Do It Right This Time Israel

What the fuck is wrong with you fuckers? Are you lazy? Are you doing this deliberately? Are you trying to make it hard on everyone else? Are you trying to punish people for contributing to the thread? Are you mentally and morally bankrupt?

Then why the fuck can't you delete all the posts, except the one you are responding to?
Do you not demonize them 24/7, just like the Nazis demonized the Jews?
Do you not treat them like they are sub-human, just like the Nazis treated the Jews?
Do you not blame them for all the problems in the country, just like the Nazis blamed the Jews?
Do you not accept any kind of violence against them, just like Germans accepted the violence against the Jews?
Are you not trying to cleanse them from the area, just like the Nazis tried to do with the Jews?
I would just love for the two brain dead morons who disagreed with this post, to have some balls and step up and explain why the preceding is not true?
An occupational force cannot claim self defense. What part of that don't you understand?
Israel defends itself against Hamas, that is self defense and most world leaders agree with me.

No, it is propaganda because you haven't provided any evidence proving it isn't.

Why Hamas stores its weapons inside hospitals mosques and schools - The Washington Post

VIDEO Terrorists fire rockets from Gaza hospital - Israel News Ynetnews

Hamas hiding rockets in schools children s playgrounds Israel and UN agency say Fox News

So what! It doesn't disprove the fact that Hamas no longer commits acts of terrorism, or that the Likud Party started as a Jewish terrorist group.
Hamas is a terrorist organisation and still commits terrorism. I gave 3 links that prove me right and I could post much more links. The Likud Party is not a terrorist organisation anymore, no matter what they were when the party was set up.
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
So you're a Muslim I guess?
Israel defends itself against Hamas, that is self defense and most world leaders agree with me.
An occupational force, cannot claim self defense. What part of that don't you understand?

It would be like an assassin coming into the home of his target and having that target put up more of a struggle than anticipated, then telling authorities later he had no choice but to kill the home owner, because he was in fear of his own life. your own link...
hidden inside the pulpit, Israel alleged, were a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a bulletproof vest and binoculars.
"...Israel alleged..." is not proof.,7340,L-4548760,00.htmlThe video does not show rockets being fired from it and only "say's" Hamas members are in the hospital. is what I was talking about earlier. These are the only incidents of weapons being stored in schools. The schools were vacant and the mere fact that weapons were stored there, does not justify targeting schools with refugees present.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation and still commits terrorism.
Resistance is not terrorism.

I gave 3 links that prove me right and I could post much more links.
None of those links proved what you claim.

The Likud Party is not a terrorist organisation anymore, no matter what they were when the party was set up.
And neither is Hamas, no matter what their Charter said when they were set up.
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
So you're a Muslim I guess?

No , I think
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
So you're a Muslim I guess?

Me no, but I do live near the Muslim capital of the US, and we have a huge university here where many come to train for their MD and we have quite a few Muslim Doctors here and Indian as well, and they are normal people.
The only problem I hear about is when Christians go down and try to tell them they are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus during their festivals. They came here many years ago I guess to work at Ford down in Detroit. There are many female Dr.s and dentists as well. They live in a very clean and well kept area. We have to learn to like people of other races, it'd be rather boring if we were all the same. Right?
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
So you're a Muslim I guess?

No , I think
Once again Hamas violates the latest truce. Looks like another 1000 or so more dead Palestinians in the making after Israel retaliates. Way to go. LONG LIVE HAMAS!
They would be below even that living anywhere else, and would have been wiped out by now in the USA

Really, they must be horrible , what makes them so horrible? We just don't kill people in the US for no good reason, we have even got rid of the death penalty in many states due to our unbalanced justice system. So tell me, are they really animals in human costumes? Aliens possibly?

Their religious beliefs that tell then they are better than everyone else, and have to dominate the world by using violence. They don't do peace treaties unless they are on their terms which include the right to terminate the treaty at any time without notice. Just like we did not understand the Japanese philosophy during WW2 and it took a long time to understand their honour system, the muslims are the same. They refuse to integrate into the culture of the nation they migrate to, they impose segregation on themselves so tend to live in ghetto's of their own making. They are arrogant by nature because of their religious beliefs, and can be very aggressive and violent when they cant get what they want. They treat women as if they own them like sheep or goats, and non muslim women are seen as 4th class citizens beneath even the dogs. The are not animals as animals don't treat others in the manner that muslims do, a prime example is the beheading of prisoners for fun. They start teaching their children how to cut throats from a very early age by having them practise on animals and the results are barbaric in the extreme. A prime example of how muslims are is a recent case in the UK

Halifax Man Hospitalized After 8216 Asian 8217 Attacked Him With Metal Bar Kafir Crusaders

A 33-year-old man had parked his VW Golf at the junction of Hopwood Lane and Warley Road, Halifax, when he was attacked at 8.45 pm last night.(Tue)
He was walking away when his attacker – armed with a weapon believed to be a bat or iron bar – ran up to him and attacked him from behind.
The suspect then fled on foot leaving his victim with serious injuries.
He is being treated in hospital for injuries to his head and body.
The suspect is Asian and of a heavy, muscular build.

They religious beliefs are based on the Jewish beliefs, your aware that many Jews and even non orthodox Christians wound up in Arabia when Rome got rid of them aren't you? That is why Jews and Christians are called "people of the book" their beliefs are based on Jewish and Christian beliefs, same as Jewish beliefs are based on Egyptian, Canaanite, Phoenician, and later with King Cyrus , Zoroastrian beliefs. Christian beliefs are more Zoroastrian. That is where Muhammad got his writings, by the stories he heard. There is no difference between Radical Jews, Radical Muslims (Jihadists) or Radical Christians. Oh and by the way the Jews in Medina and Arabia were going by the Babylon Talmud, which is much more descriptive than the Torah.

There are what about 9 million Jews, probably more because some try and hide it and do it well, and there are over 1 BILLION probably closer to 1.5 Billion Muslims in the world of many different flavors , just like Christians and Jews. So to group all Muslims together is a wrong way of looking at it.

You should be very happy not all Muslims are radical and Jihadists as there would be nothing left of the Jews.

What a load of bullshit, islam is based on all the bad things in Judaism and Christianity with the views of a psychopathic mentally deranged paedophile for good measure. To attract the right people to his new religion he allowed them to rape, pillage and murder to their hearts content, and absolved them of all blame.
Your figures are way out as there are around 12 million Jews in the world, and 2.5 billion muslims. The muslims all follow the Koran that is touted as the word of God and can not be changed in any way. This means the verses that command the muslims to murder and rape MUST BE OBEYED or they face summary execution. They are so barbaric that they still practise amputations and stonings to this very day.

As Erdogan said " there is no such thing as a moderate muslim, there is just islam "

You so much in denial its sad. The hatred of Muslims must of been instilled in you from birth.
So you're a Muslim I guess?

Me no, but I do live near the Muslim capital of the US, and we have a huge university here where many come to train for their MD and we have quite a few Muslim Doctors here and Indian as well, and they are normal people.
The only problem I hear about is when Christians go down and try to tell them they are going to hell if they don't believe in Jesus during their festivals. They came here many years ago I guess to work at Ford down in Detroit. There are many female Dr.s and dentists as well. They live in a very clean and well kept area. We have to learn to like people of other races, it'd be rather boring if we were all the same. Right?
You know the saying "in our world everobody is special but we are all different "?
Anyway that should be the least of your problems, and if you really wants to see democracy in action you can visit Israel.
Thing is you keep missing the point.
Its not the Palestinians Israel is fighting, but a radical terrorist groups divides from the Muslims you are talking about.
I hold the same perspective of pluralism as you do, but in order to preserve pluralism and tolerance to others all radicalism roots must be eradicated.
I'm anti-radicalism, beautifully illusions of anti-war society cannot occur with radicals of all sort, regardless of religions, race, gender, political views, and even personal habits.
Oh give us a break. They know that the kids are there and they don't care. They are fenced in or have you forgotten that minor part. Where are the kids suppose to be. Israel knows exactly what they are hitting and could care less.
Israel gives warnings to evacuate. If people refuse to leave, there's not much Israel can do about that.
And Israel doesn't even have to do that because the fact that there is a war on should be enough of a warning. I think it's bullshit Israel gives it's enemies time to escape. Hamas won't be dealt with until they are all dead.
The Palestinian people themselves duly elected Hamas to carry out their agenda against Israel.rather than strive for peace. And now the Palestinian people themselves are paying the price in dead bodies & destruction for their bad mistake.
You're such a fuckin' liar!

All the Pals want is freedom.
All the Pals want is the eradication of Israel as a Jewish state and to take over and turn it into another Muslim utopia.
Oh now I get it. Yes you are right. Peace offerings, a security fence & land concessions so they can remain in Israel is indeed unjustifyable brutal demonizing treatment to the Palestinians. And I agree with you that if Israel really wants to establish peace with them, first this entire damn Zionist agenda has to go. Why can't Israel show some love, justice & respect for their Palestinians like the surrounding Arab countries did & still do? LET THERE BE PEACE ALREADY! Don't you agree?
If Zionists wanted peace, they'd end the occupation and blockade.
They'll end the occupation and blockade when the rockets stop flying for good.
Israel defends itself against Hamas, that is self defense and most world leaders agree with me.
An occupational force, cannot claim self defense. What part of that don't you understand?

It would be like an assassin coming into the home of his target and having that target put up more of a struggle than anticipated, then telling authorities later he had no choice but to kill the home owner, because he was in fear of his own life.

From your own link...
hidden inside the pulpit, Israel alleged, were a Kalashnikov assault rifle, a bulletproof vest and binoculars.
"...Israel alleged..." is not proof.

The video does not show rockets being fired from it and only "say's" Hamas members are in the hospital.

This is what I was talking about earlier. These are the only incidents of weapons being stored in schools. The schools were vacant and the mere fact that weapons were stored there, does not justify targeting schools with refugees present.

Hamas is a terrorist organisation and still commits terrorism.
Resistance is not terrorism.

I gave 3 links that prove me right and I could post much more links.
None of those links proved what you claim.

The Likud Party is not a terrorist organisation anymore, no matter what they were when the party was set up.
And neither is Hamas, no matter what their Charter said when they were set up.
Israel is not an occupying force, they are a state of the Jews and their capital is in Jerusalem. Accept it, get over it, or die.

Hamas is a terrorist organization because they don't target military targets with their rockets. They target civilians on purpose.
Do you not demonize them 24/7, just like the Nazis demonized the Jews?
Do you not treat them like they are sub-human, just like the Nazis treated the Jews?
Do you not blame them for all the problems in the country, just like the Nazis blamed the Jews?
Do you not accept any kind of violence against them, just like Germans accepted the violence against the Jews?
Are you not trying to cleanse them from the area, just like the Nazis tried to do with the Jews?
I would just love for the two brain dead morons who disagreed with this post, to have some balls and step up and explain why the preceding is not true?
Make it 3, Billy, because all those charges are not true.You are making shi'ite up.
Do you not demonize them 24/7, just like the Nazis demonized the Jews?
Do you not treat them like they are sub-human, just like the Nazis treated the Jews?
Do you not blame them for all the problems in the country, just like the Nazis blamed the Jews?
Do you not accept any kind of violence against them, just like Germans accepted the violence against the Jews?
Are you not trying to cleanse them from the area, just like the Nazis tried to do with the Jews?
I would just love for the two brain dead morons who disagreed with this post, to have some balls and step up and explain why the preceding is not true?
Make it 3, Billy, because all those charges are not true.You are making shi'ite up.
Do you not demonize them 24/7, just like the Nazis demonized the Jews?
Do you not treat them like they are sub-human, just like the Nazis treated the Jews?
Do you not blame them for all the problems in the country, just like the Nazis blamed the Jews?
Do you not accept any kind of violence against them, just like Germans accepted the violence against the Jews?
Are you not trying to cleanse them from the area, just like the Nazis tried to do with the Jews?
I would just love for the two brain dead morons who disagreed with this post, to have some balls and step up and explain why the preceding is not true?

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