Did Pelosi and Schumer shoot themselves in the Foot?

william the wie

Gold Member
Nov 18, 2009
With Biden and Sanders running one and two for the D nomination, the investigation of the witch hunt and the effective collapse of SF as a first world city and New York state seeing an escape from NYC rerun for real I don't think it matters that these two blew up infrastructure negotiations. They represent two of the 3-4 ground zeros for the D party so, they will most likely Get out of Dodge by any means possible and hope that the Ds survive in case they want to try for a comeback. Trump is not so much climbing in the polls as the Ds are digging themselves an ever deeper hole. comments?
With Biden and Sanders running one and two for the D nomination, the investigation of the witch hunt and the effective collapse of SF as a first world city and New York state seeing an escape from NYC rerun for real I don't think it matters that these two blew up infrastructure negotiations. They represent two of the 3-4 ground zeros for the D party so, they will most likely Get out of Dodge by any means possible and hope that the Ds survive in case they want to try for a comeback. Trump is not so much climbing in the polls as the Ds are digging themselves an ever deeper hole. comments?
Voters like Democrat presidents and Republican congressmen. Or is it vice versa? Guess it doesn't matter, does it?
Pelosi's stumble might lose them the house which now reveals why Trump wanted her to be the speaker. *L*
Have you ever seen a speaker who couldn't speak? She speaks like I type on my tiny phone.
Pelosi thinks Trump is disgusting. Trump thinks Pelosi is useless. not a good match and not good for america. the russians are laughing. our children are listening!
What hole are they digging?

Today, Trump had a hissy fit and said he won't work with Congress until they stop investigating him.

How does that hurt the Democrats in ANY way?

It just (again) makes Trump look like a spoiled brat and shows that he could care less about the country...only himself.

And already two judges have agreed that the Dems have a Constitutional right to investigate him.

Trump acting like a baby might play well with his 'base' (for some bizarre reason)...but I guarantee you it won't play well with most of the rest of America.
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I'm hoping Trump turns the tables on these assholes. This isn't some pansy ass Bush they're dealing with.
You know, Obama tried to work with the Republicans in Congress, even when they all got together the night he was elected and swore to make him a one term president.

Trump isn't being a leader, he's being a petulant child. And, he's doing more harm to this country than most realize.
The democrats are doing exactly what they were elected to do: finally hold the president accountable. It's not like anyone had a lot of optimism that he might do anything for America because it was clear from the beginning that this infrastructure bill was an attempted bribe to get oversight off his back. No spending bill is worth letting a criminal like Trump off the hook.
Voters like Democrat presidents and Republican congressmen. Or is it vice versa? Guess it doesn't matter, does it?

Your right it doesn't matter... It's six to one and a half a dozen to another... While a split Executive and Legislative Branch of Government is a governor on out of control large and foolish spending it leads to absolutely nothing getting accomplished...
You know, Obama tried to work with the Republicans in Congress, even when they all got together the night he was elected and swore to make him a one term president.

Trump isn't being a leader, he's being a petulant child. And, he's doing more harm to this country than most realize.
"They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
President Obama on Republicans role in government under his administration.
PELOSI'S Dinner Yesterday Was:
You know, Obama tried to work with the Republicans in Congress, even when they all got together the night he was elected and swore to make him a one term president.

Trump isn't being a leader, he's being a petulant child. And, he's doing more harm to this country than most realize.
"They can come for the ride, but they gotta sit in back."
President Obama on Republicans role in government under his administration.

The Republicans said that they wanted to make Obama a one term president first.
Pelosi already acts as if she was shot in the head by accident from a hunter shooting quail

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