Does anyone agree with Kamala's plan to implement a FEDERAL ban on price gouging?

It's empty rhetoric. It matters none whether you support it or not, it's never happening.
How do you know? Every day Kamala keeps pushing her Federal ban on price gouging. So are you saying she's lying to get elected based on a false promise to control prices?
How do you know? Every day Kamala keeps pushing her Federal ban on price gouging. So are you saying she's lying to get elected based on a false promise to control prices?

Mostly as it would be impossible.

In the past when I've pointed out lies, people tell me "they all lie" as if that makes it OK.

Kamala clearly stated on CNN's town hall that she plans to implement a FEDERAL ban on price gouging, "punishing companies" for high prices on groceries and products. She provided no specifics, but in general does anyone agree that it is a good thing to give the government this kind of power? Have government enforced price controls ever worked anywhere? What do you think?
It's Utopian in thought and unworkable in reality.
Kamala clearly stated on CNN's town hall that she plans to implement a FEDERAL ban on price gouging, "punishing companies" for high prices on groceries and products. She provided no specifics, but in general does anyone agree that it is a good thing to give the government this kind of power? Have government enforced price controls ever worked anywhere? What do you think?

I disagree with it because I don't think it's possible to objectively define gouging.
A lot of states have anti-gouging statutes for things like fuel when there is a disaster, so I guess it has worked some. As for her proposal, doesn't really matter. The next POTUS will have a divided congress with neither having a 60 seat majority in the Senate so nothing in particular will get done other than trying to keep people in a perpetual state of angst.

I worry that at some point the democrats would have at least 51 votes in the Senate, a House majority, and a dem in the WH, and they would abolish the Senate filibuster and pretty much do as they please. They tried in 2021 and I think will try again with success. I can't see the GOP doing that, they are too divided and don't have the nads. But the Far Left would, those MFers are very determined to have their way.

As for the ban, has anybody ever been successfully prosecuted for that? One wonders if it would withstand scrutiny in court at the Supreme court level, if not in the lower courts. I think what we have here is pure political grandstanding by Ms Harris.
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Kamala clearly stated on CNN's town hall that she plans to implement a FEDERAL ban on price gouging, "punishing companies" for high prices on groceries and products. She provided no specifics, but in general does anyone agree that it is a good thing to give the government this kind of power? Have government enforced price controls ever worked anywhere? What do you think?
If she was given power to implement it--even her deep state Marxist minded manipulators will likely not go for that at least before they achieve full power--it would guarantee empty shelves at the grocery stores and, as Bill Maher described it, would result in us all standing in line for an hour for a potato.
Mostly as it would be impossible.

In the past when I've pointed out lies, people tell me "they all lie" as if that makes it OK.


It's not right or okay if both sides do it, but it is hypocritical to point out the other side's lies when your own side is just as guilty.
Companies can price gouge away as much as they want, as soon as the item passes my perceived value, I don't buy it.

All it's done is made us buy ingredients and everything we eat is homemade.
It's not right or okay if both sides do it, but it is hypocritical to point out the other side's lies when your own side is just as guilty.

Yes, it is.
Companies can price gouge away as much as they want, as soon as the item passes my perceived value, I don't buy it.

All it's done is made us buy ingredients and everything we eat is homemade.
That's a great plan if the item has a DIY option. Many things don't.
Kamala clearly stated on CNN's town hall that she plans to implement a FEDERAL ban on price gouging, "punishing companies" for high prices on groceries and products. She provided no specifics, but in general does anyone agree that it is a good thing to give the government this kind of power? Have government enforced price controls ever worked anywhere? What do you think?
I like the idea but I don't think she has any clue what type of an economic monkey wrench she's dealing with.

I remember when Nixon tried this and I also remember thousands of farmers across the Nation plowing their fields back under because it was cheaper for them to use it as fertilizer than it was for them to get it to the market.

Nobody saw that coming and there are things that will happen again that nobody will be able to predict that will create a catastrophic supply chain shortage to the grocery stores especially. That in turn will skyrocket the prices beyond all control either that or grocery stores will simply start locking their doors because there will be nothing on the shelves.
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