This country has no choice but to increase the number of supreme court justices.

Replace them with what? Your version of more politically agreeable corrupt and paid for people? You are actually just changing their sponsors, and that would again be temporary. You should have just stated this country has no choice, and you would have hit the vein.
That's what happens when scum get into position of control and try to overthrow our democracy to force in a piece of shit for a dictator. Becoming this countries biggest threat and enemy. that's the price. You people have no choice in a democracy when you decided on dictatorship.
Since political parties came into being, the Supreme Court Justices were nominated by those parties when in the majority, thus having the Supreme Court fluctuate between being appointed by either a Republican majority or a Democrat majority and it's been functioning just fine all along. Neither side always gets their way in Supreme Court cases, that's just the way it's supposed to be. The current Supreme Court is no more dangerous or liberty threatening than any previous Supreme Court.
The only political party that would be a threat to our "Constitutional Republic," is one which would seek to "pack the court" beyond its current number of nine.
As the Democrat appointed Supreme Court Justice, Ruth Bader Ginsburg, said: "Nine Supreme Court Justices is the perfect number."
To me, if you want to see who the actual threat to our Constitutional Republic is, look no further than the political party and it supporters that have been attacking our Constitution and its Bill of Rights. One that has swung into the area of Marxism/Socialism and that isn't the Republicans.
It has not been fine all along , right now the supreme court is hated more then in any time in history. When that happens and they become the enemy of the country and go against what the people of the country want , then dump their asses. Giving corporations the same right as people , allowing the president to kill his enemy's , or not being able to be prosecuted for trying to bring down our democracy to force himself in a s a dictator. Taking away the right of women to choose what they can and can not do to their own body. The ultimate point and the only real reason we need to dump him is allowing shitpants to be above the law. Dump their treasonous asses.
Perhaps I remember incorrectly, but until perhaps the last forty years, the political views of potential justices weren’t a big deal. Justices were supposed to be moderate people who ruled on the basis of the Constitution. Most justices were people with wide spread support of both parties, presidents picked justices that were satisfactory to all so confirmations were largely a routine exercise in bipartisanship.
Now the right only points out judges that are 100% loyal to all their demands, then having total control of the courts. We are talking about a person having total control of the court who tried to destroy our country and democracy on a stupid total complete lie with nothing , nothing at all supporting that lie. Ya you bet, dump their asses.
"The end justifies the means", eh? That's a little too Leninist-Marxist for the taste of most Americans. It stays at Nine.
What a fucking half whit , he says this is communist. while they are Nazi's and the fact is they are 100 times more Nazi then me or my party is communist. You just have to laugh at their stupidity.
I am a registered (D) in Illinois. It's just that I'm a relatively sane (D) who is more like an Independent and who despises Woke Leftist pu$$ie$ like yourself who have given the Democratic Party a very bad name in recent times. It stays at Nine Justices. :fu:
Bullshit you are a hate Nazi like the rest of you family bread group.
The liberals crying over the balance of the Supreme Court isn't dissimilar to how state rights weren't a problem prior to Abe Lincoln's presidential election victory.
What a goofball, This actually means something to these slugs.
This is simple across the board this is the massage to all the patriots in this country , the hate group the right calls a party tried to bring down our democracy and country on a insane total lie. To force in the biggest piece of shit in politics. The point being this group is in no way the other side of the isle, or people with just a different opinion, or the noble opposition, they are this country's biggest threat and enemy. the point being they deserve nothing after their crime, they deserve our hate and dedication to destroy or we become a dictatorship with them in charge. They are the enemy, treat them as such. If you look the other way they can win. IF you want a democracy you may have to fight for it and not being prepared will be your biggest sin in your life.
The right sees the court as a major NAZI like tool to push their Nazi like agenda.
Laughing hysterically... 😃

The right are in protection mode based on year's of traditions and history, and the left is out to change that for what the right sees as being an unexceptable agenda that is full of changes in which affects the traditions surrounding religion, and a flury of other historical precedents that have been common place in this country for centuries.

Of course we aren't talking about the bad stuff that has been corrected or is still in a corrective state, but it's more about the good thing's that people see as being constantly under attack these days.
This is simple across the board this is the massage to all the patriots in this country , the hate group the right calls a party tried to bring down our democracy and country on a insane total lie. To force in the biggest piece of shit in politics. The point being this group is in no way the other side of the isle, or people with just a different opinion, or the noble opposition, they are this country's biggest threat and enemy. the point being they deserve nothing after their crime, they deserve our hate and dedication to destroy or we become a dictatorship with them in charge. They are the enemy, treat them as such. If you look the other way they can win. IF you want a democracy you may have to fight for it and not being prepared will be your biggest sin in your life.
Who is we ? Certainly aren't patriots in any traditional sense, so who is this We ? I think everybody knows.
and it will be done to overturn the destruction of the values ,law and democracy of this country perpetrated by a corrupt paid for lying supreme court. They get paid by corporations and people to make their decisions in behalf of those corporations and people. That never was the idea of our finding fathers for this court. That will be accomplished by adding 4 new justices selected by Biden. and completely overturn the last multiple decisions over the last few decades. Maybe a good place to start erasing is corporation being people. Including every decision that were made during this last session. The court and law has to be revised so that it isn't owned by the money that is strained into it.
It's almost as outdated as the electoral college. That's an increasingly worse situation. We can't keep disenfranchising millions of voters.
And then there was Teddy Kennedy and the Bork-roast, then the unsuccessful lynching of Clarence Thompson.
Toss in the Kavanagh assassination threats from Schumer....
The Stalinist LEFT broke the norm.
I don't want to point fingers and turn this discussion into a finger pointing exercise.
It's almost as outdated as the electoral college. That's an increasingly worse situation. We can't keep disenfranchising millions of voters.
Voters aren't disenfranchised. The way it was supposed to work was the House was elected by popular vote, the Senate was appointed by the states and the Presidency was intended to balance the two being chosen by a combination of the census and state governments. This was corrupted by the direct election of the Senate and now the democrats want to take the last brake off their pandering to what the founders called the mob.
Because you have the make up of the Court you like
The number of justices has nothing to do with the makeup of the court. The truth is, the larger number of people involved in a decision, the higher the probability of a clear decision goes down.
Voters aren't disenfranchised. The way it was supposed to work was the House was elected by popular vote, the Senate was appointed by the states and the Presidency was intended to balance the two being chosen by a combination of the census and state governments. This was corrupted by the direct election of the Senate and now the democrats want to take the last brake off their pandering to what the founders called the mob.
Fantastic grasp of history. Well said. Powerfully said.

The basic element for citizens is the state they live in. States compete with each other. The electoral college keeps them from tearing each other apart in picking presidents.

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