Zone1 Do you feel shame based on the behaviors of other people of your ethnicity?


Gold Member
Sep 29, 2010
Gentleman's Club
Some say yes, and some say no we are all individuals etc. I do not identify as collective im very individual but Yes to some degree and not only because of my own attitude but the rest of the world will also blame me for the behaviour of other gypsies.

For example two gypsies were accused wrongly of raping a italian girl, then the italians burned down the gypsies
Romanies burned from their homes in Italy after girl's false rape claim

Also you see in various discussions, some would post a meme of a ugly gypsy, eventhough that gypsy is not me or maybe doesnt even look like me, to insult me or say something about gypsies, to insult me, like "i saw gypsies shitting on the streets and eating it" and then he expects that i feel ashamed and insulted

that is normal, and always like that
Some say yes, and some say no we are all individuals etc. I do not identify as collective im very individual but Yes to some degree and not only because of my own attitude but the rest of the world will also blame me for the behaviour of other gypsies.

For example two gypsies were accused wrongly of raping a italian girl, then the italians burned down the gypsies
Romanies burned from their homes in Italy after girl's false rape claim

Also you see in various discussions, some would post a meme of a ugly gypsy, eventhough that gypsy is not me or maybe doesnt even look like me, to insult me or say something about gypsies, to insult me, like "i saw gypsies shitting on the streets and eating it" and then he expects that i feel ashamed and insulted

that is normal, and always like that
Whites ashamed of racism, Russians ashamed of putin, Blacks ashamed of all the violence in the black communities. Jews ashamed of Israel
Not really. White people as a whole have a pretty good reputation from what I can tell. They are pretty strong as a whole which is a part of their Northern European belief system. We hold most political offices, have a lower poverty rate, have a lower unemployment rate, and are less likely to commit crimes. We have a few bad apples but the reputation is that we are successful inconsiderate jerks. That’s exactly what Ancient European religions encouraged. So as a whole they do pretty good. I feel no need to be ashamed.

My post

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Good morning, I saw a general discussion on a forum about whether they are ashamed of the actions of their compatriots. That was interesting to me and I wanted to ask you. Are you ashamed if a fellow Roma steals, kills or rapes? Some say yes, some say no, because you are individuals. I am asked the question, and in more detail, does it matter what nationality we belong to? Are we all connected, and do we all share the same destiny? I think that I am an individual, and that I am not responsible for what others do, I am only responsible for myself, but the rest of the world will not say that. They will always look at me despite the fact that I am Roma. They will copy me from the work of other Roma, and that is why it is important to me, what national affiliation I am and I advocate for a better life for Roma. Now there are Roma who don't stand up for a better life for the group, who don't care or don't feel anything towards other Roma. But my personal experience is that I always share the same fate as the entire Roma people. That's how I learned and that's my experience.
For example, in Italy, two young Roma men were falsely accused of raping a girl. Even then, groups of Italians set fire to the Roma settlement, meaning the entire Roma settlement and the old people, women and children. They didn't distinguish that only those two were doing it, even though they weren't. The same thing can happen to me tomorrow.
As for me personally, in various discussions it would be seen that some people would post a meme of an ugly or poor Roma, even though that Roma is not me or maybe doesn't even look like me, to insult me or say something about Roma to insult me, like "Vido I'm a gypsy shitting on the street" and then expects me to be embarrassed and offended
This is often the case
That's why it's important to organize and unite progress for us and for a better life for the Roma and against discrimination. And not to say hey, I'm not Roma,

Of course not. Every individual is responsible for their own actions.

And with my particular ethnicity, I am proud. We have contributed to society to a much greater degree than our tiny numbers would suggest, through medical developments, technological inversions, scientific discoveries, musical endeavors, and more.

(I’m Jewish.)
Some say yes, and some say no we are all individuals etc. I do not identify as collective im very individual but Yes to some degree and not only because of my own attitude but the rest of the world will also blame me for the behaviour of other gypsies.

For example two gypsies were accused wrongly of raping a italian girl, then the italians burned down the gypsies
Romanies burned from their homes in Italy after girl's false rape claim

Also you see in various discussions, some would post a meme of a ugly gypsy, eventhough that gypsy is not me or maybe doesnt even look like me, to insult me or say something about gypsies, to insult me, like "i saw gypsies shitting on the streets and eating it" and then he expects that i feel ashamed and insulted

that is normal, and always like that
No, because I only identify as a person, a human being. No need to divide past that, IS THERE ????????

My post

use google translate

Good morning, I saw a general discussion on a forum about whether they are ashamed of the actions of their compatriots. That was interesting to me and I wanted to ask you. Are you ashamed if a fellow Roma steals, kills or rapes? Some say yes, some say no, because you are individuals. I am asked the question, and in more detail, does it matter what nationality we belong to? Are we all connected, and do we all share the same destiny? I think that I am an individual, and that I am not responsible for what others do, I am only responsible for myself, but the rest of the world will not say that. They will always look at me despite the fact that I am Roma. They will copy me from the work of other Roma, and that is why it is important to me, what national affiliation I am and I advocate for a better life for Roma. Now there are Roma who don't stand up for a better life for the group, who don't care or don't feel anything towards other Roma. But my personal experience is that I always share the same fate as the entire Roma people. That's how I learned and that's my experience.
For example, in Italy, two young Roma men were falsely accused of raping a girl. Even then, groups of Italians set fire to the Roma settlement, meaning the entire Roma settlement and the old people, women and children. They didn't distinguish that only those two were doing it, even though they weren't. The same thing can happen to me tomorrow.
As for me personally, in various discussions it would be seen that some people would post a meme of an ugly or poor Roma, even though that Roma is not me or maybe doesn't even look like me, to insult me or say something about Roma to insult me, like "Vido I'm a gypsy shitting on the street" and then expects me to be embarrassed and offended
This is often the case
That's why it's important to organize and unite progress for us and for a better life for the Roma and against discrimination. And not to say hey, I'm not Roma,


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