Documents – Shows Hunter Involved In Sale Of US Company To China With Potential Military Application


Where are the documents?
We are still waiting on Biden to produce them. Same as we are waiting for Schiff and Pelosi to give us transcripts of their Super Duper Double Secret Fake Hearings.

While we are at it, The Clinton Campaign and Podesta Group should have their immunity revoked so we can look at the documents they have in relation to their crooked dealings in the Ukraine.
We are still waiting on Biden to produce them. Same as we are waiting for Schiff and Pelosi to give us transcripts of their Super Duper Double Secret Fake Hearings.

While we are at it, The Clinton Campaign and Podesta Group should have their immunity revoked so we can look at the documents they have in relation to their crooked dealings in the Ukraine.
And still waiting to see Schitts IRON CLAD PROOF of Trumps Russian Collusion!
We are still waiting on Biden to produce them. Same as we are waiting for Schiff and Pelosi to give us transcripts of their Super Duper Double Secret Fake Hearings.

While we are at it, The Clinton Campaign and Podesta Group should have their immunity revoked so we can look at the documents they have in relation to their crooked dealings in the Ukraine.
And still waiting to see Schitts IRON CLAD PROOF of Trumps Russian Collusion!
Still waiting to see Hillary's 33,000 emails she deleted and lied about when she said they were conversations about Yoga Pants, and her daughter's wedding.
One of the companies in the 2015 deal was Bohai Harvest RST (BHR), a billion-dollar investment fund backed by China that was formed by Hunter Biden and Chris Heinz, the stepson of then-Secretary of State John Kerry.

The state government’s Aviation Industry Corporation of China teamed with BHR to buy Henniges Automotive, a producer of high-tech, anti-vibration components for automobiles.

“The direct involvement of Mr. Hunter Biden and Mr. Heinz in the acquisition of Henniges by the Chinese government creates a potential conflict of interest,” Mr. Grassley wrote in an Aug. 15 letter to Treasury Secretary Steven T. Mnuchin…

…The $600 million acquisition of Henniges gave the Chinese aviation firm a 51% stake in the business and direct control of the anti-vibration technology. BHR got a 49% share of the business.

“The appearance of potential conflicts in this case is particularly troubling given Mr. Biden’s and Mr. Heinz’s history of investing in and collaborating with Chinese companies, including at least one posing significant national security concerns,” Mr. Grassley wrote.

Note: This transaction between China and Hunter Biden and John Kerry’s stepson Chris Heinz occurred when Joe Biden was vice president and John Kerry was Secretary of State.

Breaking: Author Peter Schweizer Drops Biden Corruption Documents – Shows Hunter Involved In Sale Of US Company To China With Potential Military Applications | Tea Party

Fake News.


Not A Reputable New Site.

Russian Bots.

God you people so fucking dumb.
In the military parade in China last week our pentagon was amazed at how similar their weapons are to our own....Obama and Biden allowed China to steal our weapon about treason....that is a hanging offense....
To globalist Democrats, selling out evil Americans is seen as a virtue. That's why Democrats have no problem with biden or Carey's kids working for the Chinese Democrats.

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