasons to murder babies, children and women in his quest to completely destroy Ukraine and its people?
Maybe, I don't know. NATO membership is a "voluntary" progression. Regardless, that doesn't give Putin reasons to murder babies, children and women in his quest to completely destroy Ukraine and its people?
Agree, but war is definitely hell, so it best to not make mistakes that might cause a war ....... Hopefully the world hasn't made serious mistakes that led to this. I guess time will tell, but in the mean time we must defuse nuclear tensions again.
Maybe, I don't know. NATO membership is a "voluntary" progression. NATO is peaceful - not aggressive. Regardless, that doesn't give Putin reasons to murder babies, children and women in his quest to completely destroy Ukraine and its people?
You and the left need to stop applying Western norms and values to Vladimir Putin. He doesn't share them.
Agree, but war is definitely hell, so it best to not make mistakes that might cause a war ....... Hopefully the world hasn't made serious mistakes that led to this. I guess time will tell, but in the mean time we must defuse nuclear tensions again.

I agree about defusing nuclear tensions - but not at the expense of letting Putin destroy Ukraine and its people. Putin was the one who rattled the nuclear saber. If it's true that Putin is suffering from severe/terminal health issues - someone should take him out quickly!
The countries that broke away from the old Soviet Union did so by choice. NATO didn't steal them. So why is Russia trying to steal Ukraine? Is Putin afraid that Ukraine will eventually met the NATO criteria and be invited to join? If so, how would that harm Russia?
His invasion if Ukraine was always based on the fact they were not a NATO member. If they were, he would be under attack by the west.
His cronies in the un have stopped their admission.
Russia can suck Latvia, Estonia, Poland, Hungary, Romania, etc's cock. They are sovereign nations capable of dictating their own fate. Putin needs a bullet to the head.
Yeah, he should just stop it cause our feelings are hurt that he thinks we are liars. We are even proven liars.

The real question is, and get this, reality means HE believes it, and no amount of saying, "it isn't true" is going to change his mind.

So, what are you going to do about that?
We never had designs on taking over Russia and never did NATO. Putin just wants the old Soviet back intact, under Russian control. There is no assurance believable that he will not want more, because he has taken more, already. It was never about nuclear missile moving to Ukraine, either. The idea is ludicrous on the face of it, as there are plenty around Europe that can already reach Russia and have been for many years. There is no anti-missile system 100% effective and probably never be. Putting any closer to Russia would not make burn any hotter, if Putin shoots one or all he has, and he knows this, also.
I do not know how Ukraine is going to work out. I expect Russia may have early advantage, but at a cost he cannot afford in treasure, blood and total loss of stature on the planet.
I figure, we will stay out, except in material support to Ukraine, now and to the resistance later. As long as we and NATO do not directly launch an offensive, he won't on purpose, but some dumb asses below could easily screw up at start shelling NATO Poland and then the conventional World War III will officially begin. Even that will not trigger a nuclear reprisal, as there is no way to win for either side. Modern nuclear war theory is more about use on friendly tactical ground to stop an overwhelming conventional movement by area deniability to prevent mass conventional force assembly movement, not nuclear terrorism on civilian cities. Again, nobody wins that one. I for one, am not too worried about that one.
We never had designs on taking over Russia and never did NATO. Putin just wants the old Soviet back intact, under Russian control. There is no assurance believable that he will not want more, because he has taken more, already. It was never about nuclear missile moving to Ukraine, either. The idea is ludicrous on the face of it, as there are plenty around Europe that can already reach Russia and have been for many years. There is no anti-missile system 100% effective and probably never be. Putting any closer to Russia would not make burn any hotter, if Putin shoots one or all he has, and he knows this, also.
I do not know how Ukraine is going to work out. I expect Russia may have early advantage, but at a cost he cannot afford in treasure, blood and total loss of stature on the planet.
I figure, we will stay out, except in material support to Ukraine, now and to the resistance later. As long as we and NATO do not directly launch an offensive, he won't on purpose, but some dumb asses below could easily screw up at start shelling NATO Poland and then the conventional World War III will officially begin. Even that will not trigger a nuclear reprisal, as there is no way to win for either side. Modern nuclear war theory is more about use on friendly tactical ground to stop an overwhelming conventional movement by area deniability to prevent mass conventional force assembly movement, not nuclear terrorism on civilian cities. Again, nobody wins that one. I for one, am not too worried about that one.
You're an idiot. You are applying our thoughts and beliefs to Putin.

It does not matter what you believe, or what anyone believes. This is about what Putin believes.

You or anyone trying to talk as if you understand what he is and what he'll do is just laughable on its face. You and people like you were saying just weeks ago the he'd never go into Ukraine.

Understand something. This isn't about what is true or what is not true.

It is entirely about what Putin believes and what he'll do about it.

NATO has lied to Russia in the past. That makes them proven liars to Putin. Nothing, and I mean, nothing, we can say to him will change the fact that he will believe we are lying to him.

And he will act according to that belief.

Its asinine to even talk otherwise.
You're an idiot. You are applying our thoughts and beliefs to Putin.

It does not matter what you believe, or what anyone believes. This is about what Putin believes.

You or anyone trying to talk as if you understand what he is and what he'll do is just laughable on its face. You and people like you were saying just weeks ago the he'd never go into Ukraine.

Understand something. This isn't about what is true or what is not true.

It is entirely about what Putin believes and what he'll do about it.

NATO has lied to Russia in the past. That makes them proven liars to Putin. Nothing, and I mean, nothing, we can say to him will change the fact that he will believe we are lying to him.

And he will act according to that belief.

Its asinine to even talk otherwise.
I agree about defusing nuclear tensions - but not at the expense of letting Putin destroy Ukraine and its people. Putin was the one who rattled the nuclear saber. If it's true that Putin is suffering from severe/terminal health issues - someone should take him out quickly!
Becareful what you believe is true or isn't true. Further poking the bear, especially if it is injured sorely by an affliction of some sort, then that's not defusing anything, but instead hoping to enrage the bear even more. The Cuban president Castro was considered a goner many times from health issues, only to arise over and over again, just like Kim Jon Loon the same thing or was it his father ? Anyways don't believe everything you hear, and half of what you see.
Becareful what you believe is true or isn't true. Further poking the bear, especially if it is injured sorely by an affliction of some sort, then that's not defusing anything, but instead hoping to enrage the bear even more. The Cuban president Castro was considered a goner many times from health issues, only to arise over and over again, just like Kim Jon Loon the same thing or was it his father ? Anyways don't believe everything you hear, and half of what you see.

Fuck Putin! Fuck the bear! These vicious despots must be dealt with! Otherwise, the future will be even more dangerous and less worth living. Apparently Russians have always been governed by dictator assholes. It's all they know.
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Sadly, I laugh, when NaziCons try to blame the U.S. and NATO for "triggering" the Ukraine War. The U.S. and NATO did nothing to cause the invasion of the Russian killers of babies, children and women. On top of that - who's going to pay to rebuild the horrific destruction in Ukraine?
You think Putin is power hungry like that maybe ? We aren't living in the past, but rather we are living in some modern precarious times with nukes everywhere, just like Putin and his Russian's are living in the very same times.

No wants nuclear war in either Russia or in the world, and especially not in Ukraine, but for some reason the past year's of political posturing and saber rattling has caused the war machine to start it's engine's up once again. It best we all be honest about this stuff, because people are now dying as a result of it all.......
...what saber rattling???

Nobody threatened Russia with an attack. They are the agressors and there is no excuse.
It's also being widely reported by CNN and others that Putin has asked China for military and economic help. What if China provides it?

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