Do You Realize that the US Funded and Trained ISIS?


VIP Member
Jul 23, 2014
Just so we are all clear here. Now that ISIS, or the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, is becoming a threat so powerful Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel told reporters at the Pentagon that the terrorist group is “beyond anything we’ve seen,” it’s time to remind everyone of a few little factoids regarding how exactly that came to be

Hagel’s exact quote was:
“They are beyond just a terrorist group. They marry ideology, a sophistication of … military prowess. They are tremendously well-funded. This is beyond anything we’ve seen.”
Well-trained in military prowess. Tremendously well-funded. Super sophisticated terrorists. Hm.
And how do you think they got that way so fast? Super magic terrorist training money tree fairy dust?
Apparently the mainstream establishment media would more likely attempt to have people believe such a thing exists rather than expose the blatant reality that yes, the U.S. has trained and funded ISIS and without the U.S. government, ISIS would not be the threat it has become.
It came out back in 2012 that the U.S., Turkey and Jordan were jointly running a US CIA and Special Forces command training base for Syrian rebels out of the Jordanian town of Safawi, but apparently according the Jordanian officials, that training ‘wasn’t meant to be used in Iraq’ (via WND):
Syrian rebels who would later join the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant, or ISIS, were trained in 2012 by U.S. instructors working at a secret base in Jordan, according to informed Jordanian officials.
The officials said dozens of future ISIS members were trained at the time as part of covert aid to the insurgents targeting the regime of Syrian President Bashar al-Assad in Syria. The officials said the training was not meant to be used for any future campaign in Iraq.
So future ISIS members were specially trained by the U.S. government, huh? Ya don’t say. But they weren’t supposed to be used for campaigns in Iraq?
This was, at least superficially, so they could wage war against the Bashar al-Assad regime in Syria, and again, they weren’t called ISIS at the time, they were referred to as the Syrian rebels.
But the government won’t even admit what they’ve done here. Instead, they’re just bombing Iraq and hoping for the best…
Meanwhile, our government is still funding the “Syrian rebels” today!
Back at the end of June, Obama was requesting another $500 million in aid for them, even though the fact that many were now calling themselves ISIS was so blatantly obvious even back then that it could no longer be disputed.
Train the Kurds to do what ? Attack us the next time we need to borrow their territory ? Maybe someday we can stop training people to kill and giving them weapons to do it with.
Train the Kurds to do what ? Attack us the next time we need to borrow their territory ? Maybe someday we can stop training people to kill and giving them weapons to do it with.

What are you a communist? US is the world's largest arms dealer. War and human misery is good business.
live by the sword, die by the sword. i hope this is the last time around when we are but dust upon the ground, that this silly species called man, will never again but a weapon in his hand, to kill another of his species, to become nothing but feces, in the eyes of his creator, sending his judgement to make one huge crater, in the blind flash of light, with the power of his might, he will end all the fights. enjoy
There are several rebel groups in Syria and the lack of knowledge that the article does not espouse leaves me to believe this is a not a story about Isis or Syrian rebels but an anti-Oblama story at best...
There are several rebel groups in Syria and the lack of knowledge that the article does not espouse leaves me to believe this is a not a story about Isis or Syrian rebels but an anti-Oblama story at best...
Maybe if you could tell us exactly which rebel group over there are the good guys and are helping the United States we could make some sense of it all.
There are several rebel groups in Syria and the lack of knowledge that the article does not espouse leaves me to believe this is a not a story about Isis or Syrian rebels but an anti-Oblama story at best...
Maybe if you could tell us exactly which rebel group over there are the good guys and are helping the United States we could make some sense of it all.

Ask McCain he went over there and found out...He is the one reporting to the President
Ask McCain he went over there and found out...He is the one reporting to the President

Hopefully the CIA and special forces had an idea too but apparently no one is willing to tell us who the good guys are. They could have all mutinied by now and joined some other group or maybe they're laying around with their head cut off. I'm sure out intentions were good.
Our intentions? Who knows what they may be. Is it oil? A concern over WMB's and mushroom clouds? Care for innocents in harms way?

Let's face facts. The Middle East and North Africa have been problematic for more than a millennium, and no solution has yet been found. Better we spend time to learn and understand the problems, before we attempt to fix them.

As broken as we are, divided by lust for power and partisan bickering, the idea that any solution exists is absurd.

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