Do you feel confidence in the democratic process?

Do you feel confidence in the democratic process?

  • Yes

    Votes: 5 41.7%
  • No

    Votes: 7 58.3%

  • Total voters


VIP Member
Apr 26, 2006
Stockholm - Sweden
With millions of people deemed not eligible to vote (1), voices from both major parties rejects the electoral college (2), the next president claims that the election is rigged, the loosing candidate supports a recount of votes (3), the winner claims millions of illegal votes has been cast and finally there is a voting turnout below 60%:

Edit: Alternatives didn't view properly:
  • Yes, this system has always been working for the benefit of the people and we are in full control over the process. Nothing needs to change.
  • No, democracy has been turned into a battlefield for powerhungry politicians with us, the people, in the back seat. I want a change.

Do you feel confidence in the democratic process?

  1. Various groups are deemed not eligible, those rules vary and might be pushed and pulled on tactical basis. Some groups have a disadvantage, language or disabilities.

  2. Before the election Trump expressed his dislike. After the election various voices from the losing party does the same. So you need to trust a system that neither major party trust themselves (when suitable, of course).

  3. Whomever pushed for the recount is less relevant that it is in the loosing party’s interest. What is even more relevant is that votes might actually be recounted. That would imply, not incompetence - but rather a criminal infiltration deep within the only instrument you have to make your voice heard.
According to the political philosopher, John Locke, we are all equals.

Of course until Samuel Colt came along we were not really quite equal yet.

With republican democracy (small "r" and small "d") majority rule is sovereign.

Without some sort of sovereignty there would be anarchy.

With anarchy there would be continual crime, murder, and death. Probably rape too. And theft.

So, yes, republican democracy mitigated by constitutional law is the best form of government considering all the other options.

Ours (the USA) is doing just fine.

I am thankful to God for the miracle that Hillary did not win.

I am guessing God looked down from his Deist Heaven and decided the World and Earth could not afford it so He/She/They performed another miracle, just like Normandy, just like Midway, just like Vicksburg and Gettysburg on the same day, and same as Yorktown.

Fokking Hillary was ignoring the US Constitution and the Amendments -- just as do Ginsberg, Breyer, Sotomayor, and Kagan -- gddam illiterate activist justices.
1> Some "groups" /are/ ineligible, illegals have NO right to vote in CITIZEN'S politics, the fact that they are getting away with it (and thus being welcomed in through open doors by Democratic party) is a disgrace and mockery. Language barriers? Give me a break. Disabilities? We have mail in votes - hell Oregon does /all/ their voting through the mail as I understand it, if folks can't figure out how to paste a stamp then who's filling out their ballot for them?

2> Yea and Clinton said she'd accept the results then paid off Stein to recount, I'll put money on that shit Clinton's so crooked she's acute. That said, EC works to give smaller states, like mine, some say in the president, without it our population means our votes are irrelevant - should I have to move to a different state in order for my vote to mean anything? This is also why I believe that winner takes all is wrong - those Republican's in CA should have a voice too, but they don't because SF and LA make their votes meaningless (also noted by the vote trading thing that happened all over the country trying to get Clinton elected - which amusingly may have hosed Clinton depending on how many "blue wall" state voters actually participated - that's what you get for trying to rig an election [yea it's not illegal, but yea it's pretty crappy to fuck over folks in another state to get what /you/ want])

3> As noted I have absolutely no doubt that Stein is playing shill to Clinton, no doubt in my mind. If she'd tested states where she "almost" got 5% which would give the green party a spot next vote I could see it but instead she picked only states that she failed miserably in and only states that might put Trumps EC into question. It's a total sham, and yes our government is corrupt to the core and not only that but I blame the dirty politics of the DNC (owning MSM, sending out violent activists to incite riots against Trump supporters, fucking over Sanders, bringing in illegals to farm their votes [regardless of if they voted this year or not that's why they're here], and Obama /telling/ undocumented to vote for Clinton this year as well, Obama and his pen and phone flipping off the constitution, ignoring deportation laws, etc. The list goes on and on you D's just don't want to admit it because it's embarrassing to be used and lied to like that [which is exactly why I ascribe to /no/ party, R's and D's are both corrupt as shit.]) Make no mistake, our government is corrupt, the down side is the MSM is too and they're playing along with the lies.

Going further:

Voter ID needs to be instated nationwide. Especially when we have HUGE sanctuary cities giving illegals permission to vote on "local" issues, which I personally think is bullshit. (There should be some god damn benefit to being a citizen. Else, I want the ability to renounce my citizenship, stay in my house just as before, but not pay taxes and still vote like they get to.) No reasonable person believes that illegals aren't voting in the presidential elections to some degree, if you say you don't believe it, you're probably being paid by the DNC to deny it. It might not be 3 million like some folks think, but guaranteed it's happening; we've caught a number of them.

The price for voter fraud needs to be seriously jacked up and heavily enforced. If you get caught throwing away votes for candidates your ass should be in jail for a long time. I can't believe that people in America are that fucking worthless and disrespectful to this countries freedoms and their fellow American's opinions (okay that's a lie, I see it all the time and it's disgusting) - Personally I think they should be immediately deported if they are convicted. Zero tolerance.

Why the hell hasn't the FBI and CIA and NSA made us a vote machine that isn't fucking hack-able? Call the Apple security folks if you need to you twits. [of course I shouldn't be surprised these morons can't even /hire/ someone to properly build a website... On that note, we need some fresh blood to handle the technology these old idiots can't seem to grasp...]

Semi-related; the gov needs to fix our schools, we're turning out idiots - and no I don't just mean the safe space thing - look at our damn standings and look at what we're putting out into the competitive job market. I highly suggest talking to some business owners, managers, and HR people and realizing how bad these supposed "higher education" schools are fucking over these kids whilst putting them in the debt tank. For colleges, we need to fix and strengthen the accreditation standards and ensure that at least we're not backing student loans that actually /harm/ the students more than it benefits them once they leave the "safe space" of college campus. I'd say 90% of the young adults being pumped out right now are absolutely worthless in the job market, and especially for higher paying positions (by design you know, because Dem's want you on gov assistance) Frankly, if I were still managing, or running a business, I would be scared to death to hire these kids for fear that they'd lose it on a customer and I'd get sued... Their behavior, attitude, and intolerance is absolutely /appalling/ and wholly unacceptable in any kind of professional job.
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.
Of course, the historically loyal democrat dead disagree with you....:lol:
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.
Of course, the historically loyal democrat dead disagree with you....:lol:

What ever it takes to maintain your delusions. You're a pathetic little person, aren't you?
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.
Of course, the historically loyal democrat dead disagree with you....:lol:

What ever it takes to maintain your delusions. You're a pathetic little person, aren't you?
Deplorable you might say......:lol:
With millions of people deemed not eligible to vote (1), voices from both major parties rejects the electoral college (2), the next president claims that the election is rigged, the loosing candidate supports a recount of votes (3), the winner claims millions of illegal votes has been cast and finally there is a voting turnout below 60%:

Edit: Alternatives didn't view properly:
  • Yes, this system has always been working for the benefit of the people and we are in full control over the process. Nothing needs to change.
  • No, democracy has been turned into a battlefield for powerhungry politicians with us, the people, in the back seat. I want a change.

Do you feel confidence in the democratic process?

  1. Various groups are deemed not eligible, those rules vary and might be pushed and pulled on tactical basis. Some groups have a disadvantage, language or disabilities.

  2. Before the election Trump expressed his dislike. After the election various voices from the losing party does the same. So you need to trust a system that neither major party trust themselves (when suitable, of course).

  3. Whomever pushed for the recount is less relevant that it is in the loosing party’s interest. What is even more relevant is that votes might actually be recounted. That would imply, not incompetence - but rather a criminal infiltration deep within the only instrument you have to make your voice heard.

  • No, democracy has been turned into a battlefield for powerhungry politicians with us, the people, in the back seat. I want a change.

If properly informing the populace is considered part of the democratic process then no, I certainly have no confidence in it.
No,not at all. I lack confidence in the population to put down their cell phones, get engaged in politics and watch the government. Gov only does what it does every time the population becomes complacent: it succumbs to corporate cash, the gov becomes a tool for corporate and Democracy fails. Democracy doesnt just come like juice with the pot roast. Democracy has to be won and kept and when its gone, its almost impossible to get back.
Im not saying the op is right. Im saying there ARE no conspiracy theories, only what the government tells us to believe.
The objective is not that the system work for the people. It is that the system work for the states.

The democracy has arrogated the purpose of the selection process.

No wonder the national impasse.
Very interesting observing Democrats expressing outrage over the democratic process. I mean, their own Party completely rigged the process for the corrupt Candidate they supported. Wikileaks showed how the Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. The leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton.

You would think their outrage would be directed more at their own corrupt Party. But I guess they're in denial. They're directing all their anger and frustration at Donald Trump and Republicans. But they really should start with their own Party. It's anything but a 'Democratic' Party.
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.

Very interesting observing Democrats expressing outrage over the democratic process. I mean, their own Party completely rigged the process for the corrupt Candidate they supported. Wikileaks showed how the Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. The leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton.

You would think their outrage would be directed more at their own corrupt Party. But I guess they're in denial. They're directing all their anger and frustration at Donald Trump and Republicans. But they really should start with their own Party. It's anything but a 'Democratic' Party.

You dont decide what party a politician is by what the letter in front of their name is, what makes you a dem or rep is what you do, not what you say. If you were to judge a politician by what they do instead of what they say, how can you say the last 3 dem presidents were dem?
Very interesting observing Democrats expressing outrage over the democratic process. I mean, their own Party completely rigged the process for the corrupt Candidate they supported. Wikileaks showed how the Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. The leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton.

You would think their outrage would be directed more at their own corrupt Party. But I guess they're in denial. They're directing all their anger and frustration at Donald Trump and Republicans. But they really should start with their own Party. It's anything but a 'Democratic' Party.
Did you answer the question that was asked in the OP?
Yes, the system works.
Yes, some parts of the system are screwed up and need to be fixed, but most of that is because integrity is not a priority for many of the participants.
I think more people than ever were paying attention to and looking for democrat voter fraud and it put a severe damper on their operations.....
Of course you do. Otherwise you would have to admit that that entire conspiracy theory about librul voter fraud was always bullshit. You can't have reality intrude on your little world, now, can you? Don't worry. Your goofy orange god is at it again claiming there were millions of illegal votes, so you can snuggle right back into that conspiracy theory again.

Very interesting observing Democrats expressing outrage over the democratic process. I mean, their own Party completely rigged the process for the corrupt Candidate they supported. Wikileaks showed how the Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. The leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton.

You would think their outrage would be directed more at their own corrupt Party. But I guess they're in denial. They're directing all their anger and frustration at Donald Trump and Republicans. But they really should start with their own Party. It's anything but a 'Democratic' Party.

You dont decide what party a politician is by what the letter in front of their name is, what makes you a dem or rep is what you do, not what you say. If you were to judge a politician by what they do instead of what they say, how can you say the last 3 dem presidents were dem?

Just saying, the Democrat Party has been proven to be possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. Wikileaks showed how the Party leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton. It was anything but a 'Democratic' process.

So, Democrats need to start with their own Party. If they truly care about the democratic process, they'll acknowledge and then address their own Party's awful corruption.
Last edited:
Very interesting observing Democrats expressing outrage over the democratic process. I mean, their own Party completely rigged the process for the corrupt Candidate they supported. Wikileaks showed how the Democrat Party is possibly the most corrupt institution on earth. The leadership rigged it for Hillary Clinton.

You would think their outrage would be directed more at their own corrupt Party. But I guess they're in denial. They're directing all their anger and frustration at Donald Trump and Republicans. But they really should start with their own Party. It's anything but a 'Democratic' Party.
Did you answer the question that was asked in the OP?

Yes, i did. But you Democrats really do need to acknowledge, and then address your own Party's awful corruption. Check out Wikileaks and see how your Party's leadership rigged it all for Hillary Clinton. What they did, may have even been illegal. The Democrat Party is anything but 'Democratic' at this point.

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