DNC Chair Wasserman Schultz: "Too Many Jews Are Marrying Non-Jews"...

I don't care about Jews who think Jews should only marry Jews and I don't care about whites who think they should only marry whites or purple polka-dotted people who think they should only marry other purple polka-dotted people.

They have a right to their opinion and their beliefs. Just don't try to make it illegal - even if it's two Jewish guys.
I wonder if Stats thinks his gay marriage is OK with Judaic scripture. Maybe if both gays are Jews.
Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

I do not seem to be able to get my fill of Leftist groping for a point, by advancing fiction as fact.

I guess what I love about it is how easy it is to refute and how they just pretend it never happened.

Allow me to demonstrate:

Fun to watch Righties twist themselves into pretzels on this thread. Bunch of frothers...

Can you provide an example of a righty twisting themselves into pretzels on this thread?




Now the reader should just monitor that exchange and enjoy the looming silence OR... if we get lucky, the ironic pretzeled rationalization that comes in response.
Every single Rightie is doing this on this thread.

And all of you show a complete lack of discernment.

The Tanakh actually commands to marry within the faith, ergo, what Wasserman-Schultz said is actually completely Halakhic.

Of course, Righties claim to respect religion, but what they really mean is that they only give a fuck about Christianity. Righties only respect what Christianity says. If another religion has something to say, Righties don't give a flying fuck about it, until they can use it as a battering ram against people with whom they don't agree.

But just because we Jews should marry within the faith does not mean that we do, neither am I against someone marrying out of the faith. I myself married out of the faith. "should" is not the same thing as reality. That is a point of discernment that just goes way over primitive Rightie heads.

So, Righties, go fuck yourselves many times over.


I couldn't help but to notice that you intentionally sought to isolate your responding comment from the position to TO WHICH YOU WERE RESPONDING...

But given the composition of that response, in fairness... it's perfectly understandable why ya would.

BUT... I wanted the reader to get the full effect, so I FIXED IT FOR YA!


Your concession is duly noted and summarily accepted.

Oh, you think you are important to me. You are not. For this reason, I did not respond to you. Go fuck off.

Now, back to the points made in the OP:

The Deuteronomic Code forbade intermarrying with Canaanites and has been interpreted, at least by hard-core orthodox, to mean that intermarrying any other faith is forbidden in Judiasm. The Talmud strictly forbids it point-blank, but the Talmud is not the word of G-d, it is a set of commentaries (like Mishnah and Gemarrah). Therefore, for a Jew, the Talmud is not the final authority on this issue. With the splitting of Judaism into 3 branches, the topic of intermarrying was looked at in a new light.

For this reason I said that Wasserman-Schultz is correct in saying that we Jews should not intermarry. But many do, and many Liberal Rabbis even partake in interfaith marriage ceremonies.

My point is that Righties would not give a fuck about this point had a hard-core Right-Wing Rabbi said it (as many have), they only give a fuck because Wasserman-Schultz is a Liberal Democrat.

This shows how unbelievably disingenuous Righties are.
Oh, you think you are important to me. ...

You second concession to the same standing points is ALSO Duly Noted and Summarily Accepted.

(Scamp, once you've conceded, you're not required to continue to do so. While it's always nice when someone goes to the trouble of rhetorically prostrating them self, I just want ya to know that it's not necessary.)
Actually, we Jews are NOT supposed to intermarry. So, the Conservatives here should be supporting Wasserman-Schultz on this one.
The point is that you should have the freedom to be that religious bigot. And religious bigotry should be called out so people can make their own judgments about it.
Wassermelon is a religious bigot and to the extent that affects her job is up to those whom she represents. She can work elsewhere.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?
This all sounds like that little maggot Alan Dershowitz in Chutzpah when he recommended that Jews incite as much anti-Semitism as they can in the US, on account of there wasn't enough anti-Semitism to act as a driver for tribal unity. What an asshole. Small wonder he was Clinton's White House council. God got him back though. His son, who hates his dad's guts, married a Christian girl, not for her DNA, but because he loved her. Strange concept to Dershowitz.
Ha, i've always said this dunce is the dumbest person serving in Government today. And now she proves herself to be a dumb bigot as well. She never disappoints. WTG Dems. ;)

Wasserman Schultz In Damage Control Mode After Attacking Jewish ‘Intermarriage’

Debbie Wasserman Schultz is now attempting damage control after audio surfaced last week of her telling a Jewish audience that “too many” Jews are marrying non-Jews.

“We have the problem of assimilation. We have the problem of intermarriage,” the Democratic National Committee chairwoman said at the Jan. 16 event for a south Florida branch of the Jewish Federation. “We have the problem that too many generations of Jews don’t realize the importance of our institutions strengthening our community – particularly with the rise of anti-Semitism and global intolerance, which obviously we saw in horrific technicolor in just the last week in Paris.”

Read More:
DNC Chair Walks Back Comments About Jewish Intermarriage The Daily Caller

Now let's hear her feelings concerning blacks marrying non-blacks.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?

Well, MAYBE she is qualified. She may actually know the difference between anti-zionism and antisemitism.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?

First girl I had sex with was a Jewish girl. But I was not allowed to date her since I wasn't Jewish..... She was the sister of a friend - I had known them both for years. We played a game called "7 minutes in Heaven" that led to heavy petting and a trip to the other room to go all the way.

Afterwards I asked her to start dating, she said she couldn't possibly date a Christian. I pointed out that we had just had sex, but she said her parents would never know about that, so it was okay...

It all seemed very strange to me.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?

Well, MAYBE she is qualified. She may actually know the difference between anti-zionism and antisemitism.
I dont think that qualifies anyone for anything. Except maybe being a peckerwood.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?

First girl I had sex with was a Jewish girl. But I was not allowed to date her since I wasn't Jewish..... She was the sister of a friend - I had known them both for years. We played a game called "7 minutes in Heaven" that led to heavy petting and a trip to the other room to go all the way.

Afterwards I asked her to start dating, she said she couldn't possibly date a Christian. I pointed out that we had just had sex, but she said her parents would never know about that, so it was okay...

It all seemed very strange to me.

Homogeneous Marriage and dating is one thing, heterogeneous free sex among the races and religions? Now we are talking harmony!
Every single Rightie is doing this on this thread.

And all of you show a complete lack of discernment.

The Tanakh actually commands to marry within the faith, ergo, what Wasserman-Schultz said is actually completely Halakhic.

Of course, Righties claim to respect religion, but what they really mean is that they only give a fuck about Christianity. Righties only respect what Christianity says. If another religion has something to say, Righties don't give a flying fuck about it, until they can use it as a battering ram against people with whom they don't agree.

But just because we Jews should marry within the faith does not mean that we do, neither am I against someone marrying out of the faith. I myself married out of the faith. "should" is not the same thing as reality. That is a point of discernment that just goes way over primitive Rightie heads.

So, Righties, go fuck yourselves many times over.


You site a religious passage as your basis and justification? Many a righty respects that. It is the Liberals that freak out when many a Christian righty points to his religious scripture as his basis and justification for his position on marriage. Wasserman Schulz is no different. And that's ok. Just stop your judgement.
She's right. The intermarriage rate is officially like 50% and more likely like 80%. At that rate a population assimilates into nothingness within a couple of generations. Of course among the Orthodox that rate is like 15%. Birth rates vary as well.
But my question is: WHo the hell is she to say this to anyone?

A politician looking for votes.
Should end her career, but it wont.
No, the shellackign the Dems got in November should end her career. But Dems are into failure. Their likely presidential candidate failed at every job she ever had. The current White House occupant failed at every job he ever had. Nancy Pelosi failed as Speaker and is still Minority Leader. Dems love failure, they hate success.

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