Does being white make you a smug racist shit?


This tree will shoot you.
Aug 25, 2010
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
this will go over their heads
No biggie, civilized people can see through the bullshit and ignore it. Besides, if your answer were true, I would lose about half of my close friends.

As far as some of the posters on this forum, here's a good saying.

"A drop of poison can ruin a barrel of wine"

This place has more than a few drops, though, that's for sure.
Oz, calm down, there's a good boy. Being white doesn't make anyone a racist, being black doesn't make anyone a racist. Being stupid makes racists racist. It is the stupid, not the skin color, that counts.
No biggie, civilized people can see through the bullshit and ignore it. Besides, if your answer were true, I would lose about half of my close friends.

As far as some of the posters on this forum, here's a good saying.

"A drop of poison can ruin a barrel of wine"

This place has more than a few drops, though, that's for sure.

I disagree. The "drops of poison" here can easily be ignored and have no effect on the wisdom, humor and information that other posters provide. As far as I know we aren't in the running for message board of the year.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:
It's ironic that white trash are the ones who preach the loudest about white supremacy. They cite incarceration figures as their evidence of black people being inherently violent monkeys, but where o where do you see most tatted-up skinheads enjoying each other's company? :lol:
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Satirical, used in a sentence:

I was hot tired and sweaty, so I satirical off.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Of course he is, he brought up the dick stereotype. Another stereotype is that blacks think with their dicks, is that true?
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.

Great thread thank you! I have noticed a large number of racists on this forum. Yet, I'm thinking that one of the biggest racists on this forum is a black female.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.

What they say about penises is that black penises are, in fact, slightly larger than white ones, on average. Though the difference is not as much as whites think, because the flaccid black male penis is closer in size to the erect black male penis. Does look more intimidating in the shower.

But you know, if you can accept that blacks have slightly larger penises, why couldn't you accept that whites are, on average smarter? Or better at building civil societies?

I think a lot of this discussion is clouded by ad hominems like "supremacist" and "bigot." First, it's not "supremacist" to simply point out FACTS about racial differences, like the far higher rate of crime for blacks or Hispanics. Or IQ differences.

Second, you never hear anyone complain that blacks are "supremacist" for being highly ethnocentric. Just whites. Any other racial group wants to strike out on its own? That's wonderful! Whites want that? They're evil "supremacists"!

This crap has to stop.
No biggie, civilized people can see through the bullshit and ignore it. Besides, if your answer were true, I would lose about half of my close friends.

As far as some of the posters on this forum, here's a good saying.

"A drop of poison can ruin a barrel of wine"

This place has more than a few drops, though, that's for sure.

Have you ever attempted to engage in an actual conversation with a person who (gasp!) doesn't share your views?


Maybe we can try, Korrupt/Marcellus.

Are you game?

I calmly and rationally expressed some of my concerns, as a white person, in another thread. I saw no response from you (maybe one's up, haven't checked).

Forgive my skepticism, but usually in America when they call for a "discussion on race", it's pretty much a one-way conversation: black folks lecture whites, and whites grovel.
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That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Satirical, used in a sentence:

I was hot tired and sweaty, so I satirical off.
Not bad for a monkey. :thup:
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Of course he is, he brought up the dick stereotype. Another stereotype is that blacks think with their dicks, is that true?
:confused: I thought all men did.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.


You are a little confused, here. Whites do not really need to worry about how they look. It is the severely ethnic boys who always are trying to "Yo Be Stylin!!" who are the ones who worry about appearances.

Whites are able to identify substance in life rather then be taken up with the feminized pursuits of mere appearnaces like the Hood boys do. Lol. "Yo! Check Mah Bling!! Mah Grill!!"
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.

No, being white makes you Homo marriage supporting closet Fag racist.,impotent transexual wannabe misoygynist.
Butt hole lover and surfer asshole effeminate
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Oz, calm down, there's a good boy. Being white doesn't make anyone a racist, being black doesn't make anyone a racist. Being stupid makes racists racist. It is the stupid, not the skin color, that counts.
Did you even bother to read my post?

No biggie, civilized people can see through the bullshit and ignore it. Besides, if your answer were true, I would lose about half of my close friends.

As far as some of the posters on this forum, here's a good saying.

"A drop of poison can ruin a barrel of wine"

This place has more than a few drops, though, that's for sure.

I disagree. The "drops of poison" here can easily be ignored and have no effect on the wisdom, humor and information that other posters provide. As far as I know we aren't in the running for message board of the year.
With posters such as yourself, the sure is the truth.
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:
I'm Australian. On that note, I don't think you will be winning any friends but the the racist trashy lot that post here with jokes in such bad taste as that. :eusa_whistle:
That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.
Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Of course he is, he brought up the dick stereotype. Another stereotype is that blacks think with their dicks, is that true?
Because you've never heard an Asian guy or a white guy bring up the dick stereotype. Now I see how your thought process works: Guy mentions black penis stereotype= guy must be black. What if I had mentioned pizza? Would you then surmise that I am Italian?

That's the impression I'm starting to get from the titles of the threads on this forum. A few bad apple white supremacists obsessing over black people. I tell you, cocksuckers, you are a credit to your race.

The obsessive supremacist messages you spew on here do nothing to make your lot look any better than the people you demonize on a daily basis.

Obviously the title of the thread is satirical (look that one up in a dictionary, as I know you don't know what it even means), but on the whole you white supremacists are not just the assholes of your race, but you are the assholes of the human race, lower than anyone you look down on.

As I'm sure this message will be dismissed, get red-herrings, and all manner of ad hominem, I'll just tell it like it is: You are jealous about the bigger penis issue. :lol:

Troll away, limp-dicks.

What they say about penises is that black penises are, in fact, slightly larger than white ones, on average. Though the difference is not as much as whites think, because the flaccid black male penis is closer in size to the erect black male penis. Does look more intimidating in the shower.
I think the differences are exaggerated by popular culture. I also think that difference in test scores/ IQ are played up for malfeasant reasons, and by deviant white supremacists...
But you know, if you can accept that blacks have slightly larger penises, why couldn't you accept that whites are, on average smarter?
Because grey matter is very different to a physical attribute on the outside of the body. The only way you could come to the conclusion that you come to is through illogical conclusions. "If A has big penis and B has small penis, then A has smaller IQ, and B has higher IQ. I'll assume you have taken basic logic classes and can recognized that your whole premise is fallacious.
Or better at building civil societies?
You mean those things that only came about in many cases over the last 50 years after one of the bloodiest wars in human history? Seems like you are using a relatively short time of prosperity in the scope of human history to draw the conclusion that one race is at the height of civility when it comes to societies.
I think a lot of this discussion is clouded by ad hominems like "supremacist" and "bigot."
Ad hominems are often counterproductive in the face of legitimate argument, but as your argument is not at all legitimate, I imagine you will see a lot more ad hominems in the hear future.
First, it's not "supremacist" to simply point out FACTS about racial differences, like the far higher rate of crime for blacks or Hispanics.
Did you know that there are high crime rates in Russia? And I'm not talking about Muslim minorities. I'm talking about white Russians.
Or IQ differences.
You seem to put a lot of credence and faith in these IQ tests.

A Brief History of Intelligence Testing, Page 2 of 2 - Associated Content from Yahoo! -

The IQ test is a work in progress, always being revised (mainly to accrue more accurate results). One of the primary elements of it is verbal. If someone is uneducated or has subpar education, one may be very intelligent, but that is not going to be reflected in the test they took. But you don't want to read into this, you just want to say "whites are smarter." The same attitude you exhibit was what the British had towards the Irish because they spoke Gaelic and weren't "cultured." Imagine if a standard IQ test had been around back then, and administered by the British to the Irish back during the potato famine.
Second, you never hear anyone complain that blacks are "supremacist" for being highly ethnocentric. Just whites.
There are some black ethnocentric types, to be sure. Look up the definition of the word "supremacy." I'll do it for you since I doubt you would.

Supremacism is the belief that a particular race, religion, gender, sexual orientation, belief system or culture is superior to others and entitles those who identify with it to dominate, control or rule those who do not. Kind of like bragging about how one is so much smarter than someone of a different skin color based on a questionable test. If a person arrogantly believes one is smarter than another by virtue of skin color, one is in the belief that one holds supremacy over that individual.
Any other racial group wants to strike out on its own? That's wonderful! Whites want that? They're evil "supremacists"!
The "striking out on your own" factor is not what makes you a supremacist, as I have just demonstrated. If it was just about strking out on your own, you wouldn't even be here pulling IQ statistics out of your derriere.
This crap has to stop.
You've got that right.

Wait a cannot possibly be black dude would know the meaning of satirical. :lol:

Of course he is, he brought up the dick stereotype. Another stereotype is that blacks think with their dicks, is that true?
:confused: I thought all men did.
That's a nasty stereotype perpetuated by lesbians/ feminists (same thing, right?).:cool:

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