Didn't have to guess at this....biden sold 1 million barrels of oil to Chinese company with links to his son hunter....the big guys 10%.....

Nobody was tougher on Putin than Trump. Biden, in contrast, has folded like a bad poker hand. Notice how there was no attack on Ukraine when Trump was president ? Look at it now,
A Democratic Congress forced the former 1-term fuckup to move reluctantly against russia. Putin under the previous administration was attacking eastern Ukraine hence that need for Javelin missiles which led to his bargaining over them for a political favor.

Putin wanted a reduced NATO and so did trump.

Putin wanted a reduced EU and so did trump.

Putin wanted to destabilize our democracy so did trump.

Why would putin not want trump as US president?
32 Democrats retiring, instead of losing in November. That's the most in 30 years.

I'll tell you what. You go out and bet your life savings on Democrats retaining control of the House, OK ? And I'll take that bet.
You just posting about the house because of republic gerrymandering in red states. Also, overacting to republic voters in the suburbs that moved away from a trump party who maybe moving back, but the orange fuckup is still there.

The Democratic Party will keep the Senate.
Nobody was tougher on Putin than Trump. Biden, in contrast, has folded like a bad poker hand. Notice how there was no attack on Ukraine when Trump was president ? Look at it now,
A Democratic Congress forced the former 1-term fuckup to move reluctantly against russia. Putin under the previous administration was attacking eastern Ukraine hence that need for Javelin missiles which led to his bargaining over them for a political favor.

Putin wanted a reduced NATO and so did trump.

Putin wanted a reduced EU and so did trump.

Putin wanted to destabilize our democracy so did trump.

Why would putin not want trump as US president?
Obama gave them blankets. Trump gave them guns. If not for Trump Ukraine could not have resisted as long as they have.

Odd behavior for an "agent of Russia."
Obama gave them blankets. Trump gave them guns. If not for Trump Ukraine could not have resisted as long as they have.

Odd behavior for an "agent of Russia."
Congress passed legislation and forced the president to remove the hold that he had on the Javelin missiles. The former 1-term orange fuckup believed Ukraine was a crap nation and still does.

Republic pols if they win the house will stop aid the Ukraine.

Odd for a party under trump being hard on russia.
A Democratic Congress forced the former 1-term fuckup to move reluctantly against russia. Putin under the previous administration was attacking eastern Ukraine hence that need for Javelin missiles which led to his bargaining over them for a political favor.

Putin wanted a reduced NATO and so did trump.

Putin wanted a reduced EU and so did trump.

Putin wanted to destabilize our democracy so did trump.

Why would putin not want trump as US president?
Trump did not want to destabilize our democracy. Democrats DID DO THAT, by stealing the 2020 election with massive fraud, which I posted PAGES of in this forum.

Trump did not want a reduced NATO, Trump strengthend NATO by getting NATO members to pay their correct shares into it.

There are MANY reasons why Putin would not want Trump as US president. For one thing he couldn't invade Ukraine as long as Trump was president. If you watched Newsmax, instead of being victim of liberal OMISSON media, you wouldn't have to ask such a question, obvious to knowledgable conservatives.

The Trump administration imposed new sanctions on Russia — including strict sanctions on seven of Russia’s richest individuals and 17 top government officials for their interference in our elections. 1 The sanctions directly penalized President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle, by prohibiting them from traveling to the United States ever again.
He did this by opening a bank account in the West, preventing them from doing business with the West and prohibiting anyone else to do business on their behalf. 2

Here's some more YOU WON'T HEAR IT ON CNN stuff >> During his first month in office in January 2017, President Trump upheld strict sanctions to punish Russia for its unlawful 2014 annexation of Crimea. 3
With those sanctions, the Trump administration punished more than three dozen individuals and organizations that were behind the invasion of Ukraine. 4

Trump isn't the only one who has had a hand in the Russia penalizing. His cabinet has entered into these foreign policy dealings as well. Treasury Secretary Steve Mnuchin had a hand in the actions, stating that there would be no easing of the sanctions, until Russia were to meet the requirements expected of them under the 2015 Minsk agreement —the Russia/Ukraine ceasefire agreement. 5

In addition, seeing Russian diplomatic properties in San Francisco, Washington, D.C., and New York City, as threats to American security, Trump, not Obama, ordered the closure of them, after Russia had ordered that the United States cut its diplomatic staff in Russia. 6

Then there was the nerve agent attack in the United Kingdom. The Russian government was suspected, and it was President Trump who led the world in expelling Russian diplomats after the ominous scenario unfolded. Trump moved swiftly to expel 60 Russian diplomats from U.S. soil. 7

Lastly, after Russia used its oil leverage over NATO’s Eastern European countries to hold them hostage, Trump scolded Russia, in a 2017 speech in Poland. In the speech, Trump emphasized the danger to those counties, of being so dependent on those Russian oil imports. 8


1. Donna Borak, "US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials", CNN politics, April 6, 2018, US imposes sanctions against Russian oligarchs and government officials | CNN Politics

2. Jen Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years", THE HILL, July 16, 2018, President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years

3. Reena Flores, "Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue", CBS NEWS, February 6, 2017, Nikki Haley says Russia sanctions over Ukraine will continue

4. Kerns, "President Trump is tougher on Russia."

5. Ibid.

6. Mark Landler and Gardiner Harris, "In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco", The New York Times, August 31, 2017,
In Retaliation, U.S. Orders Russia to Close Consulate in San Francisco (Published 2017)

7. Michael Holden and Roberta Rampton, "U.S., EU to expel more than 100 Russian diplomats over UK nerve attack", Reuters,
U.S., EU to expel more than 100 Russian diplomats over UK nerve attack

8. Timothy Cama, "Trump says gas deal with Poland should take '15 minutes' ", THE HILL, July 6, 2017, Trump says gas deal with Poland should take ’15 minutes’

President Trump is tougher on Russia in 18 months than Obama in eight years
What victory?

Electing republic pols who sell out for mother russia?
Lol, your boy Biden gave putin the pipeline for 2.5 million. Then he blames him for our high gas prices. The pipeline is also funding Putin's war. Then we give Ukraine billions, to pay back for Hunter’s cushy job. Now China our enemy gets a million of our strategic oil supply. Of course Hunter has ties with that company. You loons will need to shut up when Trump takes over in 2025. Nothing he could do would top Biden on corruption.
Congress passed legislation and forced the president to remove the hold that he had on the Javelin missiles. The former 1-term orange fuckup believed Ukraine was a crap nation and still does.

Republic pols if they win the house will stop aid the Ukraine.

Odd for a party under trump being hard on russia.
Trump gave Ukraine javelin missles. Obama gave them blankets.
You just posting about the house because of republic gerrymandering in red states. Also, overacting to republic voters in the suburbs that moved away from a trump party who maybe moving back, but the orange fuckup is still there.

The Democratic Party will keep the Senate.
Wanna bet on that ?
Under Article III, Section 3, of the Constitution, any person who levies war against the United States or adheres to its enemies by giving them Aid and Comfort has committed treason within the meaning of the Constitution. The term aid and comfort refers to any act that manifests a betrayal of allegiance to the United States, such as furnishing enemies with arms, troops, transportation, shelter, or classified information. If a subversive act has any tendency to weaken the power of the United States to attack or resist its enemies, aid and comfort has been given.
Would it have been treason if Trump would have had a secret meeting with the Taliban?
So, we have a GLOBALIST, corrupt , opportunist, shady, cook occupying the White House, and something must be done to stop this lunatic. What should we do ?

I suggest impeach him, and Kamala Harris, after Republicans take both houses of Congress, and then install the Republican Speaker of the House as President.

Then, the whole govt well be in Republican control (Executive, Legislative, Judicial), and then start going after America's enemies. Fill up the prisons with them.
So, we have a GLOBALIST, corrupt , opportunist, shady, cook occupying the White House, and something must be done to stop this lunatic. What should we do ?

I suggest impeach him, and Kamala Harris, after Republicans take both houses of Congress, and then install the Republican Speaker of the House as President.

Then, the whole govt well be in Republican control (Executive, Legislative, Judicial), and then start going after America's enemies. Fill up the prisons with them.
Wow that sounds like some Nazi or Communist shit.
You're saying Trump didnt give them the Javelin missles ? lol

Is there any truth to this report and if not show me what proves it to be false.

Under the rules of the sale, the Javelin missiles have to be stored in western Ukraine, which is far from the frontlines of the ongoing conflict in the eastern part of the country (the Donbas region) against pro-Russia separatists.

In short, the Javelins were essentially provided to Ukraine under the condition that they not be used in the conflict zone.

Accordingly, the Javelins have yet to be used in the fighting, though US personnel are training some Ukrainian forces how to use them against tanks.

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