Do we need the second amendment?


Senior Member
May 26, 2015
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
Like Charlie Daniels said.

If you take em away from the criminals first, i'll gladly give you mine.

So, I have nothing to worry about, cause we know that aint gonna happen.
Here's an idea akin to yours.

Some Arab countries have laws about how women dress, they must be covered from head to toe to go outside, and their rape crime rate is almost non existent. So let's pass a law that makes women cover their bodies from head to toe to cut down on rapes.

Yeah, just as ludicrous as your idea.

And for the record, I'm 6'4 over 300 lbs, I'm way past my prime, but in my prime, there were very few men who could have stopped me from assaulting and doing some serious damage to them and/or their families. Pepper spray, lol...This sounds funny, and looking back on it, I guess it is. When I was 13, we had a horse, and one day the horse bit me, without thinking I punched the horse, and the horse went down hard. My dad loves to tell the story now, but boy did I get a whipping then, he thought I had done killed blueboy. The horse was fine, but that is why we need guns, there are people out there, who are monstrously strong, or just plain old crazy, and there is always the fact, that we can't trust the people we put into Washington not to go nuts up there, if we didn't have guns to make them think about not playing god.
Say what?!
UK is violent crime capital of Europe - Telegraph
UK is violent crime capital of EuropeThe United Kingdom is the violent crime capital of Europe and has one of the highest rates of violence in the world, worse even than America, according to new research.

Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
No gun has ever decided to go out and rob a store or walk into a church or theater and shoot people. Guns just lay there, loaded, unloaded, with 5 round or 15 round magazines. They never move. They never complain that they are being treated poorly. They never resist arrest or refuse an officer's directions.
What they do do is exactly what a human asks of them. Yes bullets come out of their barrels at 1,400 feet per second and pierce flesh and bone. People die; but the gun just did what it was designed to do when its trigger was pulled by a human.
I sir, reserve the right to defend my home and family from humans whether they be interested in taking my life or my possessions.

Those possessions include numerous firearms.
When the ignorant radical left starts determining which Amendments in the Bill of Rights that we "really need" it's time to slap their silly asses with the Amendments we still have.
Do we need the second amendment?

Whether we "need" it or not is moot. We have it.

There is only one legal way to dispense with it, a path the Left cannot follow because they know there would be no support for an attempt.
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
Another reason we need guns is to prevent mass slaughter like the recent event in South Carolina.
What do you suppose would have happened had the congregation been armed?
I'm betting one white boy would have died and numerous black lives would have been saved.

BUT you had a "gun free zone" Effective, wasn't it?
Do we need a First Amendment? I mean there are a lot people out there saying terrible things, hurting peoples feelings, making people angry. Take away our freedom of speech and that will all go away... There are religions that people don't like... Make those go away and establish a state religion... Take away the First Amendment and punish everyone because of the nasty actions of a few...

Get rid of the Third Amendment too, then the government can put soldiers in houses on every block to monitor the citizens, make sure they're not saying anything they shouldn't...

The Fourth is not necessary, if you've done nothing wrong, what's there to worry about, right?

Get rid of the Twenty first and bring back the Eighteenth, who needs booze? It only leads to violence and crime, right?

You want to get rid of one because of the heinous actions of a few, where will it stop? Where will you draw the line?
A typical left wing comment. Everything they want should be law forced upon the rest of society.
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
Why is crime rate so high in America?
the crime rate is down in America....
The Many Causes of America s Decline in Crime - The Atlantic
Crime Rates in U.S. Drop to 1970s levels
Crime Is Down But Americans Are Convinced It s Rising - Hit Run
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
The reason why guns are endemic to the American culture is there would not be an America were it not for guns in the hands of the People. They are a heritage which is not shared by any Europeans.

Much of the contemporary gun crime and misuse is the direct result of prohibitive gun laws which have disarmed a substantial percentage of competent, peaceful, law-abiding Americans. If there were not so many repressive gun laws our population would by now be conditioned to living in an armed society. And while there would be occasional examples of misuse and gun violence those occasions would be far fewer than there are today.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
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Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
The reason why guns are endemic to the American culture is there would not be an America were it not for guns in the hands of the People. They are a heritage which is not shared by any Europeans.

Much of the contemporary gun crime and misuse is the direct result of prohibitive gun laws which have disarmed a substantial percentage of competent, peaceful, law-abiding Americans. If there were not so many repressive gun laws our population would by now be conditioned to living in an armed society. And while there would be occasional examples of misuse and gun violence those occasions would be far less than there are today.

It is better to have a gun and not need it than to need a gun and not have it.
Exactly right. One reason for the increase in gun violence is because so many Americans have been hoodwinked by the left to reject gun ownership, rendering themselves defenseless.
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership?

Yes. What's your next asinine question?

Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower.

I don't give a fuck about Europe. If Europe is so great why do they migrate here instead of the other way around?
Here's a simple question I'd love anti-gun people to answer: why should I not be allowed to own a gun?

I'm married (no children living in my house), never been convicted of a crime, I'm an "average" American...why should I not be allowed to own a gun to protect my property, my wife, and myself from a criminal (who may or may not be dangerous) who breaks into my house?

Serious question, because I've never heard a straightforward answer to it from people who want to take more guns away from people.
Here's a simple question I'd love anti-gun people to answer: why should I not be allowed to own a gun?

I'm married (no children living in my house), never been convicted of a crime, I'm an "average" American...why should I not be allowed to own a gun to protect my property, my wife, and myself from a criminal (who may or may not be dangerous) who breaks into my house?

Serious question, because I've never heard a straightforward answer to it from people who want to take more guns away from people.
If you want a straight answer from the left, you've come to the wrong place.
How do you stop a criminal from getting a gun?
It's pretty easy in my opinion. The only place where a criminal can get his gun is a black market. Black markets can get their weapons only from legit sellers. After cutting off their supplies they won't be able to get any new weapons so they will have to use their old stocks and they will run out of their supplies soon enough.

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