Trump is already warning our world adversaries: "Don't play around with us"

By March there will be world peace again.

The leftist idiots were always so fond of saying how other world leaders were always "laughing at Trump", but I always knew that was bullshit. It was nice to have a President who scared the shit out of our enemies. They could never figure out what he was going to do next, unlike Biden, whom they can read like a cheap comic book.
Trump didn't even have the balls to fire people to their faces. He fired them by Twitter. Like most bullies, Trump is a coward. Grovelling around Putin.

STFU parrot. Nobody believes your MSNBC-spawned crap anymore.
Gotta love that Trump. Not even elected yet, and he's filling the political void the Biden administration has created.

America will once again be the greatest country in the world.

Trump Warns Rivals Seeking to Take Advantage of Biden: 'Don't Play Around'​

"Back on the campaign rally trail, presumptive Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump issued a warning for world rivals seeking to take advantage of the final months of President Biden's "incompetent" administration: Do not dare.

"The whole world should know that while Biden is the worst president in the history of America, our country is going to be strong again, and it's going to be very soon," Trump told a rally in Chesapeake, Virginia, in a speech that aired live and in its entirety on Newsmax and the free Newsmax2 streaming platform.

"I want the enemies to know that because we have a five-month transition period and I want the enemies to know: Don't play around with us during this five-month period."
He is also warning American voters "DON'T VOTE FOR ME I'M DANGEROUS!"

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