Do we need the second amendment?

It's pretty easy in my opinion. The only place where a criminal can get his gun is a black market. Black markets can get their weapons only from legit sellers. After cutting off their supplies they won't be able to get any new weapons so they will have to use their old stocks and they will run out of their supplies soon enough.
Where do you suppose the heroin, crack and meth users get their supplies? From drug stores?

Smith & Wesson, Colt and Glock are not the only sources of high quality firearms. The Belgians, Russians, Italians, Germans, and Chinese make some very good ones. If repressive gun laws are enacted in the U.S. we soon will be seeing a lot of them -- in addition to a number of brands which are of lesser quality but are perfectly adequate for criminal purposes. And they will be smuggled by the very same people who presently smuggle tons of drugs into the U.S. every day.

Alcohol prohibition was a disaster. Drug prohibition is a worse disaster. And you want to invite another black market?
How do you stop a criminal from getting a gun?
It's pretty easy in my opinion. The only place where a criminal can get his gun is a black market. Black markets can get their weapons only from legit sellers. After cutting off their supplies they won't be able to get any new weapons so they will have to use their old stocks and they will run out of their supplies soon enough.

I don't suppose you've ever seen anyone be on any kind of illegal drug before? Must be nice living in a fantasy world!

PS: you didn't answer my question earlier...but that's ok I didn't really expect a response from the anti-gun crowd, or even a bogus answer.
Seriously, do we really need gun ownership? Looking at the last shooting it seems to me there are too many guns in the country freely available to all kinds of loonies. Why is crime rate so high in America? It's all because of guns. Europeans have very strict gun laws so their crime rate is much, much lower. You don't need a gun for self-defense if a criminal is not able to get a gun too. A shocker or a pepper spray is surely enough to stun the thug.
Oh, brother.
I don't suppose you've ever seen anyone be on any kind of illegal drug before? Must be nice living in a fantasy world!

Pardon me for barging in here but I'm curious to know what the above question means. What should one expect to see? Please be specific.

Thank you.

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