Democrats did not applaud Reagan’s attempted assassination and cheer for another try

There will never be another Reagan. A Trump in his 1980s was sharper, more diplomatic and well spoken. That Trump today, then a Democrat, would win in a landslide.

However, hopefully there are Reaganites. Rubio seems to be one to a great degree, especially in regards to National Security. He happens to be the one politician I listen to and respect in this regard.

Trump is also very much like Reagan, even despised by the same Establishment that despised Reagan. He uses the same motto, the same song, the same "peace through strength". He also happened to be at his peak at the same time Reagan was in his during the 80s. His outreach to working class voters and non-whites, something they even had an acronym for when Reagan used his outreach. They also both work very hard. Reagan ran circles around Carter in his first election in terms of stamina and activities.

Clinton was more of a Reaganite than 99% of politicians today let's not forget.

Trump attacked Reagan in the 1980s.
Why isn't the mainstream media demanding that the Biden administration responds to the failure in security and demanding that the Secret Service chief resign? Something ain't right and the phantoms who are running the Biden administration are apparently hoping that the media will forget about it.
Trump attacked Reagan in the 1980s.

He also met him and admired him.

Politics is fickle and leaders are popular one day and not so the next, just ask Churchill who was unceremoniously voted out even after saving the world and certainly Britain.

This fickle attitude is particularly specific to individual policies which is what I presume Trump would complain about in his day as a wealthy businessman.
There will never be another Reagan. Too much money in politics today. A Trump in his 1980s was sharper, more diplomatic and well spoken. That Trump today, then a Democrat, would win in a landslide and he would operate more like Reagan did in his presentation.

However, hopefully there are Reaganites still around. Rubio seems to be one to a great degree, especially in regards to National Security. He happens to be the one politician I listen to and respect in this regard.

Trump is also very much like Reagan, even despised by the same Establishment that despised Reagan. He uses the same motto, the same song, the same "peace through strength". He also happened to be at his peak at the same time Reagan was in his during the 80s. His outreach to working class voters and non-whites, something they even had an acronym for when Reagan used his outreach. They also both work very hard. Reagan ran circles around Carter in his first election in terms of stamina and activities.

Clinton was more of a Reaganite than 99% of politicians today let's not forget.

Others claim to be influenced by Reagan such as Romney etc but they only pretend to emulate his "strength" in national security but their methods are FAR different I suspect. Reagan didn't believe in direct war, he believed in being so strong and effective that war would be avoided. Thus his "peace through strength" motto that Trump uses.

Too many just see a hard conservative Reagan but he was far brighter than that. He was a man of action but not a war mongerer
What was the acronym?
Better yet, what is the relevance. Surada hates Trump and she reaches all the way through her transverse colon looking for any shit that might stick. She's a moron.
The reality is she is talking about an 1987 ad being critical of foreign policy, never mentions Reagan, in fact it was written as Reagan was going out of office and concern for the future

The poster is a known liar
Ever since Trump started to announce he would run for President back in early 2016, the Democrats "had it in the bag" - so to speak. They wanted to get rid of him, even though it was nearing the end of Obama's term. Ever since, they were plotting ways to "Get Trump". And they (even to this day) still are plotting ways to "Get Trump".

Many Americans have a pure hatred for Trump. Many Americans stand by Trump.

When Trump became our 45th President, the Democrats needed to find ways to "eliminate" him. In 2020, the Democrats thought, the only way to do so, was to put Biden in the White House.

Fast-forward to 2024, the Democrats have been plotting to "eliminate" Trump. Because he is "in their way".

Trump had a terrible reputation as a liar and a cheat for decades before he ran for president.
He also met him and admired him.

Politics is fickle and leaders are popular one day and not so the next, just ask Churchill who was unceremoniously voted out even after saving the world and certainly Britain.

This fickle attitude is particularly specific to individual policies which is what I presume Trump would complain about in his day as a wealthy businessman.

The gadfly was Donald Trump, writing in his book The Art of the Deal. But it wasn’t just a glancing blow; to promote the book, Trump launched a political campaign that tore into Reagan’s record, including his willingness to stand up to the Soviet Union. Advised by the notorious Roger Stone, a Nixon-era GOP trickster, in 1987 Trump took out full-page ads in the New York Times, the Boston Globe and the Washington Post blasting Reagan and his team.

The gadfly was Donald Trump, writing in his book The Art of the Deal. But it wasn’t just a glancing blow; to promote the book, Trump launched a political campaign that tore into Reagan’s record, including his willingness to stand up to the Soviet Union. Advised by the notorious Roger Stone, a Nixon-era GOP trickster, in 1987 Trump took out full-page ads in the New York Times, the Boston Globe and the Washington Post blasting Reagan and his team.
When did trump say we shouldn’t of stood against the Soviet Union?

Please quote the ad where he blasted Reagan?
When did trump say we shouldn’t of stood against the Soviet Union?

Please quote the ad where he blasted Reagan?

In the text, which was addressed “To the American people,” Trump declared, “There’s nothing wrong with America’s Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone can’t cure.” The problem was America’s leading role in defending democracy, which had been fulfilled by Republicans and Democrats all the way back to FDR. Foreshadowing his 2015 argument that would have Mexico pay for an American-built border wall, Trump then said that the United States should present its allies with a bill for defense services rendered.

The ads, which cost more than $90,000, came after Trump had visited the Soviet Union and met with Mikhail Gorbachev. (A few years earlier, Trump had offered himself as a replacement for Reagan’s nuclear arms control negotiators, whom he considered too soft.) Trump followed his letter to America with a trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where voters were eyeing the candidates in the 1988 primary. There he spoke to the Rotary Club, which met at Yoken’s restaurant, where the sign out front featured a spouting whale and the slogan, “Thar she blows!” In his talk, Trump sounded some of the same themes he offers today, except for the fact that the bad guys who were laughing at the United States were the Japanese and not the Mexicans or Chinese.

“We’re being ripped off and decimated by many foreign nations who are supposedly our allies,” said Trump. “Why can’t we have a share of their money? I don’t mean you demand it. But I tell you what, folks, we can ask in such a way that they’re going to give it to us—if the right person’s asking. … The Japanese, when they negotiate with us, they have long faces. But when the negotiations are over, it is my belief—I’ve never seen this—they laugh like hell.”

Trump’s 1987 pseudo-campaign generated invaluable amounts of free publicity and contributed greatly to the sales of The Art of the Deal, which appeared on shelves a few weeks after Trump spoke in Portsmouth. The experience reinforced what Trump already knew about manipulating the press corps, which then, as now, found him irresistible. (Audiences loved him too. One woman in New Hampshire told a reporter that Trump reeked of the “aphrodisiac” of power.)

In the pages of the book, he defended his practice of hype, calling it “truthful hyperbole,” and he hinted at his future practice of outrageous rhetoric, noting that the press “love stories about extreme.”
Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

Donald Trump Jr was celebrated by the far right, and condemned everywhere else, for sharing a meme that made light of the attack on Nancy Pelosi’s husband.

The self-described “general in meme wars” shared the controversial post to his personal Instagram account on Sunday night, just two days after Paul Pelosi, 82, was forced to undergo surgery after being attacked at the couple’s San Francisco home by a hammer-wielding intruder.


In the text, which was addressed “To the American people,” Trump declared, “There’s nothing wrong with America’s Foreign Defense Policy that a little backbone can’t cure.” The problem was America’s leading role in defending democracy, which had been fulfilled by Republicans and Democrats all the way back to FDR. Foreshadowing his 2015 argument that would have Mexico pay for an American-built border wall, Trump then said that the United States should present its allies with a bill for defense services rendered.

The ads, which cost more than $90,000, came after Trump had visited the Soviet Union and met with Mikhail Gorbachev. (A few years earlier, Trump had offered himself as a replacement for Reagan’s nuclear arms control negotiators, whom he considered too soft.) Trump followed his letter to America with a trip to Portsmouth, New Hampshire, where voters were eyeing the candidates in the 1988 primary. There he spoke to the Rotary Club, which met at Yoken’s restaurant, where the sign out front featured a spouting whale and the slogan, “Thar she blows!” In his talk, Trump sounded some of the same themes he offers today, except for the fact that the bad guys who were laughing at the United States were the Japanese and not the Mexicans or Chinese.

“We’re being ripped off and decimated by many foreign nations who are supposedly our allies,” said Trump. “Why can’t we have a share of their money? I don’t mean you demand it. But I tell you what, folks, we can ask in such a way that they’re going to give it to us—if the right person’s asking. … The Japanese, when they negotiate with us, they have long faces. But when the negotiations are over, it is my belief—I’ve never seen this—they laugh like hell.”

Trump’s 1987 pseudo-campaign generated invaluable amounts of free publicity and contributed greatly to the sales of The Art of the Deal, which appeared on shelves a few weeks after Trump spoke in Portsmouth. The experience reinforced what Trump already knew about manipulating the press corps, which then, as now, found him irresistible. (Audiences loved him too. One woman in New Hampshire told a reporter that Trump reeked of the “aphrodisiac” of power.)

In the pages of the book, he defended his practice of hype, calling it “truthful hyperbole,” and he hinted at his future practice of outrageous rhetoric, noting that the press “love stories about extreme.”
Your first link shows he invited them to numerous events, and ends where he said he had great respect for him…

So where is this ad attacking him? Your link does the opposite of what you been claiming
Your first link shows he invited them to numerous events, and ends where he said he had great respect for him…

So where is this ad attacking him? Your link does the opposite of what you been claiming
Reagan White House Files Show Ronald and Nancy Repeatedly Snubbed Donald Trump and His 'Large Ego'
Donald Trump once invited Ronald and Nancy Reagan to a LaToya Jackson concert at his Atlantic City casino

By Tierney McAfee Published on June 22, 2016 04:50PM EDT

In 1986, a 40-year-old Donald Trump sent a letter to then-First Lady Nancy Reagan inviting her to stay at his Mar-a-Lago mansion – which, he informed her, was designed to be the “southern White House” – when she came down for the American Red Cross Ball in Palm Beach, Florida.

According to a Washington Post review of Reagan Library archives, the East Wing staff had no clue what Trump was talking about – the first lady had not been invited to the Red Cross ball – but Mrs. Reagan nevertheless drafted a hand-written letter declining the businessman’s invitation and telling him, “I am familiar with Mar-a-Lago.” Then, apparently thinking better of the potentially ego-stroking line – she crossed it out.

Trump’s ego – more so than Trump himself – was well-recognized at the Reagan White House, where, The Post‘s review of records found, aides sought to reject the mogul’s many overtures without wounding his pride.

Since launching his presidential bid last summer, Trump has frequently compared himself to Ronald Reagan and claimed a closeness with the 40th president – “He liked me,” Trump has said – that did not exist, the White House records suggest.

In 1987, White House Political Director Frank J. Donatelli wrote a memo asking Chief of Staff Howard Baker to reach out to Trump directly after the New York developer announced that he was weighing a request to headline a big fundraiser for congressional Democrats. “It would be most helpful if you would place a phone call to Don Trump today. He has a large ego and would be responsive to your call,” Donatelli wrote in the memo, underlining the word “large.” (Trump ultimately decided not to chair the event.)

The memo came amid a decade’s worth of almost-begging invitations Trump extended to the Reagans – all of which the president and first lady declined or ignored. Here are six examples, via The Washington Post:

• “In 1983, a request came in for a presidential telegram congratulating Trump on the grand opening of his eponymous tower on Fifth Avenue. A lawyer in the counsel’s office wrote ‘NO’ and explained internally that it would be inappropriate because it was a ‘commercial’ venture.
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Reagan White House Files Show Ronald and Nancy Repeatedly Snubbed Donald Trump and His 'Large Ego'
Donald Trump once invited Ronald and Nancy Reagan to a LaToya Jackson concert at his Atlantic City casino

By Tierney McAfee Published on June 22, 2016 04:50PM EDT
In 1986, a 40-year-old Donald Trump sent a letter to then-First Lady Nancy Reagan inviting her to stay at his Mar-a-Lago mansion – which, he informed her, was designed to be the “southern White House” – when she came down for the American Red Cross Ball in Palm Beach, Florida.

According to a Washington Post review of Reagan Library archives, the East Wing staff had no clue what Trump was talking about – the first lady had not been invited to the Red Cross ball – but Mrs. Reagan nevertheless drafted a hand-written letter declining the businessman’s invitation and telling him, “I am familiar with Mar-a-Lago.” Then, apparently thinking better of the potentially ego-stroking line – she crossed it out.

Trump’s ego – more so than Trump himself – was well-recognized at the Reagan White House, where, The Post‘s review of records found, aides sought to reject the mogul’s many overtures without wounding his pride.

Since launching his presidential bid last summer, Trump has frequently compared himself to Ronald Reagan and claimed a closeness with the 40th president – “He liked me,” Trump has said – that did not exist, the White House records suggest.

In 1987, White House Political Director Frank J. Donatelli wrote a memo asking Chief of Staff Howard Baker to reach out to Trump directly after the New York developer announced that he was weighing a request to headline a big fundraiser for congressional Democrats. “It would be most helpful if you would place a phone call to Don Trump today. He has a large ego and would be responsive to your call,” Donatelli wrote in the memo, underlining the word “large.” (Trump ultimately decided not to chair the event.)

Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump: Flashback Moments, 1979 1992
The memo came amid a decade’s worth of almost-begging invitations Trump extended to the Reagans – all of which the president and first lady declined or ignored. Here are six examples, via The Washington Post:

• “In 1983, a request came in for a presidential telegram congratulating Trump on the grand opening of his eponymous tower on Fifth Avenue. A lawyer in the counsel’s office wrote ‘NO’ and explained internally that it would be inappropriate because it was a ‘commercial’ venture.
YAWN, Do you ever get tired of posting irrelevant garbage? Biden has dementia and is incompetent to perform the duties and you've tried your best to cover for him. He has also shown that he is an incompetent, lying, plagiarizing politician for over fifty years and you don't have any problem with it. You are an ignorant hypocrite.
Yes, this shows how deranged Democrats have become. There are many who have applauded the attempt, and cheer in approval when someone (of course another Dem) says he’s sorry he missed.

THIS is how disgusting some of you have become. It will spell the end of the Democrat Party rule, as decent people see it - and reject it.

(And consider how the DEI push almost cost Trump his life and did indeed cost one of his supporters his. The incompetent Secret Service chief put the A-team on Jill Biden’s rally, and substituted the practice squad for Trump. And then, to cover the fact the DEI has resulted in an unqualified workforce even in critical positions, she makes up a lie about the sloped roof.)

Lisa it wasn't that long ago that you posted a thread in which you stated that there are only limited resources and they should go to the "group" who has been victimized the most. Doesn't that mean that some individuals will get resources and others won't, or will get something less?

I suspect you understand this so why are you acting like you don't understand the difference between putting your best marksmen Secret Service Agents on the First Family as opposed to a presidential candidate, even though he is a former U.S. president?

Limited resources Lisa, limited resources.

As much as you and your cohorts

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