Do you support UN Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine?

Do you support UN Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine?

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Idiots over there are killing each other again. Same thing that's been happening for 2,000 years. #eyeroll

And before you begin mocking these sources in lieu of some legacy media like CBS, CNN and so forth, they don't report on this because they are running interference for those in DC who are making the decisions. The whole concept of "fact-checking" has become ridiculous because those "checkers" are nearly all exhibiting a Left-leaning bias.
What sort of peace deal are the bloody dictators in moscow and peking willing to agree to?

Does putin want half of ukraine or all of it?
What sort of peace deal are the bloody dictators in Moscow and Peking willing to agree to?
Does Putin want half of Ukraine or all of it?
Total bullshit. They were not close to having a peace deal agreed to.
Do you support UN Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine?


UN Resolution ES-11/1 condemning the Russian invasion of Ukraine and calling for the withdrawal of all Russian forces from Ukraine was passed in the United Nations General Assembly on March 2, 2022 with 141 nations voting for the resolution and only 5 nations voting against!
What I find amazing and have to sheepishly admit that I didn't even know, North Korea is still a UN member and gets a vote? Why? How can we let a UN member flaunt UN resolutions and still be a member with a vote? What is the point of that?
What I find amazing and have to sheepishly admit that I didn't even know, North Korea is still a UN member and gets a vote? Why? How can we let a UN member flaunt UN resolutions and still be a member with a vote? What is the point of that?
Well, the UN is an attempt to have every recognized country in the world have a seat at the table for dialogue and diplomacy. 193 countries are members. There are only four countries that are not members, Vatican City, Palestine, Kosovo, and Taiwan. But Vatican City and Palestine have "observer status". Kosovo would have membership if it wasn't for Russia's veto power. Taiwan is in a delicate balancing act with mainland China where it avoids declaring outright independence to anger China, but if it were to declare independence, would certainly have its chance for membership blocked by China's veto power.

While North Korea is often a violator of UN resolutions, so has Israel been a violator. But North Korea has its backers in Russia and China, while the United States and its Allies back Israel.

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