DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz: "Too Many Jews Are Marrying Non-Jews"...


Platinum Member
Oct 7, 2011
Ha, i've always said this dunce is the dumbest person serving in Government today. And now she proves herself to be a dumb bigot as well. She never disappoints. WTG Dems. ;)

Wasserman Schultz In Damage Control Mode After Attacking Jewish ‘Intermarriage’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is now attempting damage control after audio surfaced last week of her telling a Jewish audience that “too many” Jews are marrying non-Jews.

“We have the problem of assimilation. We have the problem of intermarriage,” the Democratic National Committee chairwoman said at the Jan. 16 event for a south Florida branch of the Jewish Federation. “We have the problem that too many generations of Jews don’t realize the importance of our institutions strengthening our community – particularly with the rise of anti-Semitism and global intolerance, which obviously we saw in horrific technicolor in just the last week in Paris.”

Read More:
DNC Chair Walks Back Comments About Jewish Intermarriage The Daily Caller
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

Conservatives care about freedom. Theological rulings are the opposite of freedom. The Jewish religion worries about being bred out of existence, that go's back to Old Testament days, that's why intermarriage is such an issue. There are what, 13 million Jews left worldwide? Intermarriage IS an issue for them when their very existence is what's at stake.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

I am a conservative who has intermarried. The issue here is not whether to agree or disagree with Wassserman-Schultz but to call out the hypocrisy that a liberal elite can talk all day long about her people not intermarrying being OK yet if a bunch of Baptists in South Florida speak out against intermarry it is unacceptable?

Saying "WE JEWS" are not supposed to intermarry is supposed to be different,-HOW- from "We Catholics" "We Baptists" We ______" arenot supposed to intermarry.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

I am a conservative who has intermarried. The issue here is not whether to agree or disagree with Wassserman-Schultz but to call out the hypocrisy that a liberal elite can talk all day long about her people not intermarrying being OK yet if a bunch of Baptists in South Florida speak out against intermarry it is unacceptable?

Saying "WE JEWS" are not supposed to intermarry is supposed to be different,-HOW- from "We Catholics" "We Baptists" We ______" arenot supposed to intermarry.
It's a racial statement more than a religious one. Her rhetoric is more similar to, "We whites are not supposed to intermarry".
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

Oh yes RC were not suppose to marry other Christians, that way there'd be more RC babies. Now I guess its best to marry a first cousin than to intermarry hey, like Jacob did. Is this a race thing or a religious thing for Jews because as you know the Jewish men loved the Egyptian and Canaanite women.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

I am a conservative who has intermarried. The issue here is not whether to agree or disagree with Wassserman-Schultz but to call out the hypocrisy that a liberal elite can talk all day long about her people not intermarrying being OK yet if a bunch of Baptists in South Florida speak out against intermarry it is unacceptable?

Saying "WE JEWS" are not supposed to intermarry is supposed to be different,-HOW- from "We Catholics" "We Baptists" We ______" arenot supposed to intermarry.
It's a racial statement more than a religious one. Her rhetoric is more similar to, "We whites are not supposed to intermarry".

Liberals need to explain how and why her statement is acceptable. Liberals got their tits in an uproar years ago when George W. Bush visited Bob Jones University in the South. The school did not allow interracial dating as it might lead to interracial marriage. That sect of the religion did not believe in interracial marriage. Wasserman-Schultz and her sect does not believe in inter-religion marriage. Race and Religion are closely aligned. I personally believe that one can believe that their race and/or their religion ought to date and marry only among their own and not be racist. I also believe that there needs to be tolerance for those who believe or want to be free to intermarry. Simple.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

LOL! Do what?

Schultz is an imbecile. Therefore, it's the JEWS that should be DEMANDING she intermarry. This as a means of rinsing her from Judaism.

We, the gentle-gentiles... we would prefer someone simply toss a bucket of water on her and be done with it.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.
My converted redneck Jew nephew is taking up the slack, 4th in 5 years on the way.

What's in the fuckin' water in Brooklyn?
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

I am a conservative who has intermarried. The issue here is not whether to agree or disagree with Wassserman-Schultz but to call out the hypocrisy that a liberal elite can talk all day long about her people not intermarrying being OK yet if a bunch of Baptists in South Florida speak out against intermarry it is unacceptable?

Saying "WE JEWS" are not supposed to intermarry is supposed to be different,-HOW- from "We Catholics" "We Baptists" We ______" arenot supposed to intermarry.
It's a racial statement more than a religious one. Her rhetoric is more similar to, "We whites are not supposed to intermarry".

Liberals need to explain how and why her statement is acceptable. Liberals got their tits in an uproar years ago when George W. Bush visited Bob Jones University in the South. The school did not allow interracial dating as it might lead to interracial marriage. That sect of the religion did not believe in interracial marriage. Wasserman-Schultz and her sect does not believe in inter-religion marriage. Race and Religion are closely aligned. I personally believe that one can believe that their race and/or their religion ought to date and marry only among their own and not be racist. I also believe that there needs to be tolerance for those who believe or want to be free to intermarry. Simple.

It's acceptable because she has 'D' by her name. No need to over-think it. Dem-Bots aren't real deep and complicated. :)
Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

I do not seem to be able to get my fill of Leftist groping for a point, by advancing fiction as fact.

I guess what I love about it is how easy it is to refute and how they just pretend it never happened.

Allow me to demonstrate:

Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

Can you provide an example of a righty twisting themselves into pretzels on this thread?




Now the reader should just monitor that exchange and enjoy the looming silence OR... if we get lucky, the ironic pretzeled rationalization that comes in response.
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

As a non-Jew.. I don't care. And what's up with the clowny faces? Is something al you lefty moonbats got at a meeting?

My Gawd... you're like little trained robots, all spewing the same thing.

Every single Rightie is doing this on this thread.

And all of you show a complete lack of discernment.

The Tanakh actually commands to marry within the faith, ergo, what Wasserman-Schultz said is actually completely Halakhic.

Of course, Righties claim to respect religion, but what they really mean is that they only give a fuck about Christianity. Righties only respect what Christianity says. If another religion has something to say, Righties don't give a flying fuck about it, until they can use it as a battering ram against people with whom they don't agree.

But just because we Jews should marry within the faith does not mean that we do, neither am I against someone marrying out of the faith. I myself married out of the faith. "should" is not the same thing as reality. That is a point of discernment that just goes way over primitive Rightie heads.

So, Righties, go fuck yourselves many times over.

Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.

As a non-Jew.. I don't care. And what's up with the clowny faces? Is something al you lefty moonbats got at a meeting?

My Gawd... you're like little trained robots, all spewing the same thing.


Yes. That is what it is. On most of these sites, there is usually a thread where only the Ladies are allowed to go. And an invite is required to gain entry. If there is not one here at the moment, it's only a matter of time before one comes along.

This is because, that thread acts as an echo-chamber, which is essential component of the Left, as they're essentially children, emotionally speaking, thus they NEED the validation.
Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

I do not seem to be able to get my fill of Leftist groping for a point, by advancing fiction as fact.

I guess what I love about it is how easy it is to refute and how they just pretend it never happened.

Allow me to demonstrate:

Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

Can you provide an example of a righty twisting themselves into pretzels on this thread?




Now the reader should just monitor that exchange and enjoy the looming silence OR... if we get lucky, the ironic pretzeled rationalization that comes in response.
Every single Rightie is doing this on this thread.

And all of you show a complete lack of discernment.

The Tanakh actually commands to marry within the faith, ergo, what Wasserman-Schultz said is actually completely Halakhic.

Of course, Righties claim to respect religion, but what they really mean is that they only give a fuck about Christianity. Righties only respect what Christianity says. If another religion has something to say, Righties don't give a flying fuck about it, until they can use it as a battering ram against people with whom they don't agree.

But just because we Jews should marry within the faith does not mean that we do, neither am I against someone marrying out of the faith. I myself married out of the faith. "should" is not the same thing as reality. That is a point of discernment that just goes way over primitive Rightie heads.

So, Righties, go fuck yourselves many times over.


I couldn't help but to notice that you intentionally sought to isolate your responding comment from the position to TO WHICH YOU WERE RESPONDING...

But given the composition of that response, in fairness... it's perfectly understandable why ya would.

BUT... I wanted the reader to get the full effect, so I FIXED IT FOR YA!


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

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