Dobbs offers states a right to impose successful white European Catholic sexual behavior on women or stay out of it.


Gold Member
Jul 9, 2014
dvng.22.11.19 #5,679

No religious argument was made in overturning Roe v Wade.

It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women according to Saint Ding of Schlafly Nation in the following post.

dvng.22.01.27-#617 I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon.​
Is there anyone here who have expressed a conclusion that Dobbs has nothing to do with religion who can make a case that the Queen of Republican white Christian Family Values and nationalism was not religiously motivated to oppose abortion rights for her entire life.

Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Trump in 2015. She served up white Evangelicals and right wing Catholic voters to Trump probably givinh the man with shitty family values the real opportunity to become POTUS.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump used a brief address before the funeral Mass to paint himself as the heir to the values of the Eagle Forum, which Schlafly founded in 1972.​

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, pause at the casket of Phyllis Schlafly before a funeral Mass on Saturday.​
"In all of her battles, she never strayed from the one guiding principle. She was for America, and it was always, always America First," Trump said. "She never stopped fighting for the fundamental idea that the American people ought to have their needs come before anything or anyone else."​
nf.23.10.02 #1
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cclytnjns.23,03.19 #1
Not many 20-year-olds (part of the most diverse, inclusive generation in history, one steeped in climate science and tech) would leap at the prospect of living in a state where abortion is unattainable, gays are ostracized and secularism is bashed.

Reply to cclytnjns #1 the preponderance of twenty-somethings who would want to live in a state where full term gestation is forced on all females in the state would be twenty-somethings who are raised in a good white Christian Republican family where parents have become Christian nationalists and themselves became saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and adhere to a very strict lifestyle and behavior that is required of all Christians. Most Christians are not Christian nationalists and that is why the Schlafly Christians feel like they are victims of a Satan led minority they call the left.

Jennifer Rubin ~~~
Washington Post reporter! Strictly a Red Diaper Baby.
Reply to dvcnnnn #24 The first steps toward conversion of the American masses to the acceptance of authoritarian rule is to destroy the credibility of journalists who are not in with the religious right wing fringe.

If you get pregnant and up to three months you want to terminate it, that's your business
Reply to dvcnnnn #48 So as you can see Saint Doc has joined Phyllis Schlafly’s saving baby fetus cult while he himself defends every woman’s right to kill her baby during the first 13 weeks of gestation. But the common thread of the liberal ideology of sovereignty of the individual under democratic rule stands in the way of having a strong man like Putin and Trump take care of all our needs, and wants and desires.

Saint doc needs Phyllis Schlafly’s white evangelical Christian nation, more than they need him for whatever cause drives him to willingness to give up on American democracy.

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dvng.22.11.19 #5,679

It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women according to Saint Ding of Schlafly Nation in the following post.

dvng.22.01.27-#617 I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon.​
Is there anyone here who have expressed a conclusion that Dobbs has nothing to do with religion who can make a case that the Queen of Republican white Christian Family Values and nationalism was not religiously motivated to oppose abortion rights for her entire life.

Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Trump in 2015. She served up white Evangelicals and right wing Catholic voters to Trump probably givinh the man with shitty family values the real opportunity to become POTUS.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump used a brief address before the funeral Mass to paint himself as the heir to the values of the Eagle Forum, which Schlafly founded in 1972.​
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, pause at the casket of Phyllis Schlafly before a funeral Mass on Saturday.​
"In all of her battles, she never strayed from the one guiding principle. She was for America, and it was always, always America First," Trump said. "She never stopped fighting for the fundamental idea that the American people ought to have their needs come before anything or anyone else."​
nf.23.10.02 #1
What Trump says and what Trump does are not one on the same.
cclytnjns.23,03.19 #1

Reply to cclytnjns #1 the preponderance of twenty-somethings who would want to live in a state where full term gestation is forced on all females in the state would be twenty-somethings who are raised in a good white Christian Republican family where parents have become Christian nationalists and themselves became saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and adhere to a very strict lifestyle and behavior that is required of all Christians. Most Christians are not Christian nationalists and that is why the Schlafly Christians feel like they are victims of a Satan led minority they call the left.


Reply to dvcnnnn #24 The first steps toward conversion of the American masses to the acceptance of authoritarian rule is to destroy the credibility of journalists who are not in with the religious right wing fringe.


Reply to dvcnnnn #48 So as you can see Saint Doc has joined Phyllis Schlafly’s saving baby fetus cult while he himself defends every woman’s right to kill her baby during the first 13 weeks of gestation. But the common thread of the liberal ideology of sovereignty of the individual under democratic rule stands in the way of having a strong man like Putin and Trump take care of all our needs, and wants and desires.

Saint doc needs Phyllis Schlafly’s white evangelical Christian nation, more than they need him for whatever cause drives him to willingness to give up on American democracy.

i liked these replies so much that i put you on "follow." my first on usmb.

I’d rather had me a few beers back in the late Sixties early Seventies with Phyllis Diller than with Phyllis Schlafly any day of the week​

No one was doing what Phyllis did before she came along. When you think of someone like Lucille Ball—she played the game of the housewife. She was bubbly and goofy, and she really did obey Ricky, even if she rebelled a little bit. She never tried to degrade him or outshine him.​
pblshd diller.19.03.00​
Phyllis pushed back against the idea of women as comforting mother figures. She had five children by the time she made her first television appearance, on “You Bet Your Life” in 1958. Groucho Marx asked her, “Phyllis, what do you do to break up the monotony of housekeeping and taking care of five small gorillas?”
“Well,” she said, “I’m really not a housewife anymore. I beat the rap.” That was an incredibly shocking thing for her to say in 1958!

Because Dobbs offers states a right to impose centuries of successful white European Catholic sexual behavior on women by banning access to the medical procedure of abortion; can the same states ban the FDA approved Opill® as an OTC daily oral contraceptive which would be a way to bring every abortion for convenience in America to an end if every fertile sexually actively female could voluntarily take it if provided by the federal government as an insured healthcare product for little or no cost?​

We know the rationale for the Dobbs ruling is that the right to abortion is not “deeply rooted in history,” which could arguably be applied to any privacy-based right like production, sale and use of contraceptive drugs and devices.​

#192 to #187

bvvgl.23,05.02 #8,625
civilized SOCIETY,

A statistic I had not seen until I read
grmblnts #5 link to Perrigo.

“Of the 6 million pregnancies in the U.S. each year, 45% are unintended​
Perrigo’s Announcement that the FDA has approved Opill® as an OTC daily oral contraceptive is a way to bring every abortion for convenience in America to an end.

It would seem from the above statistic that the saving baby fetus Republican Party cult would best spend their propaganda dollars and lawmaking agenda instead on providing Opill® to every female who wants to enjoy sex and not worry about getting pregnant

So where are the saving baby fetus saints on over the counter oral contraception if opposition to abortion has nothing to do with appropriate successful religious civilizing behaviors.

My conversations with Saint Ding and Saint Beagle of Schlafly Nation tell me birth control pills are not truly conducive to encouraging successful sexual behaviors in women and keeping women in their proper gender roles in a male dominated Western Civilization to thrive as if it were true that America was founded as Saint Ding claims a “Christian” Nation.

dvng.22.01.27-#617 I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon.​

bvvgl.23,05.02 #8,625 If wanting a civilized SOCIETY, then you have rule's, standard's, moral's, and responsibility in such a society. What you and other's want is to continually move away from such thing's, and therefore give into the darkness that resides in the corners where most try not to venture into if at all possible.​
Saint Beagle is a non-Biblical book banning authoritarian in my opinion just stumbled upon this piece while searching for sonething ejse: How America's First Banned Book Survived and Became an Anti-Authoritarian Icon pblshd vnglcls.23.10.02
ntfrm.23.09.07 #187 Where contraception would have solved the issue. Contraception is a gift from our creator.​
lnnyprtv.23.09.07 #192 to #187 “When we were a moral country, contraception was illegal.​
Reply to lnnyprtv #192 America was founded as a rational nation where ideally the interests of the individual in the pursuit of life liberty and happiness far outweigh the collective interest of the nation.

It took four score and seven years for self/interested people to merely begin to right the wrong of race based chattel slavery and a full century after that for a young generation to demand this nation show real progress upon the founding ideal absolutely that all people are equal and free and entitled to share in our educational institutions and business wealth.

No one must ride in the back of a public bus.

And this day we have Saint Lennypartiv pining Trumpishly for the days befire the anti-war, pro-minority civil rights sexual revolution for a grandma Shlafly to comfort him and tell him his is important because he is a man.

define "lost"

It’s when they count and certify all the votes and your guy has fewer votes it means you both lost. In America the moral thing to do is congratulate the winner and move on with your life.

nf.23.10.04 #7
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I’d rather had me a few beers back in the late Sixties early Seventies with Phyllis Diller than with Phyllis Schlafly any day of the week​

You were probably in the wrong part of the country.

---Phyllis Diller: St. Louis Legend ---

---Phyllis Schlafly, née Phyllis Stewart, (born August 15, 1924, St. Louis, Missouri U.S.—died September 5, 2016, St. Louis)---

lnnyprtv.23.10.04 #8 You were probably in the wrong part of the country.
---Phyllis Diller: St. Louis Legend ---
---Phyllis Schlafly, née Phyllis Stewart, (born August 15, 1924, St. Louis, Missouri U.S.—died September 5, 2016, St. Louis)---

America has gone down hill since we started letting women vote.

lnnyprtv.22.04.13 #14 ---The Deep State, Trump’s sworn enemy, is joined by a Deep Church that spares no criticisms and accusations against the incumbent President while winking indecorously with Biden and BLM, slavishly following the narration imposed by the mainstream.---Archbishop Carlo Maria Viganò: Deep State is Working With “Deep Church” to Transform Catholic Church into Spiritual Arm of New World OrderThe United States is witnessing the highest ….​

The United States is witnessing the highest levels and centers of cultural influence of the American Catholic Church shamelessly siding in favor of the Democratic candidate and more generally in favor of the entire apparatus that has been consolidating in recent decades within the public administration.

The Deep State, Trump’s sworn enemy, is joined by a Deep Church that spares no criticisms and accusations against the incumbent President while winking indecorously with Biden and BLM, slavishly following the narration imposed by the mainstream. It matters little that Trump is openly pro-life and defends the non-negotiable principles that the Democrats have renounced – the important thing is to transform the Catholic Church into the spiritual arm of the New World Order, so as to have an imprimatur from the highest moral authority in the world, something that was impossible with Benedict XVI.
— Read on

The letter was the second defense of Russia’s invasion to be floated by a prominent churchman in recent days. In a sermon on Sunday, Patriarch Kirill of Moscow, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church and an ally of Putin, repeated a long-held contention that the West wants to enforce the practice of holding gay pride parades as a test of loyalty to its values, which include the acceptance of homosexuality. The Ukraine war, he said Sunday, resulted from the eastern regions’ refusal to acquiesce.

“If humanity accepts that sin is not a violation of God’s law, if humanity accepts that sin is a variation of human behavior, then human civilization will end there,” Kirill said on the pre-Lenten celebration known as Forgiveness Sunday.

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, Jan. 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)

Russian Orthodox Patriarch Kirill in the Christ the Saviour Cathedral in Moscow, Jan. 6, 2022. (AP Photo/Alexander Zemlianichenko)
But Viganò sees a deeper plot to institute a new world order. Naming the United Nations, NATO and the International Monetary Fund as well as the European Union and billionaire philanthropists like George Soros and Bill Gates, the archbishop identified a global conspiracy, initiated by an American deep state, to introduce a world government based on economic interests and progressivism.

Viganò portrayed Zelenskyy as an E.U. puppet, an affable outsider introduced to foment Ukrainians’ feelings against Russia.

“The image of Zelenskyy is an artificial product, a mediatic fiction, an operation to manipulate consensus that was nonetheless able to create a political character in the Ukrainian collective imagination and who in reality, not in fiction, was able to seize power,” the former Vatican envoy wrote of the Ukrainian president, who is Jewish.

I have great respect for Archbishop Vigano, and this answers many of the questions I had in my gut about the situation with Ukraine & Russia. Now it all makes perfect sense, and this man is a voice for truth in a world filled with lies. ...

Everything the Cardinal has talked about so far has proven to be true. We, as Catholics, must heed his warnings in particular about technocracy. I am convinced this is the anti-Christ. After all, what's less like Christ consciousness than ...See more

The problem is it's easy to laugh off the tinfoil hat brigade and their paranoic rantings but as they no longer exist as the comedic subplot in a movie and have become all too real, i'm no longer laughing.​

Eventually, maybe some people will realize what really is going on.​

Deep State, checkChristian Civilization, checktranshuman, checkglobalist, checknew world order, check...See more​

I’ve just today heard the name Vigano. But been researching the World Economic Forum, and Davos for several months. Most (if not all) of what Vigano declares (about One World Government - tyranny - power to an elite group​

The pope is a satanist. Arch Bishop Vigano speaks the truth. Read all of his open letters. We have been under the thumb of a monster: the deep state.​


This is the first time that problems between Russia and the United States are voiced in the media. It makes sense to think about it​

Certainly no criminally indictable collusion between Vigano Karill Trump and Putin but certainly there is allied interests between these four homophobic leaders

nf.23.10.04 #9
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The liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades is “obsolete,”
Speaking to the FT on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, during which world leaders will discuss trade, security and other matters, Putin said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” and “come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population. “

So this idea that Russia is a mega authoritarian dictatorship is false.
I was with my wife and her father in a major city in Russia when they voted for Putin the first time he ran and won in 2000. That was the last free election in Russia. That was the beginnings to the end of a free press in Russia. My father in law is head of a division of a major hospital who will never speak out against Putin who has held power without always holding the office but seems to be president for life from now on. My father in law could lose everything he has earned as a doctor include property his family has owned for generations and be on the streets. It’s nothing like we have here.

You are wrong.

There is one way authoritarianism almost happened here. When Trump lined up a criminal enterprise to draft fake electors who declared Trump the winner in a plot that involved mob violence on January 6 2021. Putin received nearly the result he wanted if Trump did not win. He got weakened democracy in the US with no traceable collusion. The KGB agents dream come true.

nf.22.09.03 #5,033 “It’s the MAGA infectious parasite that is eating the Republican Party alive and it must be brought under control like any serious disease to prevent the narcissistic collapse of America into a Putin like destructive authoritarian political and state run religious existence.”

Putin does not want to conquer our land with his military. He simply wants enough Americans to give up defending the liberal ideology of western democracy because autocracy is not so fucking messy as when one wise man with ruthless power to quell Non-state aligned thinking has it all under control. They furtherance to his objective would be a nationwide, racially, motivated Civil War.

Russians today like Ukrainians are fellow Christians so I refuse to hate Russia or Ukraine. I’m not taking any side until one of them attack America that’s a different story.

Gobbledygook and false apologetics.
What we do know about the aggressions of Putin is that he wants to aggrandize and regain the land Russia previously controlled and he has done so in Georgia and now in the Ukraine. Who is next Moldova, Lithuania, Finland? Is this all because a dictator like Vladimir Putin can read weak presidents like Obama and Biden like open books?

Putin Groomed Trump through his religious right supporters to convert the US Into an desiring an authoritarian state under a Trump like celebrity - and damn near pulled it off on Jan6

See my post nf.23.10..01 #69

The liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades is “obsolete,” Russian President Vladimir Putin said in an interview with the Financial Times published Friday. pblshd vldmrpvtvn.19.06.28Speaking to the FT on the eve of the G20 summit in Osaka, Japan, during which world leaders will discuss trade, security and other matters, Putin said “the liberal idea” had “outlived its purpose” and “come into conflict with the interests of the overwhelming majority of the population.”
Going on five years after telling the Western Democracies he is coming to take us down, Putin is begging the dictator of North Korea 🇰🇵 for fucking ammunition to be used in the first line of military offense against the ever so weak liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades.

PutinPuppit PeterPilot exercises his First Amendment right to oppose liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades tells the world on .23.09.30 in post #67 that “Putin's view of the world is much more sophisticated than any POTUS I've seen in my lifetime.”

So when liberal ideology that has underpinned Western democracy for decades ceases to exist because it cannot afford to defend itself against Putin and Kim Junk Uhn’s sophisticated 1939ish fascist German and Japanese view of the World.

nf.23.10..01 #69
nf.23.10..04 #10
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Dobbs ==> You lost

I have won.

Dobbs offers REPUBLICAN states a right to impose successful white European Catholic sexual behavior on women or stay out of it. Democrats are staying out of that white religious Republican unification of Christian church and state to oppress female sexual behavior.

Prior to Dobbs there was little clarity of why women must never vote for Republicans who want state control over female bodies.

Now they know.

And this;

Reply to cclytnjns #1 the preponderance of twenty-somethings who would want to live in a state where full term gestation is forced on all females in the state would be twenty-somethings who are raised in a good white Christian Republican family where parents have become Christian nationalists and themselves became saved by the blood of Jesus Christ and adhere to a very strict lifestyle and behavior that is required of all Christians. Most Christians are not Christian nationalists and that is why the Schlafly Christians feel like they are victims of a Satan led minority they call the left.

nf.23.10.04 #11
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MisterBeale said: If we are not given candidates that are acceptable, don't vote, and participate by other means until the system changes.[ame="[MEDIA=youtube]xIraCchPDhk[/MEDIA]"]George Carlin Doesn't vote[/ame] mstrbl.12.09.1 #11

Saint Misterbeale’s 2012 post #11 sounds fascistic to me. Who can talk me out if it?

HikerGuy83 said: “Dobbs ==> You lost” hkrgy.23.07.26 #9,951
If all MAGA posters like #11 and white Christian nationalist Republicans prevail over most American Christians who are not Schlafly anti/feminist Christians (see post fnf.23.10.04 #11 ) then, yes Saint Hikerguy, America fails. But I see Dobbs as the wake up call for millennials and younger to shut MAGA fascism down. Please join them.

nf.23.11.03 #12
dvng.22.11.19 #5,679

It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women according to Saint Ding of Schlafly Nation in the following post.

dvng.22.01.27-#617 I don’t see how that changes the fact that we were founded as a Christian nation based upon Christian values and principles. Not religious dogma per se but the successful behaviors which Western Civilization was built upon.​
Is there anyone here who have expressed a conclusion that Dobbs has nothing to do with religion who can make a case that the Queen of Republican white Christian Family Values and nationalism was not religiously motivated to oppose abortion rights for her entire life.

Phyllis Schlafly endorsed Trump in 2015. She served up white Evangelicals and right wing Catholic voters to Trump probably givinh the man with shitty family values the real opportunity to become POTUS.

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump used a brief address before the funeral Mass to paint himself as the heir to the values of the Eagle Forum, which Schlafly founded in 1972.​
Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump and his wife, Melania Trump, pause at the casket of Phyllis Schlafly before a funeral Mass on Saturday.​
"In all of her battles, she never strayed from the one guiding principle. She was for America, and it was always, always America First," Trump said. "She never stopped fighting for the fundamental idea that the American people ought to have their needs come before anything or anyone else."​
nf.23.10.02 #1
Ding's not the brightest bulb in the drawer. One of the commandments of the non-existent entity, "god," is against murder. Even before copulation, there is never a time that life is not in progress. Thus, we agree that Theo got it right for a change: abortion is murder. duh
I've said it before and I'll say it again.....

Any dimocrap female that wants an abortion should be given one free of charge.

And $5 from Crime Stop
Jesus Horatio Christ, so many having problems processing their mother tongue, such little time to do anything about it.
It is not the argument, it’s the thirteen centuries or so of allegedly successful White European Christian behavior the petitioners to the court on Dobbs were seeking to impose on modern American women
The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs.
In fact, the court reversed the impositions laid on women by the court in Roe.

M14 Shooter said: The court didn't impose anything on women in Dobbs. .• • • In fact, the court reversed the impositions laid on women by the court in Roe. mnnshtr.23.12.03 #18

SIx Catholic robed Republicans on SCOTUS imposed state’s right to ban access to abortion in white Christian nationalist majority states. That is imposing a state’s interest in enforcing the Catholic doctrine that right to life for baby fetus begins at conception.

nf. 23.11.03 #19
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