Disturbing New Revelations On Shooter: Did The White House Blow it?...

Hardly a "Conspiracy." They knew about this nut job and chose to do nothing. That's not a "Conspiracy" but is incomprehensible and outrageous incompetence. It may become a Conspiracy though when they begin to engage in their cover-up. Why did the FBI end their investigation of Hasan? I see today their already back-tracking on that one. Some of that "Well it wasn't really an Investigation" B.S. It may not be a Conspiracy yet but i think it will be at some point.
Yea i think he was just another one of those evil "Militia Boogeymen" you hear the Hopey Changey loons always screeching about. All those evil "Militia Boogeymen" yet no one has ever seen even one. Hmm? Why did the FBI drop their investigation of this cretin? This is a completely reasonable question. We deserve answers.

Actually, you deserve nothing.
You need a linkThere have been some new and very disturbing revelations coming to light today on shooter Nidal Malik Hasan.

Nidal Malik Hasan,the alleged shooter in yesterday's massacre at Fort Hood,played a Homeland Security Advisory role in President Barack Obama's transition into the White House,according to a key University Policy Institute document. The Homeland Security Policy Institute at George Washington University published a document May,19,entitled "Thinking Anew" in which Hasan of the Uniformed Services University School of Medicine is listed on page 29 of the document as a "Task Force Event Participant."

Even more disturbing news has come out today about the FBI actually looking into Hasan's possible involvement with Radical Islamist propaganda,but later dropping their investigation. This is incredibly disturbing and outrageous in my opinion. Why did the FBI end their investigation? Seems pretty crazy to me. There are just so many more questions that need to be answered on this terrible tragedy. How much was this White House and FBI involved with this event? Could they have done more? I guess we'll just have to wait and see.
so? I am sure Obama knew him too!:lol::cuckoo::cuckoo::cuckoo:
Never said Hopey Changey knew him personally. I said his FBI clearly knew the guy was a nut job Islamist and still chose to do nothing. I also never said it was a Conspiracy either. I said that the Conspiracy will likely come later with their cover-up. It is likely to go something like "He was just a poor stressed out guy who was being picked on and he simply snapped." This is of course complete Bull Chit. He was a Radical Islamist who massacred our kids in the name of Islam. This Administration is lying to us and if you want to call that a "Conspiracy" than so be it. Why did his FBI stop their investigation of Hasan? This is an absolutely fair question.
Maybe because he wasn't making any threats.
It's all just one big lie. It's everything but Radical Islam according to this White House. I just don't understand how so many can just march in lock-step and regurgitate White House Talking Points. Do we have a legitimate Media anymore? Don't they even ask questions anymore? Do they have real Journalists anymore? This President's FBI knew this guy was a nut job Islamist yet they chose to stop investigating him. Now we get their silly "He was just a poor stressed out guy who was being picked on and then just snapped" B.S. Well i'm not buying their scam. This guy was actually a vicious Radical Islamist who slaughtered our poor kids in the name of Islam. Now that's the truth and i don't care how this Administration tries to spin it. Make no mistake about it,they are lying.
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Hey Libo..

Looks like eots is buying into your conspiracy theory.

That means it must be authentic

it means it is once again appearing to follow a pattern of prior knowledge and homeland security/FBI connections ..something I posted and anticipated before these reports surfaced and listed as as signs to watch for

Then it's your fault for not stopping it...
It's all just one big lie. It's everything but Radical Islam according to this White House. I just don't understand how so many can just march in lock-step and regurgitate White House Talking Points. Do we have a legitimate Media anymore? Don't they ven ask questions anymore? Do they have real Journalists anymore? This President's FBI knew this guy was a nut job Islamist yet they chose to stop investigating him. Now we get their silly "He was just a poor stressed out guy who was being picked on and then just snapped" B.S. Well i'm not buying their scam. This guy was actually a vicious Radical Islamist who slaughtered our poor kids in the name of Islam. Now that's the truth and i don't care how this Administration tries to spin it. Make no mistake about it,they are lying.

I just don't understand how so many can just march in lock-step and regurgitate White House Talking Points.

You can't imagine it? You march "lock-step". Only yours are called, "looney Right Wingnut talking points.
The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.

Your accusations are simply false. Nothing in the article claims that "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." You have made a false statement to back up a conclusion that you alone have personally come to. The article points out facts about Nidal Malik Hasan while you only produced some non-facts. Nice try though.
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The disturbing report on Hasan's advisory role for the White House was reported on WND (World Net Daily) A Free Press for a Free People

Right-Wing Smear Artist Claims Ft. Hood Shooter Advised Obama


WND's Jerome Corsi Claims Fort Hood Shooter Advised Obama [UPDATE]

Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi. Corsi has a long history of lunatic, fact-averse ravings and he fails to disappoint on that regard on the pages of World Net Daily, today, in a piece entitled "Shooter advised Obama transition." Except, of course, he didn't do any such thing.

Corsi hangs his entire allegation on a document produced on May 19, 2009 by The George Washington University Homeland Security Policy Institute entitled "Thinking Anew, Security Priorities For The Next Administration." In that document, Nidal Hasan is listed, on page 29, as a "Task Force Event Participant." He was one of hundreds of people listed as a "participant." Significantly, Nidal was not the author of the document. He was not a member of the HSPI's "Presidential Transition Task Force." Nor was he a member of the HSPI's "Task Force Staff." He was not a member of the HSPI's Steering Committee or a briefer to the task force.

Also, the activities of the HSPI here do not in anyway constitute official transition advice to the White House, despite the fact that a committee got named the "Presidential Transition Task Force" and the HSPI's activities involved identifying homeland security priorities and offering advice.


Corsi.....now, where have we heard that name before? :eusa_whistle:

I know he has been on all the right wing radio talk shows around here in the past. :lol::cuckoo:
Your accusations are simply false. Nothing in the article claims that "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." You have made a false statement to back up a conclusion that you alone have personally come to. The article points out facts about Nidal Malik Hasan while you only produced some non-facts. Nice try though.

It's clear you have the comprehension of literary tools like hyperbole of a 5 year old...

Hey, were you one of the students in the classroom when Bush couldn't break himself away from My Pet Goat, while America was under attack?
The article contained only facts about Nidal Malik Hasan. You did not present any facts. I provided the link but you didn't have to click on it. You don't like the site then don't visit the site. There are certainly plenty of Left Wing kook sites out there for you to enjoy. So knock yourself out. No one is stopping you. The article still presented only facts while you did not. Nuff said.
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The article contained only facts about Nidal Malik Hasan. You did not present any facts. I provided the link but you didn't have to click on it. You don't like the site then don't visit the site. There are certainly plenty of Left Wing kook sites out there for you to enjoy. So knock yourself out. No one is stopping you. The article still presented only facts while you did not. Nuff said.

I did read Corsi's article and my article DOES present facts and exposes Corsi's lies...

I provided the link but you didn't have to click on it. You don't like the site then don't visit the site. There are certainly plenty of Right Wing kook sites out there for you to enjoy. So knock yourself out. No one is stopping you.
You still didn't present any facts. You merely presented your opinion of an article that presented only facts. Nowhere in the article does it claim that "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." Your accusations were simply false. Oh well,i guess it's back to your "EEEEEEEEETZ BOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHH AN FOXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOOOZ!!!" Enjoy.
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Even funnier,you didn't even bother to give your own opinion. It was actually someone else's opinion of this article. Maybe you Hopey Changeys will understand the difference between Opinion and Fact someday. You still never cited any factual inaccuracies in this article or back up your accusation that the article claimed "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." So we will all await the results of your own Fact-Check on your "Facts." Good luck with that.
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You still didn't present any facts. You merely presented your opinion of an article that presented only facts. Nowhere in the article does it claim that "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." Your accusations were simply false. Oh well,i guess it's back to your "EEEEEEEEETZ BOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHH AN FOXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOOOZ!!!" Enjoy.

Pea brain alert...refer to post #33...


Hyperbole (exaggeration or "hype") is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis. Here are a few examples:

*** Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi.

* It is going to take a b'zillion years to get through Medical School.
* I ate the whole cow.
* He's 900 years old.
* I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
* There are millions of other things to do.
* You're always doing that.
* Running faster than the speed of light.
* You could be Miss Universe.
* It took light years for this to work.
* I waited in line for centuries.
* I've told you a million times don't exaggerate.
* I had to walk fifteen miles up-hill both ways, in snow five feet deep.
* I had worse than that in my eye.
* If I don't get these jeans, I will DIE!
* I have a million things to do today.
* I could eat a horse.
* She cried for days.
* The whole world was staring at me.
* The package took forever to arrive in the mail
* I had a ton of homework.
* it took him two seconds to drive here.
* Her smile was a mile wide.
* His teeth were blinding white.
* My car is a million years old.
* I don't have two cents to rub together.
* I told you a thousand times!
* Maybe I'll do it in a million years.
Media Matters has the facts:http://crooksandliars.com/

However, Corsi himself acknowledges that there is no evidence that "the group played any formal role in the official Obama transition" -- indeed, the Task Force was initiated in April 2008. Moreover, while Hasan was listed as one of approximately 300 "Task Force Event Participants" in the report's appendix, HSPI has reportedly said he was not a "member" of the Task Force, and was listed because he RSVP'd for several of the group's open events.

Why, we can hardly wait for the next Glenn Beck episode.

The fact that it is crap, of course, guarantees that Glenn Beck et al will run with it. We can now look forward to a “the Fort Hood killer advised the Obama transition team” meme -– shortened to calling him “an Obama adviser”.

This is, naturally, just par for the course for Corsi:
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