DNC Knew Who Breached Their Server in 2015


Diamond Member
Sep 9, 2012
I always suspected someone within the DNC that was a supporter of Bernie Sanders did the breach and leak.
I also knew they had cut off access to Bernie and his team and were sued over it. What I didn't do at the time was take the time to read all the particulars. Well, here it is. They cut off access due to one of his staffers exploiting the DNC system which had a software error

The internal warfare exploded after the DNC cut off Sanders from the database and said the Vermont senator's
presidential campaign exploited a software error to improperly access confidential voter information collected by Hillary Clinton's team.

The revelation poses a setback for Sanders, who is mounting a liberal challenge to the former secretary of state. The DNC database is a goldmine of information about voters and being blocked from it could complicate Sanders' outreach efforts. The timing is also challenging, just weeks before Clinton and Sanders are slated to compete in the Iowa caucuses.

.... now from the lawsuit-

The Security Incident 20) On the morning of December 16, 2015, NGP VAN released a modification (the “Release”) to the software that the Campaign and other candidates use to access Voter Data. 21) This Release contained a critical security flaw (the “Bug”) that allowed the Campaign and other presidential candidates to view Confidential Information disclosed by competing campaigns. 22) The Bug was resolved within approximately four hours, by the afternoon of December 16, 2015. 23) Upon information and belief, a similar security incident arose with the NGP VAN software during the 2008 national presidential primaries, resulting in the unintentional

transmission of Confidential Information to the campaign of Democratic primary candidate Hillary Clinton (the “Prior Incident”). 24) Before the Bug could be resolved, several staff members of the Campaign accessed and viewed Confidential Information (the “Disclosed Information”) that had been disclosed to the DNC by the 2016 campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hillary Clinton (the “Competing Campaign”). 25) When the Bug and resulting leak of the Disclosed Information were brought to the attention of senior Campaign staff, the Campaign conducted an internal investigation that revealed that one individual may have repeatedly accessed Disclosed Information. The Campaign immediately terminated this staff member. 26) On December 17, 2015, at approximately 2:47 p.m., the DNC suspended or terminated the Campaign’s Voter Data access. The suspension or termination of the Campaign’s access was undertaken without contractual cause, and in contravention of the Agreement’s termination protocols. 27) The DNC did not send the Campaign any written notice of termination, much less afford the Campaign the contractually required ten-day period in which to cure any default. 28) The Campaign’s inadvertent access of the Disclosed Information did ...

Yeah, right it was the Russian's! Roflmao here. Just a councudence, isn't it...


Sanders campaign sues DNC after database breach - CNNPolitics.com

By the way, 4 Sanders staff had access.
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I find it amusing as they knew they had suffered a breach yet carry on like how could this happen unless the Russians did it! And we have not heard even one word lately over this.
Oh I hope this is true.
Democrats have bad karma, everything they touch goes to shit
Sounds a LOT more plausible than Russian agents. A show of hands, who is glad these idiots didn't win the White House wow.
I agree. And I hope you are right. I have never seen such disarray, and out and out lies.
I find it amusing as they knew they had suffered a breach yet carry on like how could this happen unless the Russians did it! And we have not heard even one word lately over this.
Oh I hope this is true.
Democrats have bad karma, everything they touch goes to shit

Yep its a smokescreen, but theyll run out.
the FBI, CIA and 15 other intelligence agencies HAVE the signature of the hackers...and they are not American....

WHY is this so important to you for the hackers not be the Russians that our intelligence community IDENTIFIED?

DO YOU think the Trump campaign was coordinating the hacked email dumps with the Russians and Assange on to wikileaks and somehow this will disqualify Trump?

Therefore you MUST come up with a new conspiracy every day on who else did it BUT THE RUSSIANS?

Seriously, what are you trying to cover up?
No, they don't. There is no public confirmation of such. There is only the word of unnamed sources.
And why is it important to you that it is?
It is important to me that the DNC continues to be exposed for what they are. One persona in public vs. their real image behind closed doors.
The leadership could care less about you or me. And they will att empt to thoroughly destroy anyone that steps in their way. They only care about their own pocketbooks and destroying the sovereignty of the United States through globalization. I take umbrage to their deciding to destroy the very foundation on which we were built for their own gain.
Has the US had its faults through the years since? Surely, but it has been the best there is, offering the American dream to anyone willing to work hard for it. Why do you think so many have attemptedmto come here legally and illegally? To have a chance to obtain what the world has known existed here, a freedom like no other. But there are those that would see that freedom for the individual be taken away, to control the individual as they see fit. I am tired of it and want to see the opportunities I have had remain/return for my children and their children, and their children, etc.
Ruling by fiat is not it.
the FBI, CIA and 15 other intelligence agencies HAVE the signature of the hackers...and they are not American....

WHY is this so important to you for the hackers not be the Russians that our intelligence community IDENTIFIED?

DO YOU think the Trump campaign was coordinating the hacked email dumps with the Russians and Assange on to wikileaks and somehow this will disqualify Trump?

Therefore you MUST come up with a new conspiracy every day on who else did it BUT THE RUSSIANS?

Seriously, what are you trying to cover up?
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