Do we need our troops in the Middle East?

Samuel Nixon

Active Member
May 20, 2015
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.

Yup. If those shitbags attack us then turn the place into a glass parking lot.

No way should we sacrifice any more of our young men and woman to fight a war the Arabs and Muslims should be fighting. If they won't get rid of ISIS then fuck the lot of em and I hope they like being ruled by murderers.
As far as I'm concerned, we should pull every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman out of the entire Middle East, to include shutting down all military bases in Turkey. Leave our long-range stuff in Diego Garcia and our naval forces in the Indian Ocean and the Med. Stay out of the Gulf of Iran.

I also believe it's time to withdraw out troops from Europe and Japan.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.
Left alone, they will go after each other, but when we intervene they have a single enemy to hate.

Truth be told, the people (as opposed to the governments) don't want America to be in the Middle East, and they still blame America for 'creating Israel', even though that was the British Empire's 'fault'.

Though ironically, if America left, along with the rest of 'west' that they hate so much, most of the Middle East would be like Syria:
As far as I'm concerned, we should pull every soldier, sailor, marine, and airman out of the entire Middle East, to include shutting down all military bases in Turkey. Leave our long-range stuff in Diego Garcia and our naval forces in the Indian Ocean and the Med. Stay out of the Gulf of Iran.

I also believe it's time to withdraw out troops from Europe and Japan.
Screw that. They are here in the USA wanting to behead us. Send our military to Iraq and Syria and remove the handcuffs. The job wil be done as quick as Desert Storm. They are cowards and will surrender when real men go after their asses.

When you've finished them off, don't elect fuck heads like Obama ever again.
The sand fleas of our reactionary far right are merely itchers.

This is primarily a LEO problem. Build our navy, air force, and spec ops groups; strengthen the border; and draft the far righties who want to fight and put them in the front lines.
Well, I think we need to stop worrying about saving the rest of the world and attend to business right here at home.

Yes, we're bringing in lots of Muslims and should ramp up our internal surveillance to ensure they don't turn out the radicals who want to kill us. Root them out and send them back to the countries they or their parents came from.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.
Go over there and fight them.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.
Go over there and fight them.
No. When has that been a success in the ME? We go away, they rise up again. We are not going to leave a 100,000 person force in the ME. Those folks have to take care of business, not us.
After Ten Months Will Congress Finally Be Forced To Debate The War On ISIS

“It appears to have no problem spending billions of dollars for the arms, equipment and airpower to carry out these wars. But it just can’t bring itself to step up to the plate and take responsibility for these wars.”

10 years is a long term.
Finally we're coming up to the idea of the possible inexpediency of spending billions in the Middle East.
The truth is our expenses exceed a lot of times our incomes and benefits we're getting through this global war-zone.
In terms of National Security our presence in the ME is also controversial.

But what about the Worlds' stability?
Are we responsible or better start with ourselves?
We do NOT need our soldiers on foreign soil, especially in the Middle East. With the advanced weapons and technology that's presently available, why sacrifice human lives? We have the capability to destroy any enemy without soldiers on the ground. This is 2015, and not 1915. But, we have scared chicken shit leaders that have no value of human life.
These sand ******* are threatening Americans here at home with beheadings. It's time to finish these fuckers off for good. Over there! And none of this surgical strikes on them. They need to be bombed Berlin-style like we did in WW2.
Go over there and fight them.
No. When has that been a success in the ME? We go away, they rise up again. We are not going to leave a 100,000 person force in the ME. Those folks have to take care of business, not us.
I meant AvgGuyIA. He should buy a plane ticket and go over there to fight them.
I meant AvgGuyIA. He should buy a plane ticket and go over there to fight them.
. TheOldSchool is trying to shutdown discussion by using this Alinsky tactic. Fuck that. That ploy doesn't work on me or anyone else when right is on our side. Our brave military would destroy your buddies in ISIS in no time flat and from interviews with former military in the know, they are ready and willing because too many of our men and women have been killed or wounded to piss it all away like you and Obama want.
Apparently Longknife, you feel we should honor our current treaties as we did with the Native Americans and break them whenever it suits us. I guess you could not pay off any loans, as those are signed contracts, giving your word that you will honor an agreement and if you decide you would prefer not to honor an agreement, you would just not pay.
We are members of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), as such, we defend each other and enter into joint military exercises. We also have a defense treaty with Japan and also South Korea. In all we have approximately 67 defense treaties in play, some of which are conflicting.
I do believe that we shoud review our options with regards to the Middle East. Egypt is trying to keep the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS at bay and should be assisted by us. Jordan has been a good ally and deserves our support, as does Israel. I would bomb the rest of the Islamic nations into oblivion.
Apparently Longknife, you feel we should honor our current treaties as we did with the Native Americans and break them whenever it suits us. I guess you could not pay off any loans, as those are signed contracts, giving your word that you will honor an agreement and if you decide you would prefer not to honor an agreement, you would just not pay.
We are members of NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization), as such, we defend each other and enter into joint military exercises. We also have a defense treaty with Japan and also South Korea. In all we have approximately 67 defense treaties in play, some of which are conflicting.
I do believe that we shoud review our options with regards to the Middle East. Egypt is trying to keep the Muslim Brotherhood and ISIS at bay and should be assisted by us. Jordan has been a good ally and deserves our support, as does Israel. I would bomb the rest of the Islamic nations into oblivion.

I never advocated reneging on our treaty obligations!

What I DID advocate that many of those treaties need to be reviewed and renegotiated for the needs of the 21st century.

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