The answer to your thread title question is "BOTH".
1. Yes
2. Only if Ukraine is agreeable to the terms of the peace that would be forced upon them. Otherwise, I support their purely defensive war to stop the marauding, invading Russian trash, Putin has sent, to take over their country, as long as Ukraine wishes to defend their sovereignty, recognized by international law.
3. Yes
4. Depends on the tarrifs. I am not a big tarriff person in general, as I do not like paying higher prices for Trump's political decisions.
5. Yes. That is why I am against the new Budget proposed by the Trump's spendthrift Republicans, in their continuing resolution.
6. I despise his firing techniques, this time around, even more than last time. This time, it is not even based on merit, or even loyalty, and certainly not performance, was what many of these people even do is not taken into account, by that asshole, Musk. Many of which were Trump Voters. Many doing a decent job. Many working on critical things like nuclear inspections/control, Bird Flu epidemic, Measles, epidemic, requiring them to be rehired after the fact, because the Terminator N Chief, had no clue, nor wanted one.