Do You Think Blacks Are Cursed By God?


Diamond Member
Jun 6, 2018
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
I'd suggest that these days this belief (often held somewhat implicitly) is used more to justify not doing something, i.e. as a reason not to support policies meant to address racial inequality. The argument is basically that if racial inequality is the result of essentially immutable differences between different racial groups than policy interventions won't work and are a waste of time. That's essentially the argument people like Charles Murray make.

Whereas, if you recognize that racial inequality is largely the result of hundreds of years of discrimination and explicitly racist policy (cf. The Color of Law) than it follows both that public policy can play a role in fixing it, but also that policy makers have a moral obligation to do so, which is the argument that Coates makes, for example, in the The Case for Reparations.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
This is without a doubt one of the most ignorant ops I've seen here. That's saying a lot.
No they were cursed by the democrat party that has used them and tossed them aside year after year after year.....#walkaway.....
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical


Deuteronomy 14:2

You are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical
I agree. The original Hebrews were Black people.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical


Deuteronomy 14:2

You are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Know what else is biblical?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Too bad you don't do it. You only love those that think like you. Sad, really.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.
And the resident racist speaks.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical


Deuteronomy 14:2

You are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Know what else is biblical?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Too bad you don't do it. You only love those that think like you. Sad, really.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

The thread isn't about me moron, it's about blacks.

Now pipe down
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical
I agree. The original Hebrews were Black people.

You're pathetic
Youre white. You didnt even exist when humans first appeared. God doesnt turn people white to punish them if they are already white. Your visage cant be blacker than coal if youre white either.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
This is without a doubt one of the most ignorant ops I've seen here. That's saying a lot.
Yea, religion can get pretty ignorant, but nonetheless, this is what they preached for a very long time -- but I notice you didn't call that ignorant did you? Nah, you are more offended that I pose a question that your ilk actually believed and still believe today...
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical


Deuteronomy 14:2

You are a people holy to the Lord your God, and the Lord has chosen you to be a people for his treasured possession, out of all the peoples who are on the face of the earth.
Know what else is biblical?
Jesus said unto him, Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. This is the first and great commandment. And the second is like unto it, Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. On these two commandments hang all the law and the prophets.

Too bad you don't do it. You only love those that think like you. Sad, really.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk

The thread isn't about me moron, it's about blacks.

Now pipe down

You are dismissed bitch.

Sent from my SM-J727VPP using Tapatalk
Thats a holdover from the days of slavery when whites tried their hardest to convince Blacks that they were doomed to a life of slavery because god wanted them to be slaves. When you look at the bible, use common sense, and use science you can clearly see that Blacks are gods chosen people.

Israel is God's chosen....that's Biblical
I agree. The original Hebrews were Black people.

You're pathetic
Youre white. You didnt even exist when humans first appeared. God doesnt turn people white to punish them if they are already white. Your visage cant be blacker than coal if youre white either.

You have zero chance of convincing me of that nonsense
Not trying to convince you. Thats your job. Just making sure you understand the facts. White people cannot produce Black people. However Black people can produce white people. Therefore Noah had to be a Black person. Also if you read your bible you will see that Nimrod was the Black guy that founded Israel.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
This is without a doubt one of the most ignorant ops I've seen here. That's saying a lot.
Yea, religion can get pretty ignorant, but nonetheless, this is what they preached for a very long time -- but I notice you didn't call that ignorant did you? Nah, you are more offended that I pose a question that your ilk actually believed and still believe today...
You continue to display your ignorance. The bible is a collection of fairy tales. Every religion is false. I wasn't offended at all because I don't believe any of the crap. Mine was a simple statement that your op is ignorant. Its ignorant because of what you base it on and the fact that you are trying to spin it so you hope you can snag someone into going along with you so you can call them a racist. I love how you are so quick to judge someone and categorize them with terms like " your ilk". You are truly a pathetic little troll.
Are Blacks Cursed by God? — Watchtower ONLINE LIBRARY

Usually whenever racial discussions take place -- the belief that blacks are ultimately inferior crops up -- my question is, let's concede that blacks are inferior, now what?

Let's assume that blacks are the most inferior humans on the planet, ok -- now what?
What policy wise do we do about them? Or is the objective mostly about establishing the belief that blacks are inferior, period? I would think such a claim should be followed by something more than racial bragging rights - shouldn't their be some policies in place to deal with these inferior people? Especially if it is also believed that those inferior people messes up everything for the rest of "us"

The belief is long held among "Christians" that blacks were cursed by God, from the article: "It is claimed that not only the slavery of blacks was in fulfillment of this Biblical curse, but their black skin color is too."

I can only imagine how tough it must be for a black person, knowing they are not only inferior, but cursed by God himself; as one man said about growing up as a child in a mostly white church that preached this type of doctrine:

"It was in the summer of 1951 when I, as an inquisitive seven-year-old, sat on the steps of the First Baptist Church in Sheepshead Bay, Brooklyn, and cried. I had tried diligently to rub off the blackness of my flesh, because my white girl companions had remarked about its offensiveness. The rubbing with Ajax cleanser left only a reddened, puffy spot that ached, almost as much as my childish heart, when I began to ponder why a God of love would make a person black, unless he really did not love me."

Apparently, this was a popular belief among Protestants/Catholics up until the late 1800's when the pope at that time said a prayer for those dirty blacks so they wouldn't be evil anymore or something, that was kind of him. Mormons kept this belief going much much later however, they didn't officially contradict this until 2013 -- again, that was kind of them.

So as I asked before, if black folks are mostly inferior, what should be done about them? Especially if you are a believer that God cursed them.
If history is correct is was black folks who killed other black folks in Africa. Those that weren't killed were sold into slavery, where they were brought to America and worked along with white folk who were indentured for 7 years. But then another black man sued to keep his slaves, and from then on the Democrats fought tooth and nail to keep them, even killing other white folks who believed in God, who wanted to set the black folks free. After said war, it was dirty godless Demcorats(who believed in Satan and burned crosses) who terrorized black folks and white republicans even to the point of hanging both side by side. But then history and the godless Democrats saw that no matter who they killed they were going to get any power in the government so went on a crusade to propagandize history and change it making these godless fuckers look like angels. Now the real EVIL part of this, just like in Africa where blacks killed blacks and enslaved blacks, many blacks leaders have sold their souls to EVIL, just so they can have lots of money, and still blacks are killing blacks. God has given US a sign in 2016 when more people moved away from the EVIL ones and sought the goodness in the US. It is going to take everyone one of US, to fight back against Satan and his followers.

Saul Alinsky's Rules for Radicals
Hillary Clinton's 1969 Political Science Thesis ("There is Only the Fight") refers to an earlier version of Alinsky’s training manual. "In 1946,” she wrote, "Alinsky's first book, Reveille for Radicals, was published."
Obama learned his lesson well. I am proud to see that my father's model for organizing is being applied successfully beyond local community organizing to affect the Democratic campaign in 2008. It is a fine tribute to Saul Alinsky as we approach his 100th birthday." --Letter from L. DAVID ALINSKY, son of Neo-Marxist Saul Alinsky
And who do these 2 followers of the Rules for Radicals follow?
Opening page - Dedication
“Lest we forget at least an over-the-shoulder acknowledgment to the very first radical: from all our legends, mythology, and history... the first radical known to man who rebelled against the establishment and did it so effectively that he at least won his own kingdom — Lucifer.”
Are you for God or are you for Lucifer? Your choice...
I agree. The original Hebrews were Black people.

You're pathetic
Youre white. You didnt even exist when humans first appeared. God doesnt turn people white to punish them if they are already white. Your visage cant be blacker than coal if youre white either.

You have zero chance of convincing me of that nonsense
Not trying to convince you. Thats your job. Just making sure you understand the facts. White people cannot produce Black people. However Black people can produce white people. Therefore Noah had to be a Black person. Also if you read your bible you will see that Nimrod was the Black guy that founded Israel.

Give it a rest, racist

Your posting history betrays you and I'm not about to take ANYTHING you say on race seriously.
I'll give it a rest when you provide something that debunks my post. Let me know why god sent Jesus to Egypt instead of england when he was trying to hide him. He would have stuck out like a sore thumb in Africa.
I agree:

You're pathetic
Youre white. You didnt even exist when humans first appeared. God doesnt turn people white to punish them if they are already white. Your visage cant be blacker than coal if youre white either.

You have zero chance of convincing me of that nonsense
Not trying to convince you. Thats your job. Just making sure you understand the facts. White people cannot produce Black people. However Black people can produce white people. Therefore Noah had to be a Black person. Also if you read your bible you will see that Nimrod was the Black guy that founded Israel.

Give it a rest, racist

Your posting history betrays you and I'm not about to take ANYTHING you say on race seriously.
I'll give it a rest when you provide something that debunks my post. Let me know why god sent Jesus to Egypt instead of england when he was trying to hide him. He would have stuck out like a sore thumb in Africa.

They don't make Jews like Jesus anymore.

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