Does anyone believe that China will make the same mistakes that the West made in Afghanistan? We are about to see how global influence is done.


Diamond Member
Aug 6, 2012
Start with the Bush regime. How many profited from the war there with little benefit to U.S National Security?

Fast forward 20 years. Trillions spent, lives lost, resources and time spent. Biden was right to leave though the question of how prepared they were, leaves MUCH to be desired and it has done great damage.

I am willing to bet that China is going to use Afghanistan as their shining example to the world "look at how well we run this shytehole (as they extract and apply their Belt and Road initiative for Chinas benefit)". They will go full bore from day one and be rolling within months where the West failed.

it's a reminder of why so many supported Trump, even as his decisions in Afghanistan weren't stellar. We can bet that the withdrawal wouldn't have been as sloppy, nor would Taliban feel so bold.
Start with the Bush regime. How many profited from the war there with little benefit to U.S National Security?

Fast forward 20 years. Trillions spent, lives lost, resources and time spent. Biden was right to leave though the question of how prepared they were, leaves MUCH to be desired and it has done great damage.

I am willing to bet that China is going to use Afghanistan as their shining example to the world "look at how well we run this shytehole (as they extract and apply their Belt and Road initiative for Chinas benefit)". They will go full bore from day one and be rolling within months where the West failed.

it's a reminder of why so many supported Trump, even as his decisions in Afghanistan weren't stellar. We can bet that the withdrawal wouldn't have been as sloppy, nor would Taliban feel so bold.
Wanna bet?
Wanna bet?

They aren't interested in regime change. They aren't interested in human rights. They only about economic benefit and global influence.

Afghanistan will be a reasonable place for them to profit from. Sure they may be a few casualties when the radicals decide that China in their country is a problem, but, it will be minor relative to their benefit. Besides when did CCP concern themselves with that, as long as they are safe?
They aren't interested in regime change. They aren't interested in human rights. They only about economic benefit and global influence.

Afghanistan will be a reasonable place for them to profit from. Sure they may be a few casualties when the radicals decide that China in their country is a problem, but, it will be minor relative to their benefit. Besides when did CCP concern themselves with that, as long as they are safe?
Sure let China have a few decades of go's at it. Taiwan gets a reprieve.
Sure let China have a few decades of go's at it. Taiwan gets a reprieve.

I wish the reprieve for Taiwan would be the outcome, I don't see it. China shares a border with Afghanistan, they and Russia have already been working with the Taliban almost certainly for years, along with Iran and Pakistan who want the U.S driven out of the M.E.

The Taliban most likely feel beholden to them. These men were living in caves for almost 20 years, they had the will, but not the support. We can assume who was funding them bahind the scenes.

China isn't going to require a large amount of resources for this campaign. It's in their neck of the woods. They will use the Afghans primarily as an investment opportunity and geographic influence. They have been FAR smarter than the West in this understanding.

It might even be argued that America knew that China was growing in 2000 and so the best chance to enter Afghanistan was during this period where proxies could interfere (and everyome knew America was pissed and committed after 9/11). Now, however, we understand Chinas capabilities has drastically improved, especially if lead by Russia who have far better action expereince (they are partnering in joint drills in some cases Russians are driving Chinese technology just these last few days).

ln places they view making inroads in, be it Africa, South America, Middle East, the pacific orbit, it has always been about exerting influence and economic "deals". I even imagine it would be fun work acquiring these deals, not unlike ttying to steal accounts for a businesses competitor, (oh, that is a great feeling), but in this case, it is major operation with large countries. Hey, sales is sales.

America used to do this as well. Instead, Bush went in and the focus was multiple directions working with Afghans who were very brave when the U.S was on their side, but not foolish or courageous enough to deal with a Taliban who is backed by global powers. The pull out of that last air support closed the deal

If anything, Taiwan will just be bombarded with Chinese propaganda designed to sow doubt in the minds of Taiwanese. It's why it is angering me that the State Department basically undermined Bidens message on Taiwan. Taiwan and Japan would love to hear this. We can't lose our British/French moment when they returned to honor their agreements with Poand, The Czechs and others.

If this country can only get loud vocal support from Japan, where should those who want to assist in the battle for liberty in the world? Japan or Taiwan? I can't see America having as vital a role as they once did on the issue of influence (which really has countries spooked).

I imagine this is will the propaganda and influence peddling activities will occur, while China tries to strike fear more loudly in Taiwan. Taiwan and Japan will have to do the same via defense action as the threat arises.

The rest of the West must be there as well in these efforts. There are dozens of nations with interests in the South China Sea and Taiwans orbit, it's a much easier sell to those stakeholders with an even broader cooalition of the willing. As long as America leads. A cold war in some parts of the HK (generally stifled), far greater opportunity in Taiwan to create a buffer.
Start with the Bush regime. How many profited from the war there with little benefit to U.S National Security?

Fast forward 20 years. Trillions spent, lives lost, resources and time spent. Biden was right to leave though the question of how prepared they were, leaves MUCH to be desired and it has done great damage.

I am willing to bet that China is going to use Afghanistan as their shining example to the world "look at how well we run this shytehole (as they extract and apply their Belt and Road initiative for Chinas benefit)". They will go full bore from day one and be rolling within months where the West failed.

it's a reminder of why so many supported Trump, even as his decisions in Afghanistan weren't stellar. We can bet that the withdrawal wouldn't have been as sloppy, nor would Taliban feel so bold.
The Taliban is about to find out what a night without Vaseline really feels like....they are too stupid to keep breathing. China will absorb them like an amoeba absorbing a hapless food cell next to it. Want to try suicide bombing? Go ahead MFERS....what you will get is the destruction of an entire city of 100,000 people every time you try it....think it will stop fast? absofuckingloutely will.

Start with the Bush regime. How many profited from the war there with little benefit to U.S National Security?

Fast forward 20 years. Trillions spent, lives lost, resources and time spent. Biden was right to leave though the question of how prepared they were, leaves MUCH to be desired and it has done great damage.

I am willing to bet that China is going to use Afghanistan as their shining example to the world "look at how well we run this shytehole (as they extract and apply their Belt and Road initiative for Chinas benefit)". They will go full bore from day one and be rolling within months where the West failed.

it's a reminder of why so many supported Trump, even as his decisions in Afghanistan weren't stellar. We can bet that the withdrawal wouldn't have been as sloppy, nor would Taliban feel so bold.

China won't RUN Afghanistan.. They will just pay to exploit their natural resources. That used to be called the American model. We didn't screw around with their religion, government or traditions.
The Taliban is about to find out what a night without Vaseline really feels like....they are too stupid to keep breathing. China will absorb them like an amoeba absorbing a hapless food cell next to it. Want to try suicide bombing? Go ahead MFERS....what you will get is the destruction of an entire city of 100,000 people every time you try it....think it will stop fast? absofuckingloutely will.


You don't know your ass from a hot rock. China will be paying 50% on revenue from their mining concessions.
China won't RUN Afghanistan.. They will just pay to exploit their natural resources. That used to be called the American model. We didn't screw around with their religion, government or traditions.
Like Tibet? You don't understand China or it's goals.
Afghanistan is NOT Tibet.
Not yet, but clearly you are out of your depth. Tibet is road map of Chinese success, it too started over resources and flimsy excuses. You are trying desperately to fit them into your world view, but the world doesn't work that way.
Not yet, but clearly you are out of your depth. Tibet is road map of Chinese success, it too started over resources and flimsy e
xcuses. You are trying desperately to fit them into your world view, but the world doesn't work that way.

The Chinese have been building railroads, mining operations and power plants in Afghanistan for more than a decade.

When Dubya was fighting two wars they built Port Gwadar with its railroad hub.
The Chinese have been building railroads, mining operations and power plants in Afghanistan for more than a decade.

When Dubya was fighting two wars they built Port Gwadar with its railroad hub.
They aren't building for the Taliban, they are building them for themselves. They will take their time and slowly push in establish a Han presence and begin expanding. That is what they learned in Tibet, it took them 70 years to integrate it. Here they have the benefit to avoid the initial invasion. They also have the benefit of knowing nobody will come to stop them, just like Tibet. Those railroads carry troops just as easily as ore.
They aren't building for the Taliban, they are building them for themselves. They will take their time and slowly push in establish a Han presence and begin expanding. That is what they learned in Tibet, it took them 70 years to integrate it. Here they have the benefit to avoid the initial invasion. They also have the benefit of knowing nobody will come to stop them, just like Tibet. Those railroads carry troops just as easily as ore.

I know. China claims Tibet is part of China .. I disagree but Afghanistan has NEVER been part of China.

The Afghans will sabotage the shit out of them.
I know. China claims Tibet is part of China .. I disagree but Afghanistan has NEVER been part of China.

The Afghans will sabotage the shit out of them.
China had no legitimate claim, but they did have a ton battle hardened troops they needed out of the way. In the end it wasn't a military victory, it was the marginalization of the natives by the Han that decided it. The tribal nature of the Afghan people is exploitable.

No doubt the Chinese are counting on sabotage, it gives them a reason to protect their investments. China also finds itself with another problem they have too many males, the negative side effect of the one child policy. China is making a run on resources, they want to control them, not leave it up to the market.
China has made fools of and taken advantage of the west ever since the days of Mao tse Tung.

They have the best leadership of any nation in the world.....very clever, very smart and they think in the long term not the short term like the U.S. now supposedly led by a senile puppet.

In a nutshell China plays chess and the West plays checkers.

They will have no problem controlling Afghanistan....they will go about it invrementally and very slowly and carefully....hopefully they will not let the terrorists once again set up shop there....but I would not bet on it...they may in fact ally with the they are allied with the hermit kingdom.

The main thing the Western World does not know about china and it is very crucial......they are extremely ruthless and have little or no regard for human life.

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