We have something like 50 parties registered in the US and none seem to be able to gain traction. Some say we now have a 3rd party candidate in Trump and Trump would like nothing more than making the US into the United States Of Trump. He could put a big TRUMP sign on the Statue of Liberty.
Back to why the other parties don't get anywhere. John Oliver isn't wildly happy about any of the candidates and he goes after several equally. Gotta love the "exotic" party.
Wow... they're gearing up the comedy corps. Somebody's scared.
Comedy Corps which provides probably the best news coverage of any of the networks.
With the electoral college a third party is pretty impossible. But a third party can bide its time and when the conservative party fails again they are available.
Well, GaryDog, I'm not that concerened with what an Ex-Pat Brit thinks of our system or its candidates. Just another Euro leftie.
I tuned into a first season episode as Oliver covered the shooting of that kid in Ferguson, Missouri. Mr. Oliver should grab some facts from the
2015 Washington Post database of police shootings before he starts with his knee-jerk liberalism.
And the reason, in my opinion third parties don't do well here is they don't get into the nationally televised debates due to the collusion of the two main parties.
And a third party candidate certainly doesn't have the money or the resume enhancing ability to gain access to foreign/domestic policy advisers and campaign directors who have access to a network themselves.
Such expert political beasts are far more concerned with riding a likely winner's coattails into National prominence. Then after a few years in Washington, it's on to the Holy Grail of Politics, The Speaking Circuit. That's where the real money is. Oh. Lest I forget the very lucrative field of consulting for think tanks and the like. It's a money game from start to finish.
As for the Electoral College, I believe it exists in order to level the playing field between heavy population centers and sparsely populated regions.
James Madison, a towering intellect and one of the greatest political thinkers in history was trying to prevent a possible "tyranny of the masses"