Do YOU personally favor impeaching Trump regardless of the outcome?

Do YOU support impeaching Trump

  • Yes

  • No


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The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

It may not be the best for the party, and it may cost us some seats/support, but it's the right thing to do for the Country and the Constitution.
Simple poll

Feel free to add your reason for or against impeachment.

Personally I have seen nothing that rises to the level of High Crimes or Misdemeanors. Some unbecoming tweets and some amateurish moves like pulling troops from Syria only to basically send them right back in.


None of that amounts to anything resembling a crime so my vote is NO.

If this is the litmus for impeachment then every president will be impeached in the future and every president in the past should have been impeached.
The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
So if that's bad why are Trump's many shady Eastern European entanglements irrelevant?
Simple poll

Feel free to add your reason for or against impeachment.

Personally I have seen nothing that rises to the level of High Crimes or Misdemeanors. Some unbecoming tweets and some amateurish moves like pulling troops from Syria only to basically send them right back in.


None of that amounts to anything resembling a crime so my vote is NO.
Well duh! Of course he should be impeached. Why I have no idea, it's just what I keep hearing on the news so it must be right, huh?
The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
So if that's bad why are Trump's many shady Eastern European entanglements irrelevant?

Either way, it’s at least “pot meet kettle” and “getTrump.”
The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
So if that's bad why are Trump's many shady Eastern European entanglements irrelevant?

Either way, it’s at least “pot meet kettle” and “getTrump.”
This is quickly becoming a non-partisan issue, might want to adjust your view.
The core problem with Impeachment of Trump is that he was charged following his Inauguration and the Democrats have been in search of a crime ever since. Democrats did not like the results so they bang the drum loud and slow on Impeachment.
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
So if that's bad why are Trump's many shady Eastern European entanglements irrelevant?

Either way, it’s at least “pot meet kettle” and “getTrump.”
This is quickly becoming a non-partisan issue, might want to adjust your view.
A few never Trump Republicans =/= bipartisan lol
Trump probably could have saved himself a lot of trouble by not acting exactly like a man that owes Putin a big favor. There is no problem he has that he has not brought on himself.

Your side capitulated to Putin and Ukraine when you had power. Your guy was heard explicitly telling a Russian envoy he could “do more after the Election.” Your gal brokered a questionable uranium deal and took half million dollar speaking engagement for her husband in moscow.
So if that's bad why are Trump's many shady Eastern European entanglements irrelevant?

Either way, it’s at least “pot meet kettle” and “getTrump.”
This is quickly becoming a non-partisan issue, might want to adjust your view.
A few never Trump Republicans =/= bipartisan lol
I didn't say bipartisan I said non-partisan. This is not a matter of party platform but a bigger question of just how much absolute power we willing to grant the president.

This political garbage has made us the laughing stock of the world.
No, dOnald tRump has made us the laughing stock of the world.

It is hard to understand the mind of a person who DAILY HEARS and SEES "the world" laughing at THEIR choice for president and yet somehow manages to blame his opponents.
They are low intelligence brainwashed cultists.

who actually think they are smart!


This political garbage has made us the laughing stock of the world.
No, dOnald tRump has made us the laughing stock of the world.

It is hard to understand the mind of a person who DAILY HEARS and SEES "the world" laughing at THEIR choice for president and yet somehow manages to blame his opponents.
They are low intelligence brainwashed cultists.

who actually think they are smart!

They are about as sapient as a can of baked beans.
The Democrats are so out to lunch it really makes me laugh.

So let me get this straight. The Blob’s DOJ hires Mueller who returns a report that details 10 times when said blob obstructed justice. They did nothing.

Now they are ready to impeach over abuse of power? Stupid.

Politically its pretty much gold to the blob in terms of firing up any hold-outs in his base.

Again, Stupid.

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