Did you know telling a black having too many tattoos was unacceptable...is racist?


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
An University of Iowa coach is accused of racist's statements including what this former player cried about with such angst....!!!
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

Really? Now this coach will probably be fired...because the MSM is making such a extremely dumb and childish issue of "racism"!
Come on you blacks... point out how you are being coddled. Being fawned over. Yea... it's nice for a while but when will you understand
life is tough for everyone...yes including us WHITES! Most of the blacks I know are frankly embarrassed by the riots, the looting and especially the "knee dropping" of politicians that SIMPLE want some news coverage!
Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'
Author Obianuju Ekeocha posted a video telling Democrats to stop "virtue signalling" by wearing African cloth in the Capitol.

"Excuse me, dear Democrats," she said.
"In your tokenism, you didn't wait to find out that this thing that you're hanging around your neck is not just some African uniform -- it's actually the kente material. The kente belongs to the Ghanaian people, mainly the Ashanti tribe.

Totally embarrassing to the black community this kow-towing. Come on you dumb White people... treat Blacks with respect! Don't simply bow and not mean a thing!
REMEMBER folks the MSM has made this a news event! Where was the bowing for this death?
Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting

All because a few dumb people were looting because a LOT of really uninformed people were protesting over a criminal's death!
In cities run by these same dumb ass kneeling democrats!
An University of Iowa coach is accused of racist's statements including what this former player cried about with such angst....!!!
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

Really? Now this coach will probably be fired...because the MSM is making such a extremely dumb and childish issue of "racism"!
Come on you blacks... point out how you are being coddled. Being fawned over. Yea... it's nice for a while but when will you understand
life is tough for everyone...yes including us WHITES! Most of the blacks I know are frankly embarrassed by the riots, the looting and especially the "knee dropping" of politicians that SIMPLE want some news coverage!
Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'
Author Obianuju Ekeocha posted a video telling Democrats to stop "virtue signalling" by wearing African cloth in the Capitol.

"Excuse me, dear Democrats," she said.
"In your tokenism, you didn't wait to find out that this thing that you're hanging around your neck is not just some African uniform -- it's actually the kente material. The kente belongs to the Ghanaian people, mainly the Ashanti tribe.

Totally embarrassing to the black community this kow-towing. Come on you dumb White people... treat Blacks with respect! Don't simply bow and not mean a thing!
REMEMBER folks the MSM has made this a news event! Where was the bowing for this death?
Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting

All because a few dumb people were looting because a LOT of really uninformed people were protesting over a criminal's death!
In cities run by these same dumb ass kneeling democrats!
View attachment 348032

"I used to get called in the coaches office because I had too much tattoos "

Why would you recruit someone and then tell them they had too many tatoos? If you want players without tatoos then make that a question in your recruiting profile.
An University of Iowa coach is accused of racist's statements including what this former player cried about with such angst....!!!
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

Really? Now this coach will probably be fired...because the MSM is making such a extremely dumb and childish issue of "racism"!
Come on you blacks... point out how you are being coddled. Being fawned over. Yea... it's nice for a while but when will you understand
life is tough for everyone...yes including us WHITES! Most of the blacks I know are frankly embarrassed by the riots, the looting and especially the "knee dropping" of politicians that SIMPLE want some news coverage!
Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'
Author Obianuju Ekeocha posted a video telling Democrats to stop "virtue signalling" by wearing African cloth in the Capitol.

"Excuse me, dear Democrats," she said.
"In your tokenism, you didn't wait to find out that this thing that you're hanging around your neck is not just some African uniform -- it's actually the kente material. The kente belongs to the Ghanaian people, mainly the Ashanti tribe.

Totally embarrassing to the black community this kow-towing. Come on you dumb White people... treat Blacks with respect! Don't simply bow and not mean a thing!
REMEMBER folks the MSM has made this a news event! Where was the bowing for this death?
Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting

All because a few dumb people were looting because a LOT of really uninformed people were protesting over a criminal's death!
In cities run by these same dumb ass kneeling democrats!
View attachment 348032
being. Got about 9 tats and I am universally loved by all that know me from my friends to my family to my customers. Black or white is irrelevant.
What's in your heart is what defines your hatred or love of others.
Why would you recruit someone and then tell them they had too many tatoos? If you want players without tatoos then make that a question in your recruiting profile.
Probably they got the tattoos after getting signed. But the point is why is it so hard to conform to what your employer wants and remember football players are basically employees! Get free room, board, money to spend and when their eligibility is over or even before they get millions for signing. I am I guess of the old fashion school (77 years) that when coaches tell you or your boss or someone in authority that you should do it...I'm always reminded of the story about a relative of mine. During WWII he was in training and was told to KEEP your head down when crawling through the barbed wire. He didn't. He was shot by the live bullets going over his head. He didn't obey the orders.
But that's the major difference today. Everyone is their OWN authority. To hell with you telling me what to do...even if it means getting my head shot off!
Why would you recruit someone and then tell them they had too many tatoos? If you want players without tatoos then make that a question in your recruiting profile.
Probably they got the tattoos after getting signed. But the point is why is it so hard to conform to what your employer wants and remember football players are basically employees! Get free room, board, money to spend and when their eligibility is over or even before they get millions for signing. I am I guess of the old fashion school (77 years) that when coaches tell you or your boss or someone in authority that you should do it...I'm always reminded of the story about a relative of mine. During WWII he was in training and was told to KEEP your head down when crawling through the barbed wire. He didn't. He was shot by the live bullets going over his head. He didn't obey the orders.
But that's the major difference today. Everyone is their OWN authority. To hell with you telling me what to do...even if it means getting my head shot off!
" why is it so hard to conform to what your employer wants and remember football players are basically employees! "
As an employee you are paid to do your job. Unless your tattoo keeps your from doing your job then its no ones fucking business. College players arent paid to play but even if they were the same thing applies. Just because I work for you doesnt mean you control my personal life.
An University of Iowa coach is accused of racist's statements including what this former player cried about with such angst....!!!
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

Really? Now this coach will probably be fired...because the MSM is making such a extremely dumb and childish issue of "racism"!
Come on you blacks... point out how you are being coddled. Being fawned over. Yea... it's nice for a while but when will you understand
life is tough for everyone...yes including us WHITES! Most of the blacks I know are frankly embarrassed by the riots, the looting and especially the "knee dropping" of politicians that SIMPLE want some news coverage!
Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'
Author Obianuju Ekeocha posted a video telling Democrats to stop "virtue signalling" by wearing African cloth in the Capitol.

"Excuse me, dear Democrats," she said.
"In your tokenism, you didn't wait to find out that this thing that you're hanging around your neck is not just some African uniform -- it's actually the kente material. The kente belongs to the Ghanaian people, mainly the Ashanti tribe.

Totally embarrassing to the black community this kow-towing. Come on you dumb White people... treat Blacks with respect! Don't simply bow and not mean a thing!
REMEMBER folks the MSM has made this a news event! Where was the bowing for this death?
Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting

All because a few dumb people were looting because a LOT of really uninformed people were protesting over a criminal's death!
In cities run by these same dumb ass kneeling democrats!
View attachment 348032
Hmmm, are they picking up on the part where the player said that he said this -
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

So what's the Iowa culture or the Iowa way ??

Is Iowa predominantly white ? Is the Iowa culture taylored around white culture and white ways ??

You see, this is the kind of stuff that these people are keying on when ever something is said these days. They see it as code talk for white culture even though it's not.

The coach may have seen it as a religious thing, and a cleanliness thing, where as your body is your temple, and therefore no writing or etching is to be carved into the skin, otherwise as in accordance with what God had commanded of the children of Israel.

Tattoos are an offense against the purity of the body, and therefore it ought not to be the norm, even though the world is slipping farther and farther into sinful activities, and on a much larger scale than ever before or so it seems.

Cleanliness is next to Godlyness remember ?
They can take just about anything these days, and claim racism, when in fact many cultures have religious tenents they believe in and go by, but it has nothing to do with ones skin color.

For example, if allow a dunkard into the room, and he is drunk, and then he tells his buddies that they can come there with all their drunken ways without being called out on them, then you have chaos and mayhem on your hands. Now tattoos aren't quite the problem or anywhere near the problem that drunkards are, so it could be that sometimes people associate tattoos with deeper more complicated problems that might exist within a person who has allowed such a thing to be done to their temples like that.

Standards are set in many cultures and societies, and then those standards are attempted to be upheld in sight of the children for whom they want to choose a different path in life, and to hopefully choose a life based upon some basic tenents and standards kept.

Most of the time it is religious standards attempted to be kept in many societies, cultures etc, and never is it an attack on a person's skin color. Garantee you if a white person came in tattooed from head to toe, and showing actions that offend the standards set forth in the group, the community or in the citizenry, the same comments would be made without regard to race.
In this climate, that coach was foolish to open his mouth. In fact, he was arrogant. Actually, he was stupid -- in my opinion.

One should not say anything except the party line. In our country, as in other countries, there are certain things that one must not say and things that one must say (silence is often not a choice).

It's terrifying to think what is going to be required/forbidden to say when President Biden takes office in a few months. I expect that at the inauguration, he and especially his VP will win the hearts of the universe by kneeling on the Capitol steps.
Why would you recruit someone and then tell them they had too many tatoos? If you want players without tatoos then make that a question in your recruiting profile.
Probably they got the tattoos after getting signed. But the point is why is it so hard to conform to what your employer wants and remember football players are basically employees! Get free room, board, money to spend and when their eligibility is over or even before they get millions for signing. I am I guess of the old fashion school (77 years) that when coaches tell you or your boss or someone in authority that you should do it...I'm always reminded of the story about a relative of mine. During WWII he was in training and was told to KEEP your head down when crawling through the barbed wire. He didn't. He was shot by the live bullets going over his head. He didn't obey the orders.
But that's the major difference today. Everyone is their OWN authority. To hell with you telling me what to do...even if it means getting my head shot off!
" why is it so hard to conform to what your employer wants and remember football players are basically employees! "
As an employee you are paid to do your job. Unless your tattoo keeps your from doing your job then its no ones fucking business. College players arent paid to play but even if they were the same thing applies. Just because I work for you doesnt mean you control my personal life.
If a company or team is wanting to project a specific image, and that image doesn't include tattoos or every other image trend that hollywood exploits as related to gang culture etc these days, then compliance is nessesary in accordance with the standards being set by the employer. Hey there are plenty of candidates that can play the game, and that will comply with their companies standards set, so the idea that people are irreplaceable is ridiculous these days.
If the coach says it Iowa Culture for the team to wear coat and tie when traveling to the game, that doe not affect how you play but the impression you make would you argue that you did not have to abide to the dress code?
An University of Iowa coach is accused of racist's statements including what this former player cried about with such angst....!!!
Another former player, Marcel Joly, tweeted about how coaches told him having so many tattoos
"wasn't the 'Iowa culture' or the 'Iowa Way.'"

Really? Now this coach will probably be fired...because the MSM is making such a extremely dumb and childish issue of "racism"!
Come on you blacks... point out how you are being coddled. Being fawned over. Yea... it's nice for a while but when will you understand
life is tough for everyone...yes including us WHITES! Most of the blacks I know are frankly embarrassed by the riots, the looting and especially the "knee dropping" of politicians that SIMPLE want some news coverage!
Black Twitter users mock Dems for donning kente cloth: 'Don't treat Africans like we're children'
Author Obianuju Ekeocha posted a video telling Democrats to stop "virtue signalling" by wearing African cloth in the Capitol.

"Excuse me, dear Democrats," she said.
"In your tokenism, you didn't wait to find out that this thing that you're hanging around your neck is not just some African uniform -- it's actually the kente material. The kente belongs to the Ghanaian people, mainly the Ashanti tribe.

Totally embarrassing to the black community this kow-towing. Come on you dumb White people... treat Blacks with respect! Don't simply bow and not mean a thing!
REMEMBER folks the MSM has made this a news event! Where was the bowing for this death?
Retired St. Louis Police captain killed after responding to a pawnshop alarm during looting

All because a few dumb people were looting because a LOT of really uninformed people were protesting over a criminal's death!
In cities run by these same dumb ass kneeling democrats!
View attachment 348032

If you believe in or subscribe to radical leftist race worshipping religion then simply stealing air when breathing as a white person is racist. I pity Americans who spend all day chasing their own tails with this garbage. That and one ought to be able to say whatever the FUCK one wants to say, so long as one is not shouting "FIRE!" and all that jazz, unless there's really a fucking fire, of course. If I want to come across as sounding like a racist prick that should be my right as guaranteed by the first Amendment. Whenever a civilization awards EXTRA rights and protections to a small percentage of its population trouble and woe are sure to follow.
It got so bad in the military some years ago that they made new rules to curtail them. Then a few years ago they allowed them again. Having issues getting new recruits. The old rules were that the tattoo could not be seen beneath the uniform or on the arms.

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