Do only women have the onions to call out Obama

American Horse

AKA "Mustang"
Jan 23, 2009
Text of Speech made by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, May 10 (or watch the video HERE)

I think it is instructive that in this country it takes women to speak up or take any kind of action against intolerable policy failures by our commander in chief, who prefers to demagogue and crack jokes about them rather than take any real positive action.

Governor Jan Brewer: "Thank you for providing us the opportunity to educate Americans about our nations failure to secure our southern border, and the consequences of that failure on the people of Arizona. Arizona has the second longest border with Mexico, over three hundred and seventy miles. Secretary Napolitano, the former governor of Arizona sent most of her requests to the previous administration to secure our border, and to pay for the systemic foreign nationals convicted of serious criminal offenses in our state’s prison system. Today, Secretary Napolitano is turning a blind eye to the same problem of which she herself once complained, giving us the same answer that she once got. She’s apparently had a change of positions, in more ways than one. Simply said, the feds aren’t paying for the problems they’ve created.

Today that costs Arizona $150 million dollars per year in corrections alone, and many times that across all functions of state government. This is not defensible. While the president is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona should be punished for enforcing laws that the federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best; at worst it is continuing political manipulation where earnest problem solving and protection of national security ought to be. Haven’t we all had just about enough?

We are a nation of laws, and the rule of law, not of men. Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation to understand the crisis which confronts our state.

Our nation’s government is broken. Our border is being erased, and the president apparently considers it a wonderful opportunity to divide people along racial lines for his personal political convenience. It’s fair to ask, whether he intends to be the Commander In Chief, or the Comic In Chief. Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could just suggest that he not give up his day job. . . But (applause) unfortunately though, he’s not doing very well at that one either, so.... (applause)

For outreach, to those who want to inflict economic harm on hardworking Arizonans because we have the temerity to enforce federal immigration laws, I say: Come spend some time here with us. But first, put down your talking points, and media interpretations of our law; simply read and understand our statutes. Then pay a visit to Robert Krentz’s family in Cochise County. Do a ride-along with the county sheriff’s deputies in one of the many drug smuggling corridors. Take in the inhumane and deplorable conditions of a “Coyote” drop house here in metro Phoenix....then you will understand. (applause)

Today it seems our border security policy cheapens the value of citizenship and undermines the rule of law. I can tell you this: These governors do not esteem that privilege lightly. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of all US citizens, so today I am making two announcements:

First I am proud to ask back serve as my first appointee to the joint border security advisory committee. This committee was created as part of the legislative changes I requested to senate bill 1070. This committee will analyze the latest information about our border including crossings and crime statistics, and make recommendations designed to increase border security.

Second, I’m announcing the launch of a new website called “” This website will help educate the rest of America, and perhaps our political leaders, in Washington, that this is not an “immigration” crisis. this is a border security crisis. (applause) "

President Obama, doing stand up comedy at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner: "We all know what happens in Arizona when you don't have ID," President Obama said. "Adios, amigos!"

Another video, taking issue with his ridicule of an important issue closes with the words, "President Obama, Broken Borders are not a laughing matter. No one in Arizona is laughing. Do your job and secure the border."
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Wow the economy must really be shaping up for all the right-wing's posted to have shifted to this issue.

The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!
The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!

It doesn't matter what the majority of Americans support or not. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.

The majority of Germans supported most of what the Nazis did too, that didn't make any of it right.

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.
The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!

It doesn't matter what the majority of Americans support or not. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.

The majority of Germans supported most of what the Nazis did too, that didn't make any of it right.

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.
There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about it.

Stop with the left wing BS, Vast.

Care to take this one, Lonestar?

I believe it was you who shot down that ridiculous theory earlier today in another thread.
The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!

It doesn't matter what the majority of Americans support or not. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.

The majority of Germans supported most of what the Nazis did too, that didn't make any of it right.

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.

But your point is wrong. Please show us exactly where this law is unconstitutional. Oh, you can't, because you haven't even read the law which you claim to know so much about. News Flash!!!!!! The Arizona law is not unconstitutional. Obama doesn't know what he's talking about and neither does the Attorney General. They, like you, hadn't read the law before making their stupid statements. And the Attorney General was made to look like a fool for his ignorance.

The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!

It doesn't matter what the majority of Americans support or not. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.

The majority of Germans supported most of what the Nazis did too, that didn't make any of it right.

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.
There is absolutely nothing unconstitutional about it.

Stop with the left wing BS, Vast.

Care to take this one, Lonestar?

I believe it was you who shot down that ridiculous theory earlier today in another thread.

I would Wicked, but I'm fairly sure this idiot is ate up with the dumbass and it would be like talking to a brick wall.
The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!
In Arizona, I suspect that more people of Hispanic origin who are here legally or are citizens support the law than not.
Text of Speech made by Arizona Governor Jan Brewer, May 10 (or watch the video HERE)

I think it is instructive that in this country it takes women to speak up or take any kind of action against intolerable policy failures by our commander in chief, who prefers to demagogue and crack jokes about them rather than take any real positive action.

Governor Jan Brewer: "Thank you for providing us the opportunity to educate Americans about our nations failure to secure our southern border, and the consequences of that failure on the people of Arizona. Arizona has the second longest border with Mexico, over three hundred and seventy miles. Secretary Napolitano, the former governor of Arizona sent most of her requests to the previous administration to secure our border, and to pay for the systemic foreign nationals convicted of serious criminal offenses in our state’s prison system. Today, Secretary Napolitano is turning a blind eye to the same problem of which she herself once complained, giving us the same answer that she once got. She’s apparently had a change of positions, in more ways than one. Simply said, the feds aren’t paying for the problems they’ve created.

Today that costs Arizona $150 million dollars per year in corrections alone, and many times that across all functions of state government. This is not defensible. While the president is making wisecracks and playing racial politics, some groups have suggested that Arizona should be punished for enforcing laws that the federal government has failed to enforce. That is misguided at best; at worst it is continuing political manipulation where earnest problem solving and protection of national security ought to be. Haven’t we all had just about enough?

We are a nation of laws, and the rule of law, not of men. Our purpose today is to help the rest of the nation to understand the crisis which confronts our state.

Our nation’s government is broken. Our border is being erased, and the president apparently considers it a wonderful opportunity to divide people along racial lines for his personal political convenience. It’s fair to ask, whether he intends to be the Commander In Chief, or the Comic In Chief. Since the president’s joke was so inappropriate, I suppose if I wanted to join in the comedian game, I could just suggest that he not give up his day job. . . But (applause) unfortunately though, he’s not doing very well at that one either, so.... (applause)

For outreach, to those who want to inflict economic harm on hardworking Arizonans because we have the temerity to enforce federal immigration laws, I say: Come spend some time here with us. But first, put down your talking points, and media interpretations of our law; simply read and understand our statutes. Then pay a visit to Robert Krentz’s family in Cochise County. Do a ride-along with the county sheriff’s deputies in one of the many drug smuggling corridors. Take in the inhumane and deplorable conditions of a “Coyote” drop house here in metro Phoenix....then you will understand. (applause)

Today it seems our border security policy cheapens the value of citizenship and undermines the rule of law. I can tell you this: These governors do not esteem that privilege lightly. We are dedicated to protecting the rights of all US citizens, so today I am making two announcements:

First I am proud to ask back serve as my first appointee to the joint border security advisory committee. This committee was created as part of the legislative changes I requested to senate bill 1070. This committee will analyze the latest information about our border including crossings and crime statistics, and make recommendations designed to increase border security.

Second, I’m announcing the launch of a new website called “” This website will help educate the rest of America, and perhaps our political leaders, in Washington, that this is not an “immigration” crisis. this is a border security crisis. (applause) "

President Obama, doing stand up comedy at the annual White House Correspondents' Association dinner: "We all know what happens in Arizona when you don't have ID," President Obama said. "Adios, amigos!"

Another video, taking issue with his ridicule of an important issue closes with the words, "President Obama, Broken Borders are not a laughing matter. No one in Arizona is laughing. Do your job and secure the border."

Wow... good for her!! Nicely stated!!
Hey. It's a bad law. Support for it does not make it a good law. I would not be surprised to learn that there was massive support for internment camps for Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Calling something popular does not make it a good idea. Just take Glenn Beck for example.

This governor is today's George Wallace. I'm old enough to remember his brand of 'populism' and to whom that 'populism' appealed. Looks like the same folks who wrapped their hopes up with someone like Wallace are willing to do the same with this 21st century racist in the governor's office in Arizona.

And the lessons of bad laws are never learned by these people.
Hey. It's a bad law. Support for it does not make it a good law. I would not be surprised to learn that there was massive support for internment camps for Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Calling something popular does not make it a good idea. Just take Glenn Beck for example.

This governor is today's George Wallace. I'm old enough to remember his brand of 'populism' and to whom that 'populism' appealed. Looks like the same folks who wrapped their hopes up with someone like Wallace are willing to do the same with this 21st century racist in the governor's office in Arizona.

And the lessons of bad laws are never learned by these people.

Wow... that is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read.
Hey. It's a bad law. Support for it does not make it a good law. I would not be surprised to learn that there was massive support for internment camps for Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Calling something popular does not make it a good idea. Just take Glenn Beck for example.

This governor is today's George Wallace. I'm old enough to remember his brand of 'populism' and to whom that 'populism' appealed. Looks like the same folks who wrapped their hopes up with someone like Wallace are willing to do the same with this 21st century racist in the governor's office in Arizona.

And the lessons of bad laws are never learned by these people.

Wow... that is one of the most ignorant posts I have ever read.
One of the most ignorant. Why? If you have an opposing point of view, explain yourself honestly.
The more I hear from this lady the more i'm impressed.

Fact is, more Arizonan's than not support the law. More americans than not support the law. Obama's ignorant ass had better start listening to those he serves.

Brewer has thrust this issue out front and center. That is a very good thing. It's time to start changing the way things are done, and start looking out for our own.

Enough is enough!

It doesn't matter what the majority of Americans support or not. Unconstitutional is unconstitutional.

The majority of Germans supported most of what the Nazis did too, that didn't make any of it right.

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.

Firstly, the AZ law is NOT unconstitutional. It reflects the Federal laws on immigration.

Secondly, Hilter came to power on the back of the 1930s Depression when Germans were desperate for change. He said what people wanted to hear.... he made promises of good days ahead... He offered them hope. Ringing any bells with you? :lol::lol:

Your point is lost because your comparison is pathetic and your stance that the AZ law is unconstitutional is just plain wrong.
Just posted this on another thread. Worth noting here. I wonder how many other states have this "unconstitutional law" on the books.

Section 834b in the California Penal Code:

(a) Every law enforcement agency in California shall fully cooperate with the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service regarding any person who is arrested if he or she is suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws. (b) With respect to any such person who is arrested, and suspected of being present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws, every law enforcement agency shall do the following: (1) Attempt to verify the legal status of such person as a citizen of the United States, an alien lawfully admitted as a permanent resident, an alien lawfully admitted for a temporary period of time or as an alien who is present in the United States in violation of immigration laws. The verification process may include, but shall not be limited to, questioning the person regarding his or her date and place of birth, and entry into the United States, and demanding documentation to indicate his or her legal status. (2) Notify the person of his or her apparent status as an alien who is present in the United States in violation of federal immigration laws and inform him or her that, apart from any criminal justice proceedings, he or she must either obtain legal status or leave the United States. (3) Notify the Attorney General of California and the United States Immigration and Naturalization Service of the apparent illegal status and provide any additional information that may be requested by any other public entity. (c) Any legislative, administrative, or other action by a city, county, or other legally authorized local governmental entity with jurisdictional boundaries, or by a law enforcement agency, to prevent or limit the cooperation required by subdivision (a) is expressly prohibited.

Hot Air LA City Councilman blasts AZ law for provisions in CA penal code

Should we all boycott CA or should just CA boycott CA? lol
But your point is wrong. Please show us exactly where this law is unconstitutional. Oh, you can't, because you haven't even read the law which you claim to know so much about. News Flash!!!!!! The Arizona law is not unconstitutional. Obama doesn't know what he's talking about and neither does the Attorney General. They, like you, hadn't read the law before making their stupid statements. And the Attorney General was made to look like a fool for his ignorance.


Section 1 of the 14th Amendment specifically states:

"No State shall make or enforce any law which shall abridge the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States; nor shall any State deprive any person of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law; nor deny to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws."

This is also the basis of the Civil Rights Act.

Racial profiling by law enforcement officials specifically "abridges the privileges or immunities of citizens of the United States" and "denies to any person within its jurisdiction the equal protection of the laws".

Would you like me to explain how the Arizona law specifically calls for racial profiling, or do you think you can grasp that concept, without resorting to derogatory terms leveled at me to cover your own ignorance?
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Hey. It's a bad law. Support for it does not make it a good law. I would not be surprised to learn that there was massive support for internment camps for Japanese Americans right after Pearl Harbor. Calling something popular does not make it a good idea. Just take Glenn Beck for example.

This governor is today's George Wallace. I'm old enough to remember his brand of 'populism' and to whom that 'populism' appealed. Looks like the same folks who wrapped their hopes up with someone like Wallace are willing to do the same with this 21st century racist in the governor's office in Arizona.

And the lessons of bad laws are never learned by these people.

What makes it a bad law?
I would Wicked, but I'm fairly sure this idiot is ate up with the dumbass and it would be like talking to a brick wall.

Yes, when you are stating opinion, and it comes into conflict with the facts, I imagine it does metaphorically feel like you are hitting a "brick wall".
Firstly, the AZ law is NOT unconstitutional. It reflects the Federal laws on immigration.

Yes, it is. See my 14th Amendment post above.

Secondly, Hilter came to power on the back of the 1930s Depression when Germans were desperate for change. He said what people wanted to hear.... he made promises of good days ahead... He offered them hope. Ringing any bells with you? :lol::lol:

Your point is lost because your comparison is pathetic and your stance that the AZ law is unconstitutional is just plain wrong.

I did not in fact make a comparison between AZ and Nazi Germany, which is why I said, specifically:

And no, I am not comparing Arizona to Nazi Germany, I am making a point.

Did you miss that part?

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