Does a Woman Really know?

2 pens (in case one stops working)
Nail file
Work keys
Car/house keys
Excedrin Migraine
Lip gloss
Wallet (ID, checkbook, CC's, discount cards, receipts, cash)
Hand sanitizer (there's some germy mo-fo's in this world)
Small hairspray
Blink & Clean for contacts
Cell phone

Never changes, so it's easy to remember.
2 pens (in case one stops working)
Nail file
Work keys
Car/house keys
Excedrin Migraine
Lip gloss
Wallet (ID, checkbook, CC's, discount cards, receipts, cash)
Hand sanitizer (there's some germy mo-fo's in this world)
Small hairspray
Blink & Clean for contacts
Cell phone

Never changes, so it's easy to remember.

Same here,except take away hairspray,hand sanitzer and Ibuprofen.

Then add: Travel toothbrush/toothpaste and sunglasses.
Everything thats in her purse without looking?

Speaking for myself only ... yes!
I carry a small handbag and know where everything is. Enough so, I can keep my eyes on the road while driving while my hand makes it's way over the contents of my handbag.

Now other women who carry those large sacks ... I don't know how the hell they find anything in there! Perhaps a woman's purse is a reflection of their life. Organized and in control, or unorganized and chaotic.

I report ... YOU decide.
Everything thats in her purse without looking?

HAHAHA, they not only know everything in their purses, they know whats in every corner of the house, and they log everything you do, and when the time is right, they recall that information to, well, you know, they have their 'ways' LOL . I have not been able to 'outfox' this woman in 37 years, Im tellin ya, they got 6th and 7th senses!
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