Do Jerry Springer "guests" represent the GOP base?

So I'm watching Jerry Springer. If you close your eyes, you would swear that was either Mitch McConnell or Haley Barbour.

Every so often, I channel surf and stop for a minute or two at Jerry Springer. Seems like they always have on trailer living individuals who speak in "Jethro/Ellie Mae".

I can't imagine these people voting for Obama.

I'm curious.

Are they typical of the GOP base?

You realize that's all fake, right?

So's Duck Dynasty ... rw's love them because they're anti-freedom.

One thing for sure - these photos explain why the kids always look so confused when they hear their parents lying.

The Before-and-After Pics of the Phony Duck Dynasty Clan | Out Magazine




Are Duck Dynasty Fans Duped, or in on the Joke? | The American Conservative


Daily Kos: Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job



Their in-drag photos at this link too.

For more FACTS about them -

?Duck Dynasty? Is ?Fake?! 25 Shocking Secrets & Lies Behind TV?s Favorite Family | Radar Online
So I'm watching Jerry Springer. If you close your eyes, you would swear that was either Mitch McConnell or Haley Barbour.

Every so often, I channel surf and stop for a minute or two at Jerry Springer. Seems like they always have on trailer living individuals who speak in "Jethro/Ellie Mae".

I can't imagine these people voting for Obama.

I'm curious.

Are they typical of the GOP base?

You realize that's all fake, right?

Even his country music albums?
So I'm watching Jerry Springer. If you close your eyes, you would swear that was either Mitch McConnell or Haley Barbour.

Every so often, I channel surf and stop for a minute or two at Jerry Springer. Seems like they always have on trailer living individuals who speak in "Jethro/Ellie Mae".

I can't imagine these people voting for Obama.

I'm curious.

Are they typical of the GOP base?

You realize that's all fake, right?

So's Duck Dynasty ... rw's love them because they're anti-freedom.

One thing for sure - these photos explain why the kids always look so confused when they hear their parents lying.

The Before-and-After Pics of the Phony Duck Dynasty Clan | Out Magazine




Are Duck Dynasty Fans Duped, or in on the Joke? | The American Conservative


Daily Kos: Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job



Their in-drag photos at this link too.

For more FACTS about them -

?Duck Dynasty? Is ?Fake?! 25 Shocking Secrets & Lies Behind TV?s Favorite Family | Radar Online

We must appease the low brow GOP entertainment market also. The majority of then have to go to church to learn how to interpret the gibberish in the Old Testament.
Political orientation is the least consideration in the mentality of those who enjoy the kind of carnival geek-show which the Jerry Springer show emulates. That show comprises the kind of entertainment which appeals to the kind of mentality as those who would pay a quarter to see someone who was born without arms or legs crawling around on a stage.

It is an exhibition of low-lifes for the entertainment of low-lifes.

It costs a lot more than a quarter, this is not 1970.
Those on Jerry Springer are mostly black so they are obamavoters and obamalovers too.
Maybe the title of this thread should be "Do prostitute-using purveyors of trash TV and the dumbing down of American culture represent the Democrat leadership?"

Yes... and now I'm beginning to understand why rderp is such a moron if that's the kind of garbage he watches.
Seems like they always have on trailer living individuals who speak in "Jethro/Ellie Mae".

Bill Clinton was on?

Yeah Jerry was about to bring out Monica in her jiz covered dress, and then hitlery to confront her. Then of course they'd have a good ole, Jerry Springer style, hair pullin', dress ripping, knock down, drag out as they faught over the lying, womanizing, cheating, sexual predator, bubba clinton.

Every libtard in America was tuned in.
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You realize that's all fake, right?

So's Duck Dynasty ... rw's love them because they're anti-freedom.

One thing for sure - these photos explain why the kids always look so confused when they hear their parents lying.

The Before-and-After Pics of the Phony Duck Dynasty Clan | Out Magazine




Are Duck Dynasty Fans Duped, or in on the Joke? | The American Conservative


Daily Kos: Duck Dynasty is a Fake Yuppies-in-Red-Neck-Drag Con Job



Their in-drag photos at this link too.

For more FACTS about them -

?Duck Dynasty? Is ?Fake?! 25 Shocking Secrets & Lies Behind TV?s Favorite Family | Radar Online

We must appease the low brow GOP entertainment market also. The majority of then have to go to church to learn how to interpret the gibberish in the Old Testament.

You gotta hand it to the DD phonies ... They memorized just enough to humiliate the loons on the right. Poor fools are lining up at WalMart to buy cheap shit made in China just to prove what good Americans they are and the DDs are laughing their heads off at them. All the way to the bank.
So's Duck Dynasty ... rw's love them because they're anti-freedom.

One thing for sure - these photos explain why the kids always look so confused when they hear their parents lying.

The Before-and-After Pics of the Phony Duck Dynasty Clan | Out Magazine




Those pictures were taken on the beaches of north Florida, the most beautiful beaches in the world. Awesome!

Yep, beautiful.

Vacations paid for by the idiots who fell for and continue to fall for their drag act.

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