You still didn't present any facts. You merely presented your opinion of an article that presented only facts. Nowhere in the article does it claim that "Obama guided Nidal Malik Hasan." Your accusations were simply false. Oh well,i guess it's back to your "EEEEEEEEETZ BOOOOOOOOOOOSSHHH AN FOXXXXXXX NOOOOOOOOOZ!!!" Enjoy.
Pea brain alert...refer to post #33...
Hyperbole (exaggeration or "hype") is a figure of speech in which exaggeration is used for emphasis. Here are a few examples:
*** Well, if you were wondering what paranoiac smear artist would be the first to step out and attempt to name President Barack Obama as the man who guided Nidal Malik Hasan to his murderous rampage at Fort Hood yesterday, the answer -- naturally! -- is Jerome Corsi.
* It is going to take a b'zillion years to get through Medical School.
* I ate the whole cow.
* He's 900 years old.
* I am so hungry I could eat a horse.
* There are millions of other things to do.
* You're always doing that.
* Running faster than the speed of light.
* You could be Miss Universe.
* It took light years for this to work.
* I waited in line for centuries.
* I've told you a million times don't exaggerate.
* I had to walk fifteen miles up-hill both ways, in snow five feet deep.
* I had worse than that in my eye.
* If I don't get these jeans, I will DIE!
* I have a million things to do today.
* I could eat a horse.
* She cried for days.
* The whole world was staring at me.
* The package took forever to arrive in the mail
* I had a ton of homework.
* it took him two seconds to drive here.
* Her smile was a mile wide.
* His teeth were blinding white.
* My car is a million years old.
* I don't have two cents to rub together.
* I told you a thousand times!
* Maybe I'll do it in a million years.