Do as I say not as I do


Gold Member
Dec 2, 2013
It's fucking unbelievable how many millions of hard earned tax dollars have been spent on this pair of 'posers'.
The best part is both of them know in their bones they have no right to be where they are today. If I knew I would have been hired simply b/c of the color of my skin I would have never applied knowing I was not qualified to do the job.

The Obama's are so fucking tone deaf when it comes to 'optics' it's almost laughable....if it wasn't so fucking disgraceful and frankly predictable.
SHOW SOME CLASS!!!!!!! Obama!
You are going down as the lowest common denominator. Everything you touch turns to shit. Every time you open your mouth the world smirks behind your back.
This is what happens when the 'OJ jury' elects one of their own.
Hope you all are proud of yourselves.Obama may shorten third vacation for YEAR short over Ukraine | The Daily Caller
Put on your bib before you stain your shirt with tears and alcohol laced drool


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