Do people understand... policies can be totally made up based on WRONG DATA!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
The below cities have banned straws because:
In the U.S., 500 million plastic straws are used every day and many of those straws and stirrers end up in the environment, according to Better Alternatives Now, or BAN 2.0, an analysis done by several pollution research groups.
Here are the U.S. cities that have banned plastic straws so far

Do you people that believe the above comprehend the attached facts of which:
A) The 500 million straws per day were NEVER CONSUMED!!!
B) This number and all the banning is based on a 9 year old kid who called in 2011 a few straw makers
and DIDN"T ask how many consumed...but I'm shouting now: HOW MANY STRAWS THEY MADE!!!
C) And the idiots who use 500 million straws or close to 3 million pounds don't seem to understand!
a plastic straw weighs 1.5 oz. ... 3 million pounds is equal to wait for it....71.6 million straws!
NOT 500 million!

I find it virtually impossible to believe 500 million straws a day are used in the US.

Just plain common sense dictates that number is ridiculous.
Policies based on wrong data happen all the time.

Like the impossible figure that five million illegal Mexicans voted in the last election.

The rube herd bleevs what they are told to bleev.
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The below cities have banned straws because:
In the U.S., 500 million plastic straws are used every day and many of those straws and stirrers end up in the environment, according to Better Alternatives Now, or BAN 2.0, an analysis done by several pollution research groups.
Here are the U.S. cities that have banned plastic straws so far

Do you people that believe the above comprehend the attached facts of which:
A) The 500 million straws per day were NEVER CONSUMED!!!
B) This number and all the banning is based on a 9 year old kid who called in 2011 a few straw makers
and DIDN"T ask how many consumed...but I'm shouting now: HOW MANY STRAWS THEY MADE!!!
C) And the idiots who use 500 million straws or close to 3 million pounds don't seem to understand!
a plastic straw weighs 1.5 oz. ... 3 million pounds is equal to wait for it....71.6 million straws!
NOT 500 million!

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And like you that's why I did a little research!

The take away from all this is the MSM NEVER did some simple research.
Remember the 9 year old kid's very primitive research asked HOW many straws MADE... not consumed!
But almost all the MSM use the word "Consume" and that was never what the 9 year old kid asked.

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